Soil - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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have enough rain in summer so that the amount of stored moisture plus rainfall ... soil volume influenced by secretions of earthworms; 2-3 mm thickness - sites of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: earthworms | rain | soil


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Soil

  • What is it?
  • Mineral matter
  • SiO2
  • Feldspars
  • micas
  • Clays
  • High surface area
  • High CEC
  • Oxides and hydroxides
  • Al (gibbsite), Fe (goethite, hematite), Ti, Si
  • Phosphate minerals
  • Evaporites (gypsum, halite)
  • Carbonates (calcite, siderite, etc.)

  • What is it? (cont.)
  • Organic matter
  • High CEC
  • Source of organic acids
  • Organisms
  • Microfauna
  • mesofauna
  • Air
  • Water
  • Contains ions, organic matter, silica in solution
  • Weathering
  • Organic processes
  • Rainfall/snowmelt wet deposition
  • Dry deposition

Soil Moisture
  • The volume of air and water in pore spaces is
    complementary as one increase, the other
    decreases. In poorly drained soils, all pore
    space may be occupied by water.
  • In freely drained soils, water lost from large
    cavities and larger pores is called gravitational
  • About two or more days after raining or
    irrigation, all gravitational water will be
    removed, and the soil is said to be at field
  • In this condition, water remains in finer pores,
    known as capillary water, held by capillary
    attraction to the surface of mineral particles.
  • Under drought conditions, even capillary water
    can be removed such that plants can no longer
    remain turgid. This point is called the wilting
    point, and is dependent on the soil properties.
  • The amount of water that exists between the field
    capacity and the wilting point is called the
    available water capacity.
  • Water held in soil above the oven-dry temperature
    of 105 is known as hygroscopic water and is
    generally not available for plant use, as this
    water is virtually part of the soil matrix

Soil Moisture
Soil Moisture Regimes
  • Aquic moisture regime (Hydric)
  • The aquic (L. aqua, water) moisture regime is a
    reducing regime in a soil that is virtually free
    of dissolved oxygen because it is saturated by
  • Aridic and torric
  • (L. aridus, dry, and L. torridus, hot and dry)
    moisture regimes
  • occur in areas of arid climates.
  • little or no leaching in this moisture regime,
    and soluble salts accumulate in the soils if
    there is a source.
  • Udic moisture regime
  • (L. udus, humid)
  • common to the soils of humid climates that have
    well distributed rainfall
  • have enough rain in summer so that the amount of
    stored moisture plus rainfall is approximately
    equal to, or exceeds, the amount of
  • or have adequate winter rains to recharge the
    soils and cool, foggy summers, as in coastal
  • Water moves downward through the soils at some
    time in normal years.

Soil Moisture
  • Ustic moisture regime
  • ustic (L. ustus, burnt implying dryness)
  • intermediate between the aridic regime and the
    udic regime
  • Xeric moisture regime
  • xeric (Gr. xeros, dry)
  • Mediterranean climates

Organic Matter
  • 0.5 to 5 in mineral soils
  • Amorphous in nature
  • Decomposition of plant and animal residue
  • Major influence on physical/chemical properties
    of soils

Organic Matter
  • Nonhumic substances
  • Compounds belonging to the well known classes of
  • amino acids
  • carbohydrates
  • lipids
  • Humic substances
  • Complex organic compounds with high-molecular
  • Multiple rings, multiple polar substitutes
    (Phenols, carboxylic acids, aliphatic hydroxides)
  • Many sites to chelate ions like Ca2, Fe2, Al3,
  • Yellow, brown to black substances formed by
    secondary synthesis reactions

Organic Matter
  • Sources
  • Litter
  • macroorganic matter that lies of the soil surface
  • important in nutrient cycling in forest and
    natural grasslands
  • Light fraction
  • plant residues in various stages of decomposition
  • labile portion
  • source of nutrients for plants
  • affected by pH, temp, texture, and moisture
  • Microbial biomass
  • soil bugs
  • agent for plant residue decomposition
  • labile pool of nutrients
  • Water soluble organics
  • soil solution
  • low molecular weight alphatic and aromatic acids
  • important in plant nutrition
  • Soil Enzymes
  • soil contains wide variety

Organic Matter
  • Formation of Humic and Fulvic acids not well
  • Most recent theory follows synthesis from

Soils and Organisms
Soil Organisms
Soil Organisms Microflora
  • Nitrogen-fixing bacteria
  • form symbiotic associations with the roots of
    legumes like clover and lupine, and trees such as
    alder and locust.
  • The plant supplies simple carbon compounds to the
    bacteria, and the bacteria convert nitrogen (N2)
    from air into a form the plant host can use.
  • When leaves or roots from the host plant
    decompose, soil nitrogen increases in the
    surrounding area.
  • Nitrifying bacteria
  • change ammonium (NH4) to nitrite (NO2-) then to
    nitrate (NO3-)
  • Denitrifying bacteria
  • convert nitrate to nitrogen (N2) or nitrous oxide
    (N2O) gas.
  • Denitrifiers are anaerobic, meaning they are
    active where oxygen is absent, such as in
    saturated soils or inside soil aggregates.
  • Actinomycetes
  • bacteria that grow as hyphae like fungi
  • responsible for the characteristically earthy
    smell of freshly turned, healthy soil.
  • decompose a wide array of substrates, but are
    especially important in degrading recalcitrant
    (hard-to-decompose) compounds, such as chitin and
  • active at high pH levels.

