Title: Placement
1Placement and Permanency, Day 1
Trainer name Academy name
2Agenda Day One
- Pre-test
- Current California Placement Data
- Disproportionality in Child Welfare
- Practice Matters
- Considerations including policy when making a
placement decision. - Attachment, Separation, Grief and Loss
- Understanding Crisis
Theme for the day
3By the end of tomorrow What would have made this
worth your time? Objectives
4Child Welfare Today
- Lets see your
- Child Welfare Statistic I.Q.
5The world of placement for African American
6Justice in Action Do the Right Thing!
7The Rules The Road to Permanency
- California Well-Being
- Sibling
- AB 408 Quality of life
- AB 490 Education
- Foster Care Bill of Rights
- Levels of care
- Telephone Access
- Federal
- PL96-272
- Reasonable efforts
- Family Preservation and support Act
- Cultural Considerations
- SIJS-immigrant
8PermanencyA Forever Family
9Faith's Story
Consider What was the impact on Faith? What has
she done to cope? How could it be better?
- How does Attachment help a child grow and
develop? - What skills will they develop if they have a
healthy attachment?
School Age
12Stages of Grief and Loss
- Denial
- Anger
- Bargaining
- Depression
- Acceptance
13Grief Loss
What does it look like?
Multiple Transitions A Young Childs View on
Foster Care and Adoption
15Crisis Theory
How bad it is depends on several factors You
have the power to lessen the trauma.
16Degree of Trauma depends on
- -How significant was the person?
- -Is it forever or just a short time?
- -Am I the cause?
- -What other attachments do I have?
17Understanding Crisis
Ability to cope
of event
- On a tear sheet, list
- Important developmental issues
- Implications for Separation
19Take it home
- When I am back at work,
- I want to remember
20Placement Permanency,Day 2
- Good
- Morning
- Welcome
- Back
21What do you remember?
22Agenda Day Two
- Placement Considerations
- Family Decision Making
- What each child needs
- Planning with the family reducing trauma, visits
and concurrent planning - Involving youth
- Supporting placements
- Supporting Permanency
- Action Planning
Theme for the day
23Let us take you on a trip.
- Dad Dan Cassel
- Mom Anita Cassel
- Children
- Raul Lopez (14)
- Ellen Cassel (8)
- Christina Cassel (5)
- Robert Cassel (3)
- Eduardo Rauls Dad
- Maria Anitas 1/2 sister
- Amparo and Jamie Anitas Godparents
- David Monica parents of Dan
- Deanne Ellens Mom
26Meet the Cassel Family
- As a group, answer the questions as a framework
for assessing possible placement options. - Remember you are not making a decision yet, but
exploring possibilities.
27Where to Go Relatives vs Foster Care
- Relatives or non-related family members is the
- WI 361.3.4
- WHY?
28Relative/Non-Relative Extended Family Member
- Preferred placement if Safe Best Interest
- Relatives need CLETS Live-Scan 14 yrs ? JAI
- Foster Care Licensing
- Others in home Criminal record statement
Assess ALL interested, except if there is a
record of criminal child abuse
Final Decision Case Carrying worker
Priority First Degree Sibling
Deny - ARA and Court Licensing concern- CAP
29Family Decision Making
- Pathways to permanence
- -Watch a family group conference
- How could this type of service help the Cassel
family? - What about TDM?
30How About Culture?
Does a forever family look different in
different cultures ?
31Deb Ortegas Story
- Think about
- The caregivers Who are they, who is she attached
to, how many are there and what are the genders? - How did these attachments and daily routine
affect her sense of security and predictability?
32Choosing a placement
- Least restrictive
- Family
- Most like home
- Think culture
- Closest to home
- Closest to school
33What happens to the Cassel children?
34Plan for each child
- Develop a plan for the child you have been
assigned. Complete handout entitled - Cassel Family Placing each child
- Use
- Charts from yesterday
- Placement Protocols (Appendix)
- Preparing the Child
Think Santa Barbara
Chart key ideas
Gatekeeper 15 minutes
35Engagement Techniques
- What do you remember?
- What are the skills?
- What are the techniques?
36Engagement Techniques
- How, what, where, who questions
- Past successes
- Exception Finding
- Coping
- Scaling
- The Miracle Question
37Lets try it on
- Engage the Cassel Family
- Some will play part of family
- Others Alter egos
- Where do I go next - Wall resource
- Give me advice on strategy- engagement
38Do you REALLY want to reunify families?
- In outcome studies
- what service is
- highly correlated
- with successful reunification?
Every state in the Federal review has shown that
consistent visitation is highly correlated with
What is the primary purpose of visitation?
43Rules to Visits
- The younger the child, the more frequent the
visits - Visitation is a right (treat it that way!)
not a reward. - Activities should be planned and related to case
plan and meet developmental needs - Natural setting
44What can they do together?
- Lets go back to child development my favorite
45Visitation for the Cassel Children
- Complete Visitation Plans for Cassel Children
- What would you be observing for?
46Concurrent Planning
(Read the definition in your handouts)
47Concurrent Planning
- Why the mandate for Permanence?
- What happens to children in Foster Care?
We Mean It This Time
49Talking aboutConcurrent Planning
- When?
- How often?
- Focus on need of child
- Long term placement bad
- Best if parent plan future
- Focus on your desire
- Every child has one
- Talk to all family about it
50Try it on
- Start with role play
- Social worker
- can pass it on
51A plan for Raul
- What do you need to consider for Raul?
- How would you engage him in planning?
- What services are available for him?
52Strategies for Supporting Placement
- Handout Supporting Alternative Caregivers
- How would you support
- Maria
- David and Monica
- Jesuss Family
53Helping the plan stick
- Time to up services
- Lets look at some strategies to help the plan
last - Which ones would work for the Cassel Family?
54What do you want to remember?
- Spend a moment thinking about your practice
- What will you add to your practice?