CT30675E Application Development for the Web - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CT30675E Application Development for the Web


... 1h', -path= '/cgi-bin/database', -domain= '.capricorn.org', -secure= 1) ... SHTTP resists clear text attacks, replaying and man-in-the-middle attacks. 6/14/09 ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CT30675E Application Development for the Web

CT30675E Application Developmentfor the Web
  • Week 11Security (Part II)

Whats in store this week
  • (Brief) Review of Week 10
  • Sessions Security
  • Cookies
  • Anatomy of a Cookie
  • Using Perl to manipulate Cookies
  • Practical Security
  • Perl Taint Mode
  • Authentication
  • .htaccess, .htpassword

(Brief) Review of Week 10
  • Introduction to Security
  • Importance
  • Motives
  • Snooping
  • Disruption
  • Espionage
  • Stealing resources
  • Some sample risks
  • Server-side
  • Browser-side

(Brief) Review of Week 10
  • Risks (Cont)
  • Interception
  • Sniffing
  • Spoofing/MitM
  • Replaying
  • Invalid Input
  • Back Door
  • Browser Histories
  • Principles
  • Trust No-one
  • Trade-offs
  • Make it Simple
  • Built in from start

  • A provisional schedule for presentations has been
    published. Please check it and inform us of any
  • You must attend your presentation to pass!
  • Late attendance will not be accepted

Sessions Security
  • Last week, some major concepts of security were
  • This week, it is the intention to provide insight
    into some practical solutions to some of these
  • But first a little about how to store information
    between different web pages on your site...

  • Web pages are stateless - they cannot store
    information between page changes.
  • Except by holding it in a form (as hidden fields
    perhaps), and passing it onto any following pages
    using GET or POST.
  • Cookies are a mechanism by which state can be
    stored between web pages.
  • Cookies are plain text files, stored on the
    clients computer.

  • Web pages or CGI scripts can store and retrieve
    data by using cookies - within certain
  • Creation of a cookie can only occur in the header
    of an HTTP object (such as a web page).
  • The details of a cookie header is standardised by
    RFC-2109 HTTP State Management Mechanism

  • What can cookies do?
  • Store a small amount (at the very most 4KB) of
    plain text information.
  • What cant cookies do?
  • Access files on the client machine.
  • Execute code (such as a virus).
  • Force a browser to accept it, if it doesnt want

Anatomy of a Cookie
  • Cookies consist of a number of key, value pairs,
    along with up to 4 other optional items of
  • expiration date
  • domain
  • path
  • secure flag

Anatomy of a Cookie
  • Cookies are optionally given an expiration date,
    which states when the cookie is valid until, in
    the format like
  • Wdy, 20-Nov-2002 121427 GMT
  • If an expiration date is not given, it is assumed
    that the cookie lasts only as long as the Web
    Browser session.

Anatomy of a Cookie
  • Cookies may be given a domain which specify which
    Internet Domains are able to access the cookie.
  • The domain is tail matching, so setting a domain
    of .tvu.ac.uk would allow holst.tvu.ac.uk to
    access the cookie, and also verdi.tvu.ac.uk,
    www.tvu.ac.uk, glass.tvu.ac.uk or in fact
    anything ending in .tvu.ac.uk
  • By default, the domain is set to the same host
    name that generated the cookie - e.g.

Anatomy of a Cookie
  • The domain cannot be set to a top level domain
  • So no .com or .uk or .net
  • The domain cannot be set to a value which the
    issuing server is not a member of.
  • So holst.tvu.ac.uk can only set a domain of
  • holst.tvu.ac.uk
  • .tvu.ac.uk
  • This is so that sites cannot share personal
    information with other, unrelated sites - in

Anatomy of a Cookie
  • Cookies may also be given a path which specify
    which local paths on servers in the permitted
    domains can access the cookie.
  • So setting a path of /cgi-bin would allow
    /cgi-bin/login.cgi, /cgi-bin/submit.cgi c., but
    not /geoff/cgi-bin/logout.cgi
  • By default, the path is set to /, so any web file
    on the same server as originally created the
    cookie can access it,

Anatomy of a Cookie
  • If a cookie is marked secure, it will only be
    transmitted if the communications channel with
    the host is a secure one.
  • But how can we make a secure channel?
  • This will be explained later on...

Using Perl to manipulate Cookies
  • There are two main Perl modules that deal with
  • HTTPCookies
  • CGI (CGICookie is the section of the module)
  • The cookie() method of the CGI module allows
    storage and retrieval of these cookies.
  • Remember that storage of a cookie must take place
    during the HTTP header (the content-type
    text/html\n\n bit) which is sent back to the
    client before a web file.

