Dont sweat the small stuff: how to help your students read smarter, not harder, in English - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Dont sweat the small stuff: how to help your students read smarter, not harder, in English


However, decoding is still useful when encountering new words in print. ... Try to use English for this rather than Chinese. Reading longer texts ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Dont sweat the small stuff: how to help your students read smarter, not harder, in English

Dont sweat the small stuff how to help your
students read smarter, not harder, in English
  • Barbara Nykiel-Herbert
  • Department of English
  • Youngstown State University
  • Youngstown, Ohio

What is reading?
  • decoding graphic symbols to sounds
  • getting meaning from print
  • psycholinguistic guessing-game
  • transaction between text and reader
  • retrieving and comprehending some form of stored
    information or ideas
  • process consisting of two components word
    recognition and comprehension

Why do students EFL need to read efficiently in
  • According to research commissioned by the British
  • Council, English is the main language of
  • books and newspapers,
  • airports and air-traffic control,
  • international business and academic conferences,
  • science, technology,
  • diplomacy,
  • sport and international competitions,
  • pop music and advertising.    

  • Nearly 70 of the world's scientists read in
  • 75 the world's mail is written in English    
    80 cent of the world's electronically stored
    information is in English
  • 90 of the Internet content is in English.

English as a life skill
  • English is no longer regarded as a foreign
    language, but
  • rather, like computer technology, a set of vital
  • skills in the rapidly changing world. In all
    likelihood, in
  • the next 10 years or so, the concept of literacy
    will be
  • re-defined from the ability to access
    information in a
  • written text to the ability to access and
  • information in English through digital means.

  • The world doesnt make allowances for non-native
    English readers books and other texts are not
    written like EFL textbooks. When they leave
    college classrooms, our students will have to
    deal professionally with real-life English texts.
  • Therefore our task as teachers is to equip our
    students with skills, strategies, and confidence
    to read challenging English texts.

What kind of texts should EFL students read?
  • non-fiction
  • informative
  • narrative
  • expository
  • persuasive
  • technical
  • academic
  • across a range of content areas
  • varying length
  • a notch (or two) higher than oral skills level

Why is reading a challenge for EFL learners?
  • poor control of vocabulary
  • difficulty in processing syntactically complex
  • low reading speed
  • insufficient content background
  • lack of metacognitive strategies (guiding oneself
    through thinking and understanding)

We learn to read by reading
  • Reading is based in language. As there are no
    miracle methods for learning a foreign language,
    there are no quick fixes for reading.
  • Successful reading is not only dependent on the
    readers linguistic skills it also depends on
    his content knowledge and his cognitive aptitude.
  • There are some strategies that can improve
    reading efficiency in L2, but there are no fast
    and easy recipes for a rapid dramatic increase in
    reading fluency, accuracy and comprehension. The
    only reliable way of increasing ones reading
    power is through more reading.

Word recognition
  • Associating form and meaning,
  • e.g. flea, bite, household, navigate
  • Word recognition in English can be accomplished
    through decoding to sound (sounding out) or
    sight recognition.
  • The knowledge of derivational morphemes helps
    processing a given word at many levels phonetic
    (sounding out), syntactic and semantic
  • wug
  • biometrics
  • discormigate
  • discormigation

Efficient reading is sight reading
  • Decoding to sound is a transitional strategy
    fluent readers read by sight. However, decoding
    is still useful when encountering new words in
  • Fluent readers do not read word by word they
    perceive and process 5-7 words at a time.
  • That is the number of items we can hold at once
    in our working memory.

Sample 1
  • Strange as this all may seem, women have
    suffered for beauty for a long time now. The
    Mayans filed their teeth down and drilled holes
    so that they could embellish them with jewelry.
    The hot beauty treatment of the Middle Ages was
    making yourself bleed to achieve pallor, which
    epitomized sex-appeal.
  • Q In the Middle Ages, women were more attractive
    if they were
  • A. epitomized
  • B. pale-looking
  • C. bleeding
  • D. appealing

Sample 1 chunked for easy processing
  • Strange as this all may seem, (6)
  • women have suffered for beauty (5)
  • for a long time now. (5)
  • The Mayans filed their teeth down (and) drilled
    holes (8)
  • so that they could embellish them with jewelry.
  • The hot beauty treatment of the Middle Ages (8)
  • was making yourself bleed to achieve pallor, (7)
  • which epitomized sex-appeal. (4)

Comprehension lexical and syntactic and
extra-linguistic levels
  • Syntactic level determining the relationships
    among words in
  • a sentence
  • The flea bites the dog.
  • The dog bites the flea.
  • Lexical semantics level determining the
  • of words from the context in which they occur
  • Ill pick up the wugs on the way home.
  • Wugs will thrive in these conditions.
  • Question What are wugs?

