Title: 1st grade kristy blacketer. 2nd grade connie gilbert. 3
- Christian Academy of Lawrenceburg
- Open House
- 2008-2009
2CAL Administration
- Headmaster Carla Andrade
- Administrative Assistant Alebra Richey
- Financial Secretary Mona Brewer
- Middle/High Interim Principal Sandra Bowman
- Middle/High Secretary Wendi Etherington
3Elementary Teachers
- Kindergarten Brittany Fleck
- 1st Grade Kristy Blacketer
- 2nd Grade Connie Gilbert
- 3rd Grade - Jana Terrell
- 4th Grade Rebecca Shuck
- 5th Grade Deborah Arnold
4Middle High Teachers
- Bible William Herndon
- English Carol White
- Science, 6th 8th Math Judy Slyh
- History 7th English Dana Hudson
- High School Math Cathy Hughes
- PE/Health 7th Math Alison Byers
- Spanish Computer Technology Sandra Bowman
5Start Spreading the News....
- We are headed to New York, New York
- May 15 -19, 2009
- Central Park, St. Patricks Cathedral,
Rockefeller Plaza, Times Square, Ground Zero,
Madison Square Garden, Statue of Liberty, Ellis
Island... and much more - 555 per person
- 55 Deposit due October 6th
- Five 100 monthly payments due the 1st of each
month (optional) - 1st 100 payment due November 1st
- Total balance due March 1st, 2009
6 Dress-code Changes???
- Kindergarten - 12th grade students may wear any
solid color polo (no logos)
7- Only white crew neck t-shirts or crew neck
t-shirts matching (the same color) the uniform
shirt may be worn as a top undergarment. (No
This is a crew-neck t-shirt This rule
applies for dress down days as
well. Kindergarten - 12th grade
8The following school days have been added to the
2008-2009 CAL calendar
- Wednesday, November 26th
- Thursday Friday, December 18th 19th
- Monday, January 19th
- Monday, February 16th
- Tuesday Friday, May 26th 29th
- Graduation Day has been changed to
- Saturday, May 30th
92008-2009 School Hours
- CAL will accept responsibility for students
arriving and entering the elementary or
middle-high campuses as early as 730 a.m. - Special permission will be granted by the Campus
Administrators for parents who request (in
writing) supervision prior to 730 a.m. - No supervision of students is provided prior to
715 - Classes begin at 800 K-12th
- Kindergarten end of day 230
- 1st 5th Grade end of day 240
- 6th 12th Grade end of day 255
10- Please respect the learning environment
- If you need to speak to your childs teacher,
please make an appointment with the campus
secretary. - Our teachers are fully focused on teaching
- students during the school day.
- Teachers have morning and end of the day duties
and are not available for unscheduled
conferences. - Visitors are welcome, but must first check in
with each campus office before entering the
- K 5th Grades After-Care available
- Students not picked up by 250 will be taken
to CAL after-care at Alton Baptist - 6th-12th Grades After-Care Available
- Students not picked-up by 305 will be under
the supervision of CAL after-care at the
Middle-High Campus. - (Charges will apply)
- Please refer to handbook for the schedule of fees
and services.
12Be sure to check out....
- CAL on the web
- christianacademylawrenceburgky.org
- You will find...
- Important News
- Schedules
- Announcements
- Updates
- and much, much more.....
13Christian Academy of LawrenceburgBoard of
- Chairman Dr. Patrick Peters
- Vice-chairman Wayne King
- Lucindia Shouse
- Jane Bryant
- Melissa Carpenter
- Laura Meade
- Financial Advisor John Hume
- calboard_at_christianacademylawrenceburgky.org
14PKEPartners in Kingdom Education
- President Dale Carpenter
- Vice-President Norma Andrade
- Treasurer Troy Hickman
- Secretary Vanessa Breeding
- Members All of you! (Teachers, staff, parents,
grandparents....) - calpke_at_christianacademylawrenceburgky.org
15CAL Athletics
- Athletic Director Mike Savoie
- Co-ed Soccer Coach Karl Pitzer
- Volleyball Coach Angie Monroe
- Girls Middle, JV V Basketball Coach Norma
Andrade - Cheerleading Coach Sandy Evans
- Boys Middle School Basketball Coach Cory
Robinson - Boys JV V Basketball Coach Karl Pitzer
- Girls Softball Coach Joe Evans
- Boys Baseball Coach (Needed)
- Golf Coach (needed)
- calsports_at_christianacademylawrenceburgky.org
16Elementary Drop-off
- Please walk your child down the ramp on the side
of Anderson Christian Church - Students will remain in the Fellowship Hall until
their teacher comes to take them to their
classroom - Supervision will be provided beginning at 730am
- Class begins at 800
17Middle High School Morning Procedures
- Students are to enter through the CAL entrance of
the LUMC - Go to lockers
- Backpacks and athletic bags must be placed in the
backpack room - Go to homeroom (1st period class)
- Students may talk, read or do homework until the
1st bell rings at 755 - Class begins at 800
18Golf ScrambleSaturday, September
20th800amWild Turkey Trace Golf Course
- Needs
- Prizes
- Hole sponsors
- Golfers
- Helpers
- Invite friends and family to golf
- Ask your employers for donations or hole
sponsorship - Contact Paige Thompson for more information
- (502) 598- 9202
- pnt.hslg_at_yahoo.com
- September lunch menus will be going home Monday,
August 25th - Please return your lunch menu along with payment
to school by Wednesday, August 27th - Hot lunches will be served beginning
- Monday, September 15th
20Middle High School Parents...
- You can check your students grades on-line at
any time. - Fill out the last page in the manual
- Make sure to provide your email address
- You will receive an email from each teacher with
instructions - www.thinkwave.com
21Cornell Note Taking Method
- Students in the 6th 12th grades will be
instructed using the Cornell Note Taking Method. - Forty years ago, Walter Pauk (1989) developed
what is known as the Cornell notetaking technique
to help Cornell University students better
organize their notes. Pauk outlines six steps in
the Cornell notetaking system - Record
- Reduce (or question)
- Recite
- Reflect
- Review
- Recapitulate
22- Title I Teacher (K-5th) Ginger Barton
- g.barton_at_christianacademylawrenceburgky.org
23Elementary Chorus
- Teacher Trisha Allen
- Every Friday 200 240 pm
- Grades 1 -5th
- t.allen_at_christianacedmylawrenceburgky.org
24CAL Band
- Teacher James R. Embree
- Music is a creation and gift of God. Newsom
Music Education is a parent-supported music
ministry for Christian Schools. Band instruction
is 2 days per week and piano instruction is 1 day
per week. - High School Shelby County class of 1978
- BME from Kentucky Wesleyan College 1983
- Portland Christian Schools teacher and school
board member - Church worship leader
- With Newsom Music for 1 ½ years
- Hobbies include Barbershop quartet singing and
being on the internet. - 502 296-0131 (cell)
- calband_at_christianacademylawrenceburgky.org