Title: XRT: eXtraordinary Road Trip
1XRT eXtraordinary Road Trip
- 2006 National Air Quality Conferences
- Air Quality Forecasting, Mapping and Monitoring
- And
- Communicating
- Air Quality and Communities in Motion
- Quality of Air Means Quality of Life
- February 5-8. 2006
- San Antonio, TX
2XRT eXtraordinary Road Trip
- Teaching Drivers to be Stewards of Air Quality
3Todays Message
- Partnership Experience
- Recommendations for others
- What is XRT and what are the benefits of the XRT
program - Rapid learning lesson
- Preview the XRT computer game and website
4Multi-Agency Partnerships
- Identify the roles
- Identify funding sources
- Define the scope of work
- Share in the decision making and process
- Share in the pitfalls
- Share in the success
5Partners and Planning
- Fluid Entertainment Knupp Watson Discovery
World - Technical Assistance WI high school student
interviews, UW educational gaming research,
driver ed Ford Motor Co. eco-driving research,
DNR/AM technical content and review coordination
with IL and IN
6Project and Partnership Recommendations
- Was the experience good?
- Successes and Pitfalls
- What we would do differently
- What we would recommend
- Would we do it again ?
7What is XRT?
- Game-based learning
- Teaches eco-driving skills
- Through a learning environment that builds on the
educational properties of games - Competitive, thought-provoking, fun
8XRT Components
- CD ROM computer simulation game
- Web site www.eXtraordinaryRoadTrip.org
- Museum venues where kids and adults can learn by
doing interactive childrens museums museums
of science and industry - Driver education module
9XRT CD Edutainment
- Computer Simulation
- Player goal - adjust the choices of 25
personalities to achieve healthy air in their
world - Learning goal - how driving and consumer choices
affect air quality
10Research Computer Games Aid Learning
- Computer games simulate worlds
- that embody particular social practices and
problems - that prompt integrated thinking, social
interaction and use of technology
11Research DNR Air Outreach
- 1993 67 of SE WI aware of ozone alerts
- 2003 89 aware of Ozone Action Days
- 56 reduced car use when air quality is bad
- 35 made long term behavior changes as suggested
in the Ten Simple Steps
12Research Teaching Teens
- Early adopters of environmental values
- Early adopters of technology
- Need wheels, any wheels
- Lessons about air quality must
- Empower with new skills
- Resolve conflict of values between desire for car
and desire for clean air
13 Eco-Driving The Lesson
- safe, smooth driving
- reduces gasoline consumption and exhaust
emissions - fosters consumer choices for efficient
transportation technology - fosters smart urban growth
14XRTeXtraordinary Road TripThe Game
15Reggie Korthals, Director Environmental Planning
Programs Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning
Commission (MPO) (219) 763-6060 rkorthals_at_nirpc.or
g Elizabeth (Betsy) Tracy Air Quality
Specialist Illinois Department of
Transportation Office of Planning and
Programming (217) 785-2368 tracyer_at_dot.il.gov Sar
a Burr, President The Burr Group. LLC (608)
576-2195 burren_at_tds.net Formerly, Air Education
Manager, WDNR Elisabeth Olson XRT Project
Manager/Outdoor Air Quality Educator Wisconsin
Department of Natural Resources (608)
264-9258 Elisabeth.Olson_at_dnr.state.wi.us