What kind of grammar challenges do EFL students
encounter in real English texts?
  • passive voice
  • inversion
  • complex noun phrases and adverbials
  • complex tense forms
  • multiple embeddings (clauses within clauses)
  • sentence length main S and V difficult to locate
  • Example
  • Had a discovery of the improper installation of
    the ring securing the drive shaft been made
    sooner, the extensive damage to the engine could
    have been prevented.

Comprehension extra-linguistic level
  • World knowledge interpretation of text by
    reference to the extra-linguistic reality.
  • Usually the lexical, syntactic and conceptual
    complexities co-occur in texts the more advanced
    the topic, the more complex the language.
  • The more knowledge of the topic a reader brings
    to the text, the better his comprehension he can
    use his content knowledge to make guesses about
    the language.

Typically recommended reading strategies
  • Determine the reading purpose/task.
  • Preview the text (look at title, headings,
    pictures, etc.) to identify text genre.
  • Make predictions about its content.
  • Read fast for the gist/main idea of the text pay
    attention to boldface words etc.
  • Re-read for details.

Working with challenging texts
  • These strategies do not always work, especially
    if a text is challenging for the reader. There
    may be no title or any other indicator of the
    genre or content of a particular text, like in
    the above examples. (These kinds of texts are
    often included in language and reading tests.)
    The text may include unknown vocabulary, complex
    syntax, or deal with unfamiliar concepts.
    Different strategies are necessary for working
    with such texts.

Sample 2
  • The evidence suggests that a field-dependent
    cognitive style, and other characteristics of
    limited differentiation, tend to prevail in
    social settings which are characterized by
    insistence on adherence to authority both in
    society and in the family by the use of strict or
    even harsh socialization practices to enforce
    conformance, and by tight social organization.
  • Q The occurrence of field-dependent cognitive
    style in societies correlates with
  • limited differentiation characteristics
  • strict social order and compliance with authority
  • consistency in child-rearing practices
  • unusually harsh living conditions

Sample 3
  • Evolution of the unique attachments and the
    proportionately large size of the gluteus maximus
    muscle in hominids may be related as much to the
    requirements for control of the trunk on the
    hindlimbs during movement involving forelimb
    activities in tool using as to those for
    maintaining the trunk above the hindlimbs in
    bipedal locomotion.
  • Q Which statements are true? Which are false?
  • Bigger buttocks help maintain balance on two
  • Big buttocks are an impediment to fast movement.
  • Bipedalism and tool use are evolutionarily
  • During evolution, buttock muscles first appeared
    in hominids.

Reflect on your reading strategies
  • What kind of reading difficulties lexical,
    syntactic, or extra-linguistic do the Samples 1,2
    and 3 present to you?
  • As an experienced reader, what strategies have
    you applied to understand the texts and answer
    the questions?
  • Did questions help you understand the text?

Some strategies for working through short but
challenging texts
  • Read the question(s) first. Restate the question
    to make sure you understand exactly what is being
  • As you read the text, stop to ask yourself if you
    understand what you have just read.
  • Clarify what exactly you dont understand is it
    a word, the way words are put together (grammar),
    or a concept?
  • Examine the structure of the unfamiliar words
    (prefixes, suffixes, etc.) Can you figure out
    approximate meanings of these words?
  • List the facts in the passage that you do
  • List the gaps - what you dont know.
  • Using what you know, try fill in these gaps
  • Verify your answer re-read to check if the text
    still makes sense with your understanding.

