Title: PBL2006 and Beyond
1PBL2006 and Beyond
- PBL2000David Chapman, Samford University
- PBL2002George Watson, University of Delaware
- PBL2004Enrique León and Rodrigo Polanco, ITESM
- PBL2006Juan Carlos Crespo, Pontificia
Universidad Católica del Perú
2Samford University
- Largest privately supported and fully accredited
institution for higher learning in Alabama - Eight colleges and schools arts and sciences,
business, divinity, education, law, music,
nursing and pharmacy - Over 20 degree programs with more than 80 majors
are offered to 4366 students from 42 states and
22 nations - 236 million in endowment
- Ranked fifth in the South by US News
3Samford Universitys Journey with PBL
- 1998-2001 The Pew Charitable Trusts awarded one
million dollars to Samford University to support
its problem-based learning initiative on campus - Over 100 faculty participate in the redesign of
dozens of courses using PBL methods - Samford sent scouts to Aalborg U. (Denmark),
Newcastle U. (Australia) - Established international clearinghouse for PBL
4Samford University A PBL Leader
- PBL has been adopted across the curriculum in
nursing, pharmacy, and education over 60 of
courses in arts and sciences use PBL - Numerous faculty have presented their experiences
with PBL nationally and internationally - An international clearinghouse for PBL
www.samford.edu/pbl established in 1998 continues
to be a valuable resource to faculty around the
5- 650 Participants
- 119 Presentations including plenary speeches by
- Lee Shulman
- Trudy Banta
- Wim Gijselaers
- Barbara Duch
- Russ Edgerton
6Conference Evaluation (n 307)
- Opportunities for effective learning Very Good
(48.2) - Overall content of PBL2000 Very Good (47.2)
- Pre-conference publicity Very Good (35.3)
- Conference organization Outstanding (39.5)
- Registration materials Very Good (47.3)
- Conference timing Very Good (41.7)
- Opportunities for effective learning Very Good
(48.2) - Food Good (32.2)
- Conference meeting facilities Very Good (44.5)
- Conference hotel Very Good (42.1)
- Birmingham as conference site Very Good (37.3)
7PBL2000 Conference Highlights
- Keynote Speaker
- Plenary Sessions
- Pre-conference Sessions
- Opportunities to Network
- Diversity of Topics
8Samford Universitys Perspective on PBL2000s
- Early Start
- Varied Marketing Campaign
- Teamwork
- Resources
- Enthusiasm
9Participants 400 Institutions 95 Countries 26
3½ day conference 1 day preconference workshops
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12200 workshops, papers, and presentation
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14Early-bird 595 Registration 695 Pre-conference
50 - 80
15rates 117 - 185
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- 2004
19Riviera Maya Cancún, Mexico June 13-19, 2004
2 days workshops 21/2 days paper, panel and
poster presentations
174 attendants
20Keynote speakers
- Marisa Martín
- Peter Bouhuijs
- Sara Sage
- George Watson
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Cancun, Mexico Hosted by Tec de
Monterrey Panelists Enrique Leon Rodrigo Polanco
31PBL2006 proposal
Lima, Perú Hosted by Pontificia Universidad
Católica del Perú Panelists Juan Carlos Crespo
32Pan-American Association of PBL
A modest proposal
33Pan-American Association of PBL
Suggestion is based on success ofAsia-Pacific
Conference on PBL Annual rotation among
countries Typically in December through early
Spring Location of next APC-PBL?
34Pan-American Association of PBL
Objectives Strengthen interaction and
collaboration of higher education across North
and South America. Support and promote continued
development of PBL in Spanish-speaking
world. Regularize offerings of bi-annual
international PBL conference.
35Pan-American Association of PBL
First steps Create advisory board with
self-selected representatives from PBL200X host
institutions to date. Create a listserv and
website to serve membership. Draw at-large
members onto the advisory board by election.
36Pan-American Association of PBL
Next steps Support PBL2006 and
beyond Identification of future
venues Scheduling Assistance with program
37Pan-American Association of PBL
Longer range Develop base of support for PBL20XX
conferences. Membership dues Modest cut of
conference proceeds Support development of global
PBL association