Title: Adults Views About
1 Adults Views About GDL Upgrades in Connecticut
Research Group, Inc. 7100 Main Street Trumbull,
CT 06611
LIFESAVERS 2008 Portland, Oregon April 15, 2008
2 GDL a Success
- Jean Shope (2007) reviewed 21 state and 6
national studies - Overall, GDL programs have reduced the youngest
drivers crash risk by roughly 20 40
3 But, Teen Crashes are Still Common
- Fatal and police reported crashes per population
are higher for 16-year-olds than for drivers age
30 and older, despite lower licensing rate and
fewer miles per driver.
4 Responses to the Current Problem
- Strengthen GDL
- Attempt to increase GDL compliance
- Increase penalties
- Tougher tests
- Raise the licensing age
5Ways to Strengthen GDL Core Elements
- Impose learner, night and passenger requirements
- Lengthen learner periods
- More supervised driving
- Start night restrictions earlier
- Reduce number of passengers allowed
- Lengthen passenger restrictions
6 IIHS Ratings of GDL Systems
- Good 29
- Fair 12
- Marginal 10
- Poor 0
7 Present Connecticut GDL (rated good)
- Minimum entry age 16 (4 with driver ed)
- 1997 six month minimum learner period
- 2004 six month passenger restriction, amended in
2005 - 2005 night restriction midnight 5 am
- 2005 20 hours required driving practice as
8 Enhancements Considered by Task Force
- Longer permit holding period
- Increase in minimum permit age
- Increased supervised driving as learner
- Extending passenger restriction
- Earlier starting nighttime restriction
9 Parents Views are Critical
- Primary constituency for legislators debating GDL
laws - On the front line with respect to implementing
and monitoring compliance - Their understanding of the rationale for the
laws, and buy-in, are important - Prior surveys indicate strong support for GDL
- Telephone survey conducted week of January 7,
2008 - Two Samples
- Parents of 15, 16 and 17 year olds (N398)
- Adults without children of these ages (N409)
11 Knowledge of Current Law
12 Support for New Provisions
13 Bottom Line
- Somewhat limited awareness of night restriction
- Good overall support for most enhancements
- Non-parents of teens more supportive than
parents. Why? - Considerable minority opposition
14 Task Force Recommendations
- Increase supervised driving from 20 to 40 hours
- Start night restriction at 11 p.m.
- Extend passenger restriction from 6 to 12 months
- Increased penalties for violations