Title: Timeline for WTO Doha Development Agenda
1Timeline for WTO Doha Development Agenda
Launch of Doha Development Round November,
2001 In Doha, Qatar, the 4th WTO Ministerial
Conference launched the Doha Development Round of
negotiations. A Ministerial is the highest level
decision body of the WTO. It is convened at
least once every 2 years as required by the
Marrakesh Agreement that established the WTO.
5th Ministerial Conference in Cancun Mexico
September, 2003 The goal of the 5th Ministerial
was to evaluate progress on negotiations in the
Doha Development Round. The talks ended in a
standstill no progress was made and the
deadline of January 1, 2005 for implementing all
outcomes of the Doha Development Round was no
longer realistic.
July Framework Meeting July, 2004 The goal of
the July Framework meeting was to determine how
to proceed with the Doha round after the deadlock
in Cancun. Current negotiations are based on
language from the July Framework. This meeting
also determined that the next Ministerial would
be held in Hong Kong in December, 2005.
Hong Kong Ministerial December, 2005 All aspects
of the Doha Development Agenda negotiated thus
far will be decided upon at the Hong Kong
Ministerial in December, 2005. This meeting will
be a crucial step towards concluding the Doha
Development Round of negotiations.