Python: Design and Implementation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Python: Design and Implementation


Project started, name picked - Dec 1989. First public release (USENET) ... Occasionally 'cheats' for performance hacks. e.g. int int, list[int], function calls ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Python: Design and Implementation

  • Python Design and Implementation
  • Guido van
  • Intel Research Berkeley, 10/23/06

  • Brief history lesson
  • Pythons design and design process
  • Pythons implementation
  • Questions

  • Project started, name picked - Dec 1989
  • First public release (USENET) - Feb 1991
  • website - 1996 or 1997
  • 2.0 released - 2000
  • Python Software Foundation - 2001
  • 2.4 released - 2004
  • 2.5 released - 2006

Why I Designed Python
  • ABC - teaching language created at CWI
  • designed in late 70s, early 80s (not me)
  • I was on the implementation team until 86
  • had my own thoughts about its failing
  • Amoeba - distributed microkernel OS
  • almost completely, but not quite, unlike Unix
  • only languages available were C and sh
  • I decided to try to bridge the gap
  • Other influences C, Modula-3, Icon, A68

Original Design Process
  • Consider a desirable feature (either user
    feedback or my own needs while using it)
  • Only if there is absolutely no way to implement
    it as a library module or C extension, consider
    changing the compiler
  • Make the absolutely minimal changes necessary to
    the compiler reuse existing functionality as
    much as possible
  • This gave us explicit self, for example

Modern Design Process
  • Pretty much the same, but also worrying about
    backwards compatibility
  • Set the bar really high by only accepting new
    language features that will be of use to a wide
    variety of users
  • Prevent repeating early mistakes, where sometimes
    shortcuts were taken that were too extreme, and
    had to be changed at great cost (e.g. int/long,
    classic classes)

Counterforce Readability
  • No hack so clever or it must be readable!
  • Require at least one of
  • Does it read naturally, like English?
  • Does it resemble well-known math notation?
  • Does it resemble a similar feature in another
    (popular) programming language?
  • Is it a logical extension of existing syntax?
  • (Of course this is highly subjective)

Community Process
  • PEP Python Enhancement Proposal
  • Like JSR (Java), RFC (IETF)
  • Though a bit less formal (smaller community)
  • Not just for language changes
  • Common APIs (e.g. db-API, WSGI)
  • Sometimes library design (often not needed)
  • Bookkeeping (e.g. release schedules)
  • Typically not for performance enhancements
  • Not a democracy!

Original Design Goals
  • Simple implementation (1 person)
  • Typical Very-High-Level Language goals
  • Cross-platform (hardware OS)
  • Readability and expressive power
  • Easy to learn and remember predictability
  • Safety bugs dont crash interpreter
  • Dont compete with C complete it!
  • Extensibility through C extension modules
  • This makes Python an ideal glue language

Standard VHLL Features
  • Automatic memory management
  • Small number of powerful data types
  • Bytecode interpreter
  • Built-in serialization (marshal, pickle)
  • KISS
  • Even indentation was borrowed!
  • Lots of other stuff, too
  • Python doesnt have NIH syndrome -)

Pythons Big Ideas
  • No type checking in the compiler
  • Dynamic typing, static scoping
  • Everything is an object
  • Everything has a namespace (or several!)
  • Everything can be introspected, printed
  • System has few privileges over user
  • Interactive prompt gtgtgt
  • Simplicity of implementation still matters!

How Python Is Compiled
  • Lexer -gt token stream
  • Uses a stack to parse indentation
  • Parser -gt concrete syntax tree
  • Simple stupid LL(1) parsing engine
  • Filter -gt abstract syntax tree (uses ASDL)
  • Pass 1 -gt symbol table
  • Pass 2 -gt bytecode
  • Bytecode is represented as objects
  • Saving to disk (.pyc file) is just a speed hack

How Python Is Executed
  • Virtual machine executes bytecode
  • Simple stack machine
  • Stack frames allocated on the heap
  • C stack frames point to heap stack frames
  • Additional stack for try blocks
  • VM calls out to abstract operations
  • e.g. PyNumber_Add(a, b)
  • Some opcodes represent support calls
  • e.g. import, print (since these have syntax)

Example Bytecode
  • def gcd(a, b)while b a, b b, abreturn
  • LOAD_FAST 1 (b)
  • LOAD_FAST 0 (a)
  • LOAD_FAST 1 (b)
  • STORE_FAST 0 (a)
  • STORE_FAST 1 (b)
  • gtgtgt dis.dis(gcd)
  • 2 0 SETUP_LOOP 29 (to
  • gtgt 3 LOAD_FAST 1 (b)
  • 6 JUMP_IF_FALSE 21 (to
  • 9 POP_TOP
  • 3 10 LOAD_FAST 1 (b)
  • 13 LOAD_FAST 0 (a)
  • 16 LOAD_FAST 1 (b)
  • 20 ROT_TWO
  • 21 STORE_FAST 0 (a)
  • 24 STORE_FAST 1 (b)
  • gtgt 30 POP_TOP
  • 31 POP_BLOCK
  • 4 gtgt 32 LOAD_FAST 0 (a)

Separation of Concerns
  • VM knows very little about objects
  • Just their abstract API
  • Occasionally cheats for performance hacks
  • e.g. intint, listint, function calls
  • Some objects are part of the VM
  • e.g. code, frame, traceback not function!
  • Namespaces implemented as dictionaries
  • Objects know nothing about VM
  • Support infrastructure ties things together
  • import bookkeeping, parser, interactive prompt

Object Header
  • Fields shared by all objects
  • typedef struct int ob_refcnt
    PyTypeObject ob_type PyObject
  • Example (in reality this uses macros)
  • typedef struct int ob_refcnt
    PyTypeObject ob_type long ob_ival

Type Object Struct
  • Most members are function pointers
  • typedef struct ltHEADgt char tp_name
    destructor tp_dealloc printfunc
    tp_print getattrfunc tp_getattr
    setattrfunc tp_setattr PyTypeObject

Other Python Implementations
  • Jython - compiles to Java bytecode
  • IronPython - compiles to .NET IL
  • Why?
  • Because we can!
  • Keeps Python language definition honest
  • No implementation-specific hacks in the spec
  • Side bet in case Java or .NET wins
  • Fills important gap on those platforms

Jython Details
  • 100 Pure Java certified
  • Language differs in few details
  • e.g. strings are always Unicode (UTF-16)
  • Library differs where C code is wrapped
  • e.g. no Tkinter
  • Fully automated wrapping of Java classes
  • thanks to Javas reflection API
  • Needs to load significant Jython Runtime
  • Executes 2-5x slower than CPython

IronPython Details
  • Very similar in architecture to Jython
  • C instead of Java (duh)
  • Compiles to IL instead of JVM bytecode
  • Uses standard .NET objects where possible
  • Can import any managed object class
  • Sometimes faster than CPython
  • Implements same language as Python 2.4
  • Supported by Microsoft
  • But open source license!

Question Time
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