Using Perl to manipulate Cookies
  • Create a new cookie
  • cookie query-gtcookie( -namegt'sessionID'
    , -valuegt'xyzzy', -expiresgt'1h', -p
    athgt'/cgi-bin/database', -domaingt'.capricorn.o
    rg', -securegt1)
  • Return the cookie with the header
  • print query-gtheader(-cookiegtcookie)

Using Perl to manipulate Cookies
  • The parameters for cookie() include
  • -name
  • -value
  • -expires
  • -path
  • -domain
  • -secure
  • The -name is required, but the other parameters
    are optional.

Using Perl to manipulate Cookies
  • The -value can be any Perl structure - a scalar,
    an array or even a hash. The CGI module
    translates to and from the plain text cookie
    format to Perl structures.
  • If -value is omitted, then this will try to
    retrieve a cookie by name.

riddle query-gtcookie('riddle_name') answers
Using Perl to manipulate Cookies
  • The optional parameters -expires, -path, -domain
    and -secure can be specified as well.
  • Once again This must be done before the cookie
    is sent in the header.
  • For more information about how to use cookies,
    consult the Perldoc page for the CGI module.

Security risks with Cookies
  • Cookies are sent as plain text. So
  • Any sensitive information is unprotected from
    intruders on the client side.
  • Therefore, information of a personal and/or
    financial nature should only be sent over a
    secure channel.
  • A spoofer could alter the headers as they travel
    in either direction.
  • Therefore the server should be robust enough to
    prevent a bad Cookie from causing failures.

Practical Security
  • One of the major risks discussed last week was
    that of invalid input to your scripts.
  • A poorly designed program can open up serious
    security holes to this kind of attack.
  • Whilst there is no substitute to careful planning
    and debugging of your programs, Perl lends a
    helping hand with taint mode.

Perl Taint Mode
  • To run a script in taint mode, simply add the -T
    flag to your shebang line
  • !/usr/bin/perl -T
  • While in this mode, Perl takes special
    precautions called taint checks to prevent both
    obvious and subtle traps.
  • These checks are performed at run time.
  • If any of the taint checks fail, your script will
    die- Insecure dependency

Perl Taint Mode
  • Firstly, taint mode checks to make sure that any
    directories in the system path are not writable
    by others.
  • More importantly, it flags all foreign data as
    tainted, and will refuse to run any command that
    invokes a sub-shell (such as system() or exec()),
    or in any command that modifies files,
    directories, or processes.
  • All form data passed to the CGI script is
    considered tainted by Perl.

Perl Taint Mode
  • There are two exceptions to this rule
  • If you pass a list of arguments to either
    system() or exec(), the elements of that list are
    not checked for taintedness.
  • Arguments to print and syswrite are not checked
    for taintedness.

Perl Taint Mode
  • Any variable set to a value derived from tainted
    data will itself be tainted, even if it is
    impossible for the tainted data to actually alter
    the variable.
  • Taintedness is associated with each scalar value
    some elements of an array (or hash) can be
    tainted, whilst others are not.
  • So, if a scalar becomes tainted, how can we
    un-taint it?

Perl Taint Mode
  • Laundering
  • (Not just something mobsters do)
  • The only way to bypass the taint checks is by
    referencing subpatterns from a regular expression
  • Subpatterns?
  • 1 2 3 c.
  • Perl presumes that you knew what you were doing
    when you wrote the pattern.

Perl Taint Mode
  • Insecure ENVPATH
  • You get this if you are trying to run a system
    call but havent set the Environment variable
    PATH to a specific value.
  • This could be risky, as an attacker could
    potentially alter the systems path, and lead to
    your script accidentally executing a trojaned
    system program.

Perl Taint Mode
  • Because some shells may use the variables IFS,
    CDPATH, ENV, and BASH_ENV, Perl checks that these
    are either empty or untainted.
  • Try this line to wipe out all the values of these
    environment variables during the execution of
    your script
  • delete _at_ENVqw(IFS CDPATH ENV BASH_ENV)

Perl Taint Mode
  • Since the main system call (if any) you are
    likely to use is to sendmail (a program on Unix
    for sending e-mails), you can simply open a pipe
    to sendmail, with the flag -t.
  • open(MAIL, "/usr/lib/sendmail -t")
  • It is then permissible to print out tainted data
    to that pipe, as it is no longer viewed as
    serious a security risk.

  • Often it is necessary to limit access to certain
    areas of a web site to a limited set of users, or
    to a limited set of machines.
  • This can be achieved by a number of methods.
  • You could check usernames and passwords against a
    database held on the server using a script and
    generate pages depending on the outcome...

  • Alternatively, to limit access of files, you can
    use .htaccess files (if your server allows them -
    holst does, but you should be aware that not all
    servers do!).
  • An .htaccess file is a text file which can be
    placed inside a directory in your web site.

  • It contains a list of server directives
    (commands), which can perform the following
  • Restrict access to certain files or whole
    directories by client IP or host name.
  • Restrict access to certain files or whole
    directories by username.

