Title: Cocaine, Amphetamines and Other Chemical Uppers...
1Cocaine, Amphetamines and Other Chemical
- the right drug for the right times?
2Stimulants of Varying Strengths
other amphetamines
3General Effects of Stimulants
- Release of excitatory neurotransmitters
- norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin
- energy, exhilaration, perceived self-confidence
- Mimics stress response
- Mood elevation
- Tolerance
- Withdrawal (AKA crashing)
- Addiction (especially methamphetamine and cocaine)
4Stimulants and Addiction
Feelings of energy and exhilaration
Feelings of lethargy and withdrawal
Use of stimulants as coping strategy
5Methods of Administration
- Oral (beverages tablets, pills, capsules)
- Topical
- Inhalation / Snorting
- Intravenous injection (speed runs)
- Smoking
- freebase
- crack
6Medical Uses
- Cocaine
- local anesthetic
- Amphetamine / Dextroamphetamine
- pep pill narcolepsy / appetite suppressant
- Methylphenidate (Ritalin)
- Caffeine
- pep pill
- Phenylpropanolamine (PPA)
- appetite suppressant
- Ephedrine
- asthma treatment
- Pseudoephedrine
- nasal decongestant
7Anti-Depressants a behavioral relative
- MAO Inhibitors
- interfere with breakdown of excitatory NTs
- Tricyclics
- interfere with reuptake of excitatory NTs
- Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (e.g., Prozac)
- interfere with reuptake of serotonin
8Adverse Effects -- Cocaine
- General feelings of restlessness, irritability,
anxiety and mood swings - Malnutrition severe weight loss
- Sexual dysfunction
- Cocaine psychosis
- paranoia
- delusions
- formication
- Kindling effect
- Health risks associated with administration
(snorting, injection, smoking)
9Adverse Effects -- Amphetamines
- General feelings of restlessness, irritability,
anxiety and mood swings - Malnutrition severe weight loss
- Sexual dysfunction
- Toxic psychosis
- Withdrawal symptoms
- severe depression
- delusions hallucinations
- fatigue
- Health risks associated with administration
(injection, speedballing, smoking)
10The Xanthine Compounds
11Caffeine -- the universal eye opener
- Caffeine dependence
- psychological dependence on the use of caffeine
to stimulate the mind body processes (habit)
- Caffeinism
- condition of chronic poisoning due to
overindulgence of caffeine
Bottom line the equivalent of 3 cups or less per
day is not likely to lead to any
adverse reactions to caffeine
12Other Key Terms --
- Flash or Rush
- Look-alikes / Act-alikes
- biphetamines (black beauties)
- methcathinone (cat)