ECommerce and Telecom Tax Overview

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ECommerce and Telecom Tax Overview


Internet Business Today Trends & Stats. Local Gov't Concerns & Constraints ... Bloomingdale's v. Dept. of Revenue, 567 A.2d 773 (1989), aff'd without opinion ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: ECommerce and Telecom Tax Overview

E-Commerce and Telecom Tax Overview
  • Professor Annette Nellen
  • Online class Bus 223E
  • Summer 2005

  • The Big Picture
  • Internet Business Today Trends Stats
  • Local Govt Concerns Constraints
  • Framing the Internet Taxation Issues
  • Active Proposals Projects
  • Concluding Observations
  • The lesson focuses on some local issues as this
    is what is driving some activities today, such as
    the Streamlined Sales Tax Project.

The Big Picture
  • What is e-business?
  • Why does e-business challenge our tax rules?

  • Not just, but also
  • Hardware
  • Software
  • Telecommunications infrastructure
  • Transaction facilitation (such as EBay, security,
    advertisers, electronic payment)
  • Search engines
  • Web hosting
  • Internet service providers
  • Retailers and wholesalers of tangible and
    intangible items
  • Service providers

The E-Commerce Model Can Change Tax Results
Tax challenges of e-business
  • Location
  • Fewer needed thus, less taxing points
  • Some needed assets are mobile
  • More custom inventories thus, less storage
  • Less vertical integration thus, more
  • More global purchases and sales

Tax challenges of e-business
  • Transaction methodology
  • Possibility of anonymous transactions
    verification and paper trail issues
  • Increased bartering tax challenges
  • Easy to reach out to large geographically
    dispersed customer base
  • Greater number of remote sales
  • Occasional sale versus active seller

Tax challenges of e-business
  • Nature of products
  • Digitized (intangible) versus physical products
  • In CA reduction in sales tax base
  • Storage needs greatly reduced fewer physical
  • P.L. 86-272 nexus rule for income tax doesnt
    apply to intangibles

Tax challenges of e-business
  • Workforce
  • May be scattered across the globe taxing
    points? More business license locations?
  • Taxable presence where employees are?
  • Technology
  • Businesses track customer purchases
  • Usable to also calculate and collect sales tax?
  • Improved buying systems for governments?

Has technology outpaced sales and use tax
  • YES
  • System is dependent on physical location now
    businesses have fewer physical locations
  • The tax applies predominantly to physical goods,
    but today services and intangibles are key
    consumption items
  • Usually destination-based yet today, physical
    location of buyer isnt important for transfers
    of intangibles and services
  • Too many sets of rules that would apply if nexus
    were broadened. Lots of sets of rules worked
    before because only large companies were subject
    to them.

Summary of e-commerce and tax concerns
  • http//

  • The Big Picture
  • Internet Business Today Trends Stats
  • Local Govt Concerns Constraints
  • Framing the Internet Taxation Issues
  • Active Proposals Projects
  • Concluding Observations

E-Business Today
  • E-commerce sales
  • up 28 from 2003
  • 1.9 of total retail sales
  • 2001 93 of e-commerce B-B
  • Weekend following Thanksgiving 2003 more
    shopped online than inline

E-Business Today
  • Growth of multichannel retailers
  • Customers want to buy online and return at the
  • Leads the online store to create a physical

E-Business Today
  • 23 growth in micropayment revenue from 2003
  • 73 of CA residents have high-speed Internet
    access available to them 13 17 subscribe to
    such access
  • Boost to CA economy expected from greater
    broadband deployment

  • The Big Picture
  • Internet Business Today Trends Stats
  • Local Govt Concerns Constraints
  • Framing the Internet Taxation Issues
  • Active Proposals Projects
  • Concluding Observations

Local Govt Concerns
  • CA state and local tax revenue loss from
  • Bruce Fox 2.1 billion for 2003
  • up to 33 billion for 2008
  • Direct Marketing Association (DMA) about 9x too
  • Tax cheating on rise
  • 1999 11 say ok to cheat on tax return
  • 2003 13

Differences in data
  • Some of the differences between the UT and DMA
    estimates are due to DMA using a higher tax
    compliance rate for businesses and recognizing
    the likely growth of multi-channel, clicks and
    bricks commerce where consumers want to be able
    to buy online but return at a physical store
    which will lead retailers to have nexus in the
    state for their online operations and be required
    to collect sales tax (rather than the consumer
    having to self-report use tax). Another
    difference is that DMA suggests that billions of
    dollars of EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)
    activity among businesses should have been
    excluded as not being Internet sales.1
  • 1 Dr. Peter A. Johnson, Direct Marketing
    Association, A Current Calculation of
    Uncollected of Uncollected Sales Tax Arising from
    Internet Growth, March 2003 available at