Example of working through a challenging text
  • The gluteus maximus muscle in hominids is large.
  • It is attached in an unusual way.
  • These two features evolved for two reasons.
  • First reason When a hominid uses a tool with his
    hands he has to stand on his feet. When his moves
    his arms to use the tool his body has to stay
    upright. The g.m. muscle helps him to maintain
    such position.
  • Second reason The g.m. also helps to keep the
    body upright when the hominid is moving on two

  • If a text is challenging for students, rather
    than translating it into L1, guide them with
    questions so that they can reason out the meaning
    and restate it in simpler terms. Model the
    process so that they can begin doing it for
    themselves. Try to use English for this rather
    than Chinese.

Reading longer texts
  • Reading longer texts creates its own challenges,
    especially if they contain a high number of
    unfamiliar vocabulary, complex grammar, and
    difficult concepts, or complex arguments. A
    longer text may need a more extensive
    pre-reading introduction to make it possible for
    students to understand the text better.

Introducing a persuasive article some
pre-reading questions
  • Title We Must Not Fear Scientific Revolution
  • What is a revolution?
  • What is scientific revolution?
  • Judging from the title, how do people feel about
    scientific revolution?
  • Do you think scientific revolution can be scary?
    What is your opinion on the issue?
  • Do you know what cloning is? Stem cells? An
  • Why is the use of stem cells controversial?

  • The students may not know the answers to some of
    these questions, but just asking these kinds of
    questions activates their thinking (creates
    hooks for the new information), and so while
    they read they will be more likely to pay
    attention to the relevant details.
  • We may want to give students some information
    relating to the content of the text before they
    read, since juggling too many unknowns is
    counterproductive (this has to be determined on a
    case-by-case basis.)

  • Encourage the students to read selectively. This
    is not the same as reading fast. Rather than
    reading and understanding every sentence, get
    them to focus on specific information to find in
    the text e.g.,
  • What kind of people are the most afraid of
    scientific revolution?
  • What are their reasons to be afraid?
  • What are the authors arguments for supporting
    scientific revolution?

Some problems with texts
  • Much to the relief of the astronauts families
    and people all over the world, the space shuttle
    Discovery returned home safely on August 9, 2005.
    But after Discovery blasted off on its successful
    mission, experts discovered small pieces of
    debris had fallen from its external fuel tank
    during lift-off. Fortunately, the debris did not
    hit the frame of the shuttle and didnt put the
    crew at risk. A similar accident happened in 2003
    when the space shuttle Columbia blasted off. A
    suitcase-size piece of debris broke off it and
    punched a big hole in the shuttles wing.
    Super-heated gases escaped into its frame, and
    then the shuttle blew up. All seven astronauts on
    board were killed. But this time the experts
    didnt take any chances. They postponed the
    blast-off until everything was OK.

  • Space shuttle Discovery _____ as a result of
    small pieces of debris
  • found falling from its external fuel tank.
  • blasted off as scheduled
  • landed on Mars
  • was destroyed immediately
  • was not allowed to leave the ground

Some problems with test questions
  • No valuables were stolen, and the furniture was
    all in place. But the police officer found that
    the skin on the body had turned pink.
  • It can be inferred that
  • the person might have died of carbon monoxide
  • the person may have died of food poisoning.
  • the person may have died of lead poisoning.
  • the person may have been murdered.

  • A monk walked down a path that led to a cabin.
  • In the moonlight he pushed open the door and
  • entered the cabin.
  • It can be inferred that
  • the monk knew there was someone in the cabin.
  • the monk knew there was no one in the cabin.
  • the door was locked.
  • the door was open.

  • Vocabulary, grammar and content knowledge
    contribute in different ways to comprehension.
  • Reading strategies must be appropriate to
  • purpose
  • type of text
  • level of linguistic complexity.
  • In order to cope with various types of reading
    challenges, EFL students must develop flexibility
    in the use reading strategies.

  • Text and test question samples have been
  • taken from the following sources
  • 1. Gibson, KR and Ingold, T., eds. 1993. Tools,
    Language and Cognition in Human Evolution.
    Cambridge Cambridge University Press
  • GEPT Classroom Reading and Writing
    Intermediate. 2005. Pearson Longman
  • Information in frames 3 and 4 comes from
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