Title: Therapy
- Psychotherapy
- trained professional uses methods based on
psychological theories - Personal Growth Therapy
- Psychotherapy for normal individuals who
want to improve
2Ethical Standards for Psychotherapy
- Goals discussed with client
- Alternative treatments considered
- Only treat what you are qualified to treat
- Effectiveness must be evaluated some way
- Confidentiality
- No exploitation
- Treat all with dignity and respect
- Psychoanalysis
- Freud -- belief that the root of all
psychological problems is unconscious conflict
between the id, ego and superego - Job of psychoanalyst is to
- create condition where censorship of ego is
relaxed - to interpret the symbolic revelations of the
unconscious mind to the client
4Therapy- Psychoanalysis
- Free Association
- Dream Interpretation
- Hypnosis
- Interpretation of Resistance
- Interpretation of Transference
- Counter Transference
- Catharsis
- Symptom substitution
5Insight Therapies
- Belief that the primary goal of therapy is to
bring feelings youre unaware of into conscious
awareness -
- Psychoanalysis and Humanism
- Focus on helping people to understand and accept
themselves, and to strive to self-actualize
7Humanistic Therapy
- Client-Centered Therapy
- Carl Rogers
- therapist uses techniques such as active
listening within a genuine, accepting, empathic
environment to facilitate clients growth - Active Listening
- empathic listening in which the listener echoes,
restates, and clarifies - Reflection reflect emotions of client but do
not give advice
- Gestalt Psychotherapy
- therapist takes an active role questioning and
challenging client to help client become more
aware of their feelings - supported by Fredrick Perls
- Existential Therapies
- see clients difficulties as caused by the
clients having lost or failed to develop a sense
of their lifes purpose. -
- Therapists seek to support clients and help them
formulate a vision of their lives as worthwhile
9Behavior Therapy
- therapy that applies learning principles to the
elimination of unwanted behaviors
10Behavior Therapy
- Fear Reduction Methods
- Systematic Desensitization imagine fear
- developed by Joseph Wolpe
- Uses graded Exposure
- In vivo desensitization confront actual fear
- Flooding or implosion
11Behavior Therapy
- Counterconditioning
- Type of classical conditioning in which an
unpleasant CR is replaced with a pleasant one - Developed by Mary Cover Jones
- EXAMPLE Charley is afraid to go to dr. and cries
when he sees dr. office. Mom might bring
Charleys favorite toy to play with or favorite
snack to have when he visits the dr. - includes systematic desensitization and aversive
Aversive Conditioning type of counterconditioning
that associates an unpleasant state with an
unwanted behavior nausea ---gt alcohol
12Behavior Therapy
- Aversion therapy for alcoholics
13Behavior Therapy
- Token Economy Instrumental Conditioning
- an operant conditioning procedure that rewards
desired behavior - exchanges a token of some sort, earned for
exhibiting the desired behavior, for various
privileges or treats
14Cognitive Therapy
- teaches people new, more adaptive ways of
thinking and acting
15Cognitive Therapy
- A cognitive perspective on psychological
16Maladaptive Cognitions
Albert Ellis and Aaron Beck described patterns
of cognition that contribute to abnormal behavior
and emotions Selective Abstraction base
thinking on small detail taken out of
context Overgeneralization reaching a general
conclusion based on a few specific bits of
17Maladaptive Cognitions
- Magnification/Minimization
- Absolutistic Thinking all or nothing
everything is awesome or awful
18Rational Emotive Therapy
- Developed by Albert Ellis
- Want to expose and confront the dysfunctional
though of clients - What is the worst thing that can happen?
Cognitive Therapy Developed by Aaron Beck --
most often used to treat depression by
encouraging clients to engage in pursuits that
will bring them success
19Biomedical Therapies
- Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)
- therapy for severely depressed patients in which
a brief electric current is sent through the
brain of an anesthetized patient - Psychosurgery
- surgery that removes or destroys brain tissue in
an effort to change behavior - lobotomy
- now-rare psychosurgical procedure once used to
calm uncontrollably emotional or violent patients
20Biomedical Therapies
- The emptying of U.S. mental hospitals
21Other Models of Therapy
Family Therapy Couples Therapy