Local Govt Constraints
  • Federal nexus restrictions from Due Process and
    Commerce Clauses
  • Telecom Act of 1996
  • Local no tax on Direct Broadcast Satellite
  • No barrier to entry
  • Internet Tax Moratorium
  • Bradley-Burns CA cities must use state sales
    tax base
  • Various propositions 13, 218 place voting
    constraints on tax increases

  • The Big Picture
  • Internet Business Today Trends Stats
  • Local Govt Concerns Constraints
  • Framing the Internet Taxation Issues
  • Active Proposals Projects
  • Concluding Observations

Framing the Issues
  • The Tax Formula
  • Customer Desires
  • Telecom
  • Vocal players and politics

Framing the Issues The Tax Formula
  • Tax Base x Rate
  • IF
  • Have authority to tax!!

Framing the Issues Authority to Tax -
Nexus 101
  • Connection between jdx and entity such that is
    permissible for govt to impose its laws on the
  • States have rules that help define that
  • Income tax see P.L. 86-272 if tangible personal
    property is being sold
  • Sales tax Quill (US S. Ct. 1992) if have a
    physical presence that is more than slight

Nexus not always easy to interpret state statute
  • Borders and California Nexus
  • In 2003 in the Matter of the Petition for
    Redetermination under the Sales and Use Tax Law
    of Borders Online, Inc. (SC OHA 97-638364), the
    Board found that because Borders accepted returns
    of purchases from, nexus existed. The
    statement was found on-line in July 1999, but was
    removed in August 1999. The Board found such
    activities to be an integral part of the selling
    process (people are more likely to buy online if
    they can return to a store) and that
    had a physical presence in California (through
    the in-state affiliate). The appeal was heard and
    decided by the First Appellate District in May
    2005 and affirmed.
  • Borders Online was formed in 2001 as a Delaware
    corporation, headquartered in Michigan, to be
    Internet Company for Borders (it is a successor
    in interest to Borders Online, Inc.). Online and
    Borders are affiliated corporations owned by the
    same corporation. Most likely, one of the reasons
    why Online was set up as a separate corporation
    was to limit the number of states in which it
    would have to collect sales tax, based on such
    precedent as SFA Folio Collections, Inc. v.
    Bannon, 585 A.2d 666 (Conn. 1991), cert. denied,
    501 U.S. 1223 (1991), SFA Folio Collections v.
    Tracy, 652 N.E.2d 693 (SCt Ohio 1995), and
    Bloomingdale's v. Dept. of Revenue, 567 A.2d 773
    (1989), aff'd without opinion 591 A.2d 1047
    (Penn. 1991), cert. denied, 504 U.S. 955 (1992).
    Online had no employees or property in CA.
  • In 1998 and 1999, Online sold over 1.5 million
    of merchandise over the Internet to CA consumers.
    Its website noted that goods could be returned to
    any Borders (physical) store. Borders did not
    charge Online for this service. This note was
    removed from Onlines website on 8/11/99. Borders
    also included a notation on its sales receipts to
    visit us online at

Borders Online contd
  • Issues before the court were (1) whether Borders
    activities were for the purpose of selling
    Onlines goods, and (2) whether Online had
    sufficient presence in the state, through
    Borders, to justify that it was required to
    collect sales/use tax.
  • The court agreed with the SBE that since Borders
    only handled returns for Online per the terms on
    Onlines website, it was acting as Onlines
    authorized agent. A formal arrangement is not
    needed because an agency relationship can be
    implied based on conduct and circumstances and no
    written agreement is needed.
  • The handling of returns for Online caused Borders
    to be selling for purposes of 6203(c)(2),
    because it was an integral part of getting
    customers to buy online. Online argued that it
    was not allowed to produce evidence that Borders
    reason for taking the returns was unrelated to
    encouraging sales. No evidence was produced when
    required and the court noted that even if the
    return policy provided some benefit to Borders
    (for example, it got a customer into their
    store), it could have still induce Online
    customers to buy from Online.
  • Online noted that unlike the situations in Tyler
    Pipe Industries v. Dept. of Revenue, 483 U.S. 232
    (1987) and Scripto, Inc. v. Carson, 362 U.S. 207
    (1960), Borders was not actually making any sales
    for Online. The court viewed that perspective as
    too narrow noting that per Tyler Pipe one is to
    look at whether the activities of the retailers
    in-state people are significantly associated
    with its ability to establish and maintain a
    market in the state for the sales.
  • The court did not find the returns policy here
    similar to SFA Folio Collection where the store
    took returns from the catalog operation under its
    own policy and for its benefit.

