Title: Mrs. Grasshopper by Simma
1Mrs. GrasshopperbySimma
2When you click the mouse, a word will appear
containing the sound er. Read the word as best
you can. Then click the mouse again and slide
your screen pointer along the underlined words to
check yourself. Click your mouse to move to the
next word. You can click the grasshopper at any
time to go directly to the story.
3 g a th er gather
p er f e c t perfect
h urr y hurry
4 s p i d er spider
t r a c t or tractor
u n d er under
5 r i v er river
h urr ie d hurried
c ir c u s circus
6 b ea v er beaver
c e n t er center
s qu irr el squirrel
7 s ur p r i s e surprise
h er her
l u m b er lumber
8 c or n er corner
p er h a p s perhaps
h urr y ing hurrying
9 g r a ss h o pp er
ear l y early
l a t er later
10The following story targets words with the sound
er. Press the grasshopper to read the story.
If you wish to review, press the er button.
11Mrs. Grasshopper by Simma It was early. Mrs.
Grasshopper hurried around the corner.
She hopped past a fat pile of wood. Mrs.
Grasshopper didnt see the spider under the
lumber, but he saw her.
12 Good morning, Mrs. Grasshopper, said the
spider, catching her by surprise. Where are
you hurrying to on this perfect day?
13 Im hurrying to gather some food.
Perhaps I will stop and see you later.
And Mrs. Grasshopper was on her way.
14 She hurried past the tractor. Mrs.
Grasshopper didnt see the squirrel on the
tractors seat, but he saw her.
15 Good morning, Mrs. Grasshopper, said the
squirrel, catching her by surprise. Where are
you hurrying to on this perfect day?
16 Im hurrying to gather some food.
Perhaps I will stop and see you later.
And Mrs. Grasshopper was on her way.
17 She hurried along the riverbank. The
water was shimmering. She didnt see the
beaver, but he saw her.
18 Good morning, Mrs. Grasshopper, said the
beaver, catching her by surprise. Where are
you hurrying to on this perfect day?
19 Im hurrying to gather some food.
Perhaps I will stop and see you later.
And Mrs. Grasshopper was on her way.
20 She hurried, hurried, hurried and
gathered, gathered, gathered. She didnt see
the bird sitting on the branch. But he saw
21And Mrs. Grasshopper hurried no more.