Title: GTA Network Management Systems
1GTA Network Management Systems
On Behalf Of BellSouth
2CTTS (Customer Trouble Ticketing System)
This enables you to easily look into the
ticketing system and check on the status of your
ticket without having to call anyone. You can
also see exactly what is being done to resolve
your issue and observe the details of testing and
other diagnostics, rather than wondering what is
being done to resolve your issue.
3CTTS Interface
- To access CTTS from the CNM Portal, click on the
trouble management tab and select Trouble Ticket
4CTTS Interface
Bulletins - A list of current bulletins. Scroll
down for more bulletins and click on the blue
date/time to open view bulletin details.
Search Controls Users may search trouble
tickets or bulletins. Note The Submit Bulletin
feature is disabled and non-functional.
Trouble Ticket Listing A list of current
trouble tickets. Scroll down for more tickets
and click on the blue ticket number to open
view details.
5CTTS Search
- Scroll down for more ticket numbers.
- If a ticket is not listed here, you may search
for it. - To search for a ticket, enter the ticket number
into the Search on Ticket field. Partial
ticket numbers are okay. - Click the Search button. The first ticket is
opened and the list below contains any additional
matches to your search. - Select your ticket to open it and view the
6Reading a CTTS Ticket
Below Work Log, there is an Audit History link.
The Audit History contains a listing of each
field on the CTTS form that was changed, along
with the date/time stamp that records when it was
changed. When the ticket severity or status is
changed, there will be entries for each of those
in the Audit History showing previous value (if
any) and new value what it was changed to.
Scroll down for more information.
- Once ticket 0003332 is open, you can see that the
problem summary states that GTAGDOC9009 is
observed as down, and this ticket has been
closed. - To read additional details and history, click on
the Work Log link. - The Work Log contains a listing of everything
entered into Detail Description, and details of
exactly what was done, along with date/time
stamps and user ID of the person that entered the
information. - The time and user ID are shown here.
- Scroll down for more work log entries.
7Reading a CTTS Ticket
The BellSouth tab contains tracking and routing
information specific to BellSouth. The
Notifications tab contains information regarding
paging escalations and notifications.
- There are other tabs and fields that contain
additional information and details about the
affected device, but the majority of the
information will be found in Work Log. - The Equipment tab displays information specific
to the device and location addressed in the
ticket. It also specifies the physical location
of the site.
Ticket Number is automatically assigned
Status - New, Open, WIP, Delayed Maint,
Dispatched, Monitored, Closed
Severity - Major, Critical, Minor, or
Domain Code BLS or GTA
Initiation Code Initial cause
Problem Summary Limited to 255 characters
Trigger Code How this ticket was triggered
Detail Description Unlimited length, read
history in Work Log
Cancel Code Reason for canceling the ticket
Root Cause Affected end product
8CTTS Summary
- The ability to quickly gain access to any ticket
and determine the steps taken toward resolution
will greatly reduce the amount of time spent
checking on outages and other issues. - With CNM Portal access and CTTS, you can check on
a problem ticket or a number of tickets to
determine the status within moments, allowing a
more productive use of your time. - CTTS is your first stop in an outage. In many
cases, youll find that the ticket has already
been opened with analysts working toward
9Contact Information
- Contact GTA TCC / NOSC for user ID password
- Portal ID email is MPLSPortalSupport_at_gta.ga.gov
or call (404) 463-3600
10(No Transcript)