Borders Online contd
  • Query Is this holding a proper interpretation
    under RT 6203(c)(2)? RT 6203(a) provides
    that every retailer engaged in business in this
    state and making sales of tangible personal
    property for storage, use, or other consumption
    in this state, not exempted shall collect the
    tax from the purchaser. RT 6203(c)(2)
    provides that retailer engaged in business in
    this state includes any retailer having any
    representative, agent, salesperson, canvasser,
    independent contractor, or solicitor operating in
    this state under the authority of the retailer or
    its subsidiary for the purpose of selling,
    delivering, installing, assembling, or the taking
    of orders for any tangible personal property.
    Clearly, Online is a retailer. Also, noting on
    its website that Borders will handle returns
    appears to make it an agent or representative,
    but was Borders selling for Online?
  • The court stated The Board appears to have
    thoroughly considered the meaning of the term,
    and its reasoning that the act of selling
    encompasses offering other inducements to
    purchase is consistent with at least one later
    pronouncement. (Boards Boarder Opn., supra, Cal.
    Tax Rptr. (CCH) 403-191 at p. 29.974 In the
    Matter of the Petn. For Redetermination Under the
    Sales and Use Tax Law of Barnes Noble.Com
    (Sept. 12, 2002) 2000-2003 Transfer Binder Cal.
    Tax Rptr. (CCH) 403-325, pp. 30,447, 30,450
    bookstores distribution of discount coupon on
    behalf of affiliated Internet retailer was
    integral to selling efforts and thus constituted

Borders Online contd
  • There was no evidence of whether sales occurred
    at Online due to the return policy. Is an offer
    to handle a return the same sales inducement as
    providing a coupon (which in Barnes Noble.Com,
    the Board found to be more than advertising)?
    Does selling mean offering inducements to
    sales, or actually making sales, as was done in
    Scripto (independent contractors taking orders)
    and Scholastic (teachers taking orders and
    collecting payment for the bookseller)1? Of
    course, those cases were looking at the in-state
    persons actions and relationship with the
    out-of-state retailer to determine if an agency
    relationship existed, not whether selling was
    involved (because taking orders is unquestionably
  • Does RT 6203 need to be modified again to be
    clearer? Should it say selling or inducing or
    promoting sales rather than just selling? Of
    course, given the 2005 Borders Online decision,
    there would appear to be no need to clarify it
    other than to avoid litigation in the future.
    Such a change would appear to be permissible
    within the Due Process and Commerce Clause given
    that 6203 requires the physical presence of an
    agent or representative in the state. Also, the
    proposed new language ties to maintaining a
    market in the state as required by the U.S.
    Supreme Court (In Tyler Pipe, supra, the Court
    stated The crucial factor governing nexus is
    whether the activities performed in this state on
    behalf of the taxpayer are significantly
    associated with the taxpayers ability to
    establish and maintain a market in this state for
    the sales.)
  • 1 Scholastic Book Clubs, Inc. v. State Board
    of Equalization, 207 Cal App 3d 734, 255 Cal Rptr
    77 (CA Ct App, 1989).

Framing the Issues The Tax Base
  • Varies from state to state
  • Issues often arise wrt telecom and technology
  • Frequent changes

Framing the Issues Customer Desires
  • Why shop online
  • Save time
  • Shop when stores are closed
  • Better prices
  • Greater selection and easier to find
  • Compare prices easily
  • Have product shipped directly to recipient
  • List doesnt include to avoid/evade taxes!
  • Flexibility shop online and return to store
  • New things Ebay, download media, enormous 24/7
    bookstore, online education, etc.