  • ltFiles .gt
  • order deny,allow
  • deny from all
  • allow from tvu.ac.uk
  • lt/Filesgt
  • This will prevent anyone browsing from outside
    TVUs computer network from accessing the page.

  • If you are trying to limit access in this way,
    remember to protect your scripts in this way as
    well as the web pages.
  • But bear in mind that an attacker can still spoof
    their IP address or host name to appear as if
    they came from the TVU domain

  • Now, to limit access on a user-by-user basis
  • AuthName "Section Name"
  • AuthType Basic
  • AuthUserFile .htpasswd
  • ltLimit GETgtrequire valid-user
  • lt/Limitgt
  • This will allow access control from a file called

  • To add users to the .htpasswd file, you need to
    use the htpasswd system command, from a terminal
    on the server (use PuTTY to connect to holst and
    go from there).
  • The .htpasswd file holds a list of users with
    passwords - but the passwords are encrypted (so
    as to prevent passwords being discovered by an

  • As has been frequently mentioned, web files are
    typically sent as plain text.
  • Encryption
  • is the storing information in a way such that
    whilst the sender and recipient of the message
    can easily convert it back to text with the use
    of a key, anyone else can only do so with extreme
  • The RC5-64 encryption cipher took a distributed
    effort consisting of thousands of machines 4
    years to decrypt a single message.

  • Only one method of encryption is provably 100
  • One-time pads used during WWII.
  • The secret key used to encrypt the data must be
    at least as long as the message itself, and truly
  • Every other method relies on the fact that it is
    very very hard and time-consuming to break!

  • SHTTP was created in order to give protection
    from the snooping attacks outlined last week.
  • SHTTP works by encrypting the data as it travels
    to and from the client and server.
  • SHTTP resists clear text attacks, replaying and
    man-in-the-middle attacks.

  • If a server has been properly set up to support
    Secure HTTP, using it is simple. Instead of
    issuing standard http// requests, issue https//
    requests instead.

  • holst (as well as verdi, and in fact elgar and
    mercury) has been set up for HTTPS.
  • Try it out by logging into and using
    https//verdi.tvu.ac.uk - note that you will
    almost certainly get an initial warning from your
    browser stating that the issuing authority is
    not known

  • Be careful of how you deal with sensitive data on
    your server.
  • For example, if a credit card number is received
    over an encrypted channel by your script, make
    sure not to write it to a world-readable file or
    send it anywhere via e-mail (which is
  • Also, if someone manages to break into your
    server any data stored in plain text will be
    theirs for the taking!

Storing Passwords
  • Avoid storing passwords as plain text in your
    database If someone manages to access your
    database, they will have access to all these
  • How many people use the same password for
    different systems?
  • Instead, use a one-way hashing algorithm (such as
    MD5 or SHA-1) to encode the password in the

Storing Passwords
Password shadow1
MD5 Algorithm
Password Hash 098939FEED3BA17F87863B86E532E208
Storing Passwords
  • A one-way hash cannot be reversed There is no
    way to retrieve the original text from the hash.
  • So, what we do is instead of comparing the text
    of the password typed in to the text in the
  • we calculate the hash of the password typed in,
    and compare the hashes

Storing Passwords
Entered Password shadow1
Password in database shadow1
Entered Password shadow1
MD5 Algorithm
Entered PW Hash 098939FEED3BA17F87863B86E532E208
DB PW Hash 098939FEED3BA17F87863B86E532E208
Storing Passwords
  • You can use the DigestMD5 (or DigestSHA1)
    Perl modules to help with calculating file
  • use DigestMD5 qw(md5_hex)
  • md5 DigestMD5-gtnew
  • md5-gtadd(newpass1)
  • newpass md5-gthexdigest
  • The variable newpass now holds the MD5 hash of
    the file.

Some Final Observations
  • Avoid giving out too much information about your
    site and server host.
  • Never ever pass unchecked remote user input to a
    shell command.
  • There's more to safe CGI scripting than taint
  • Most security holes are exploited by sending
    data to the script that the author of the script
    did not anticipate. - Paul Phillips, Safe CGI

After Christmas
  • Geoff will be lecturing on Implementing web
    standards and accessibility to a web application

  • http//www.cis.ohio-state.edu /cgi-bin/rfc/rfc
  • http//www.cookiecentral.com/faq
  • http//www.perldoc.com
  • http//www.w3.org/Security/Faq/wwwsf4.html
  • http//gunther.web66.com/FAQS /taintmode.html
  • http//www.improving.org/paulp /cgi-security/s
  • http//language.perl.com/CPAN/doc/FAQs /cgi/per
  • http//faq.clever.net/htaccess.htm
  • http//apache-server.com/tutorials /ATusing-hta
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