Framing the Issues Telecom and Internet Access
  • Digital divide
  • VoIP federal and state activity
  • 3 federal excise tax
  • Internet tax moratorium

Digital Divide
  • SB 1563 (2002 Chapter 674)
  • CPUC to investigate plan to encourage widespread
    availability and use of advanced communications
    so citizens have access to state-of-art
  • Report was issued in May 2005

Comments to the CPUC
  • Dominant broadband providers are unregulated
    cable providers
  • Infrastructure must be competitively and
    technologically neutral
  • Policy must treat all providers alike
  • Need staggering amounts of capital for CAs
    telecom infrastructure
  • Tax incentives can help

VoIP - Federal
  • Issues
  • Who should regulate federal or state?
  • How much regulation?
  • Federal moratorium on state and local taxes?
  • Regulated telecom or unregulated information
  • Must providers contribute to universal service
  • What about privacy, security and law enforcement

VoIP - California
  • CPUC considering the appropriate regulatory
    framework to govern VoIP
  • Estimate VoIP will be 40 of total intrastate
    telecom revenues by 2008 in CA leading to
    significant revenue loss for CPUC programs

CPUC Commissioner Susan P. Kennedy 3/04
  • VoIP changes everything we know about
    telecommunications today the technology, the
    regulations, the economics even the language.
  • Voice is becoming free bundled with something
    else, such as cable.
  • We have a small window of opportunity, while
    PSTN is still dominant network platform for voice
    services, to develop a new regulatory structure.
    We have no time to waste debating whether VoIP is
    a telecommunications service or an information
    service. It is both. It is neither. And it
    doesn't matter anymore.
  • We need a new way to determine who should bear
    the responsibility of meeting important public
    policy objectives like 911 and universal service.
  • Need to eliminate regulation that is no longer
  • http//

NCSL Telecom Resolution
  • Principle 5 States must mitigate potential loss
    of revenue to local govt from telecom tax
  • 7 States need to simplify, reform and
    modernize state and local telecom tax systems to
    encourage economic development, reduce
    impediments to entry, and ensure access to
    advanced telecom infrastructure and services
    through the US.

3 Federal Excise Tax
  • IRS considering updating its regs to reflect
    todays technology
  • What is subject to the tax?
  • several courts tax n/a if charge not based on
    both distance and time
  • 1 court tax applies because intent was to tax
    all long distance commercial services but
    overturned on appeal (11th Circuit)
  • IRS tax remains payable

Relevance to UUT
  • CA Utility User Tax based on federal excise
  • So, if 3 not owed, UUT not owed either
  • Expansion of VoIP
  • Less UUT will be collected by cities
  • Less 911 fees collected

Internet Tax Moratorium
  • Renewed now expires 11/1/07
  • Prohibits state and local govts from taxing
    Internet access fees

More on moratorium
  • Provisions include
  • A provision was added that the term Internet
    access service does not include
    telecommunications services, except to the extent
    such services are purchased, used, or sold by a
    provider of Internet access to provide Internet
  • This change is due to confusion over whether DSL
    services are covered by the original moratorium
    language. Some states tax DSL on the basis that
    it consists of both Internet access services and
    telecom services. DSL providers argue that such
    treatment puts them at competitive disadvantage
    with cable modem and direct satellite providers.
  • VoIP new law adds Nothing in this Act shall be
    construed to affect the imposition of tax on a
    charge for voice or similar service utilizing
    Internet Protocol or any successor protocol. This
    section shall not apply to any services that are
    incidental to Internet access, such as
    voice-capable e-mail or instant messaging.
  • Requires the GAO to conduct a study due 11/1/05
    of the impact of the moratorium on state and
    local governments and broadband deployment.

Vocal Players and Politics
  • Efforts exist to
  • Regulate or not regulate telecom and related
  • Limit taxation of Internet and related activities
  • Streamline sales tax systems
  • Define nexus nationally for business activity
    taxes and income taxes

  • The Big Picture
  • Internet Business Today Trends Stats
  • Local Govt Concerns Constraints
  • Framing the Internet Taxation Issues
  • Active Proposals Projects
  • Concluding Observations

Active Proposals of Note
  • SSTP
  • Nexus legislative proposals
  • Promoting deployment of technology
  • International activities

Streamlined Sales Tax Project
  • Started in 2000
  • 42 states DC participate, incl CA
  • As of 2/05, 21 states have enacted all or part of
    the conforming legislation. For more information,
    see http//
  • At its July 2005 meeting, the project moved
    forward with an expected start date for the
    Governing Board of 10/1/05.
  • Doesnt require remote vendors to collect use tax

SSTP - 2
  • Becomes effective once 10 states representing 20
    of population of sales tax states adopt
  • Once each of the 10 states certified to be in
    compliance Governing Board will exist to
    interpret Agreement
  • 1 vote per state
  • SSTP wants Congress to help by reversing Quill

SSTP - 4
  • California concerns
  • Governing Board may conflict with role of CA
    legislature and BOE
  • Also, 1 vote per state
  • Model would require significant changes to
    current law, including requiring use of
    destination basis
  • Must compensate certified service providers and
    sellers for reporting and collecting

SSTP - 5
  • Arguments for SSTP
  • Provides certainty and simplification for
  • Compensation for vendors
  • Provides technological solutions to simplify
    assessment and collection process

SSTP - 6
  • Arguments against SSTP
  • Uncollected use tax not as high as some people
  • SSTP doesnt apply to remove vendors anyway
  • Some states have protectionist laws that impede
    e-commerce (it is not just SUT)
  • Isnt a one-rate-per-state solution as
    originally promised
  • Destination-based sourcing will be complicated
    for some vendors (and create winners and losers
    among local jurisdictions

SSTP - 7
  • More arguments against the SSTP
  • Exemptions still allowed if for a specifically
    defined category
  • Thus, continued work for vendors to track
  • Growth of multichannel e-commerce vendors will
    decrease number of remote vendors so more SUT
    will be collected. Is SSTP still needed?

Nexus Legislation - 1
  • AB 2061 must have a physical presence to have
  • Similar to federal H.R. 1956 (109th Cong)
  • Generally, not present until in CA over 21 days
    although some activities exempt which will make
    some days not count towards the 21
  • Recordkeeping needed to track days
  • Intrusive to audit
  • FTB revenue estimate for 08-09
  • (525 million)

Nexus Legislation - 2
  • AB 2061 more from FTB
  • appears to be changing tax policy from
    benefiting in state activity to benefiting
    out-of-state activity. The policy behind changing
    the apportionment formula from a single-weighted
    sales factor to a double-weighted sales factor
    was to provide a benefit to corporations with
    significant property and payroll in California.
    This bill instead provides a benefit to
    corporations headquartered outside of California,
    and could provide an incentive to move jobs
    outside the state.

Nexus Legislation - 3
  • MTC factor presence nexus standard nexus
    exists if
  • Organized or commercially domiciled in a state,
  • Has either (i) 50K of property, (ii) 50K of
    payroll, (iii) 500K of sales, or (iv) 25 of
    total property, payroll or sales in the state

Nexus Legislation - 4
  • MTC s draft affiliate nexus proposal remote
    vendor has nexus for use tax collection if
  • Vendor related to an in-state business
    maintaining 1 or more locations in the state, and
  • Vendor and in-state business use an identical or
    substantially similar name, TN, TM or goodwill to
    develop, promote, or maintain sales, OR the
    in-state business and the out-of-state vendor
    share a common business plan or substantially
    coordinate their business plans, or the in-state
    business provides services to, or that inure to
    the benefit of, the out-of-state business related
    to developing, promoting, or maintaining the
    in-state market.

Nexus Legislation - 5
  • H.R. 1956
  • Expands P.L. 86-272
  • other business activity taxes
  • Nexus if
  • Incorporated or commercially domiciled in state
  • Physically present
  • 21 day rule with several exceptions

Nexus Legislation - 6
  • Arguments for H.R. 1956
  • Federal definition provides simplicity to
    businesses and reduces likelihood of double
  • Physical presence means tax imposed only if
    receive benefits and protections from the state.
  • No revenue loss.
  • Similar to permanent establishment (PE) approach
    used for intl transactions

Nexus Legislation - 7
  • Arguments against H.R. 1956
  • Natl League of Cities annual revenue loss to
    local govts of 60 billion
  • Violates federalism principles
  • Ignores long-standing law of taxing
    income-producing activities sourced to a state
  • Market states do provide benefits to vendors
  • Physical presence not necessarily simple

Promotion of Technology
  • Broadband
  • Generally means 4x faster than phone modem
  • Cable modem, DSL, satellite, wireless, and
    electric power lines
  • Some debate on whether it needs promotion
  • More users, more will be created
  • Benefits to economy
  • Cost
  • Will it grow on its own?

Agenda Last Part!
  • The Big Picture
  • Internet Business Today Trends Stats
  • Local Govt Concerns Constraints
  • Framing the Internet Taxation Issues
  • Active Proposals Projects
  • Concluding Observations

Concluding Observations - 1
  • World is changing
  • More global activities
  • New types of transactions and ways of doing
  • Borders and physical location losing importance
  • Rethink tax base
  • Ultimately, all taxes are paid by individuals
    but how should we effectively make this happen?
  • Why put energies into shrinking tax bases such as
    with SUT and regulated telecom?

Concluding Observations - 2
  • We need to separate difficult problems from
    unsolvable ones.

Always consider principles of good tax policy.
Tax Policy Analysis
  • See separate file posted along with this ppt file
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