Soil Organisms Microflora
  • saprophytic fungi
  • convert dead organic material into fungal
    biomass, carbon dioxide (CO2), and small
    molecules, such as organic acids.
  • generally use complex substrates, such as the
    cellulose and lignin, in wood,
  • essential in decomposing the carbon ring
    structures in some pollutants.
  • mycorrhizal fungi
  • colonize plant roots.
  • In exchange for carbon from the plant,
    mycorrhizal fungi help solubolize phosphorus and
    bring soil nutrients (phosphorus, nitrogen,
    micronutrients, and perhaps water) to the plant.

Soil Organisms Microfauna
  • Nematodes are non-segmented worms typically 1/500
    of an inch (50 µm) in diameter and 1/20 of an
    inch (1 mm) in length.
  • important in mineralizing, or releasing,
    nutrients in plant-available forms.
  • When nematodes eat bacteria or fungi, ammonium
    (NH4) is released because bacteria and fungi
    contain much more nitrogen than the nematodes
  • Protozoa
  • feed primarily on bacteria, but also eat other
    protozoa, soluble organic matter, and sometimes
  • important role in mineralizing nutrients
  • release the excess nitrogen in the form of
    ammonium (NH4).

Soil Air
  • Atmosphere penetrates into the soil through the
    pore space and fissures.
  • Soil air differs from atmospheric air in that
  • it is saturated with water vapor (near 100
    humidity), and
  • carbon dioxide, a by-product of decomposition, is
    sometimes 5-10 times higher.
  • When the pores are saturated with water, fresh
    oxygen can not diffuse into the soil, creating
    anaerobic conditions.
  • Plant growth is inhibited, and chemical reduction
    may occur in soils (as opposed to oxidation).
  • The by-products of the reduction of nitrates,
    manganese oxide, sulfate, and iron oxide cause
    fermentation that produces gases in the soil that
    are ultimately released to the atmosphere.
  • Such gases include nitrogen (N2), nitrous oxide
    (NO2), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), carbon dioxide
    (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), and methane (CH4).
  • Disruption of natural soil processes, such as by
    deforestation and increased cultivation, releases
    carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.

Soil Formation
  • Initial state
  • Relief (Topography)
  • Parent material
  • Influxes
  • Climate
  • Temperature
  • Precipitation
  • Controls weathering reaction and soil biota
  • Organisms
  • Vegetation
  • Animals
  • Bacteria and fungi
  • Time

Soil Systems
  • Soil porosity
  • Mediates chemical weathering moisture
    retention, gas exchange
  • Controlled by both physical and chemical
  • Physical transport
  • Solid and dissolved matter is washed down through
  • Capillary action and evaporation can lead to
    upward transport of dissolved material
  • Frast action, root growth, tree falls, and
    burrowing can mix material in a soil profile
  • Lateral porosity can be greater than vertical
  • Chemical activities of many species (H2O, CO2,
    O2)can change tremendously on geologic and short
    term (minutes days) time scales

Soil Chemical Processes
  • Formation of soil acidity
  • Oxidation of organic matter
  • Creation of acetates, Biogeochemical processes
  • Bacterial degradation
  • Formation of fulvic and humic acids
  • Nitrogen fixing
  • Ion exchange
  • Soils contain abundant leachable ions and
  • Reactions take place on thin films (double layer)
    and grain surfaces
  • Clays and organic matter have high CEC

Biogeochemical Processes
  • detritusphere
  • Association with plant litter
  • Fungi decompose cellulose while taking oxygen in
    and respiring carbon dioxide.
  • Inside anoxic corners of leaf structure, bacteria
    convert nitric oxides to nitrogen.
  • driolosphere
  • portion of soil volume influenced by secretions
    of earthworms 2-3 mm thickness - sites of
    enhanced C, N and P mineralization
  • Allow rainwater to penetrate soil

Biogeochemical Processes
  • Porosphere
  • between soil particles, aggregates, and roots
  • aggregatusphere
  • aggregates form when combination of microbial and
    plant mucigels, fungal hyphae and small rootlets
    bind multiple particles
  • bacteria attach to sand grains by fine fibrillae
    extending from their cell walls and by
    extracellular mucilaginous polysaccharides
  • more intensively colonized by organisms and are
    more active sites metabolically than soil as a
    whole. C, N, S and P, sugars of microbial origin
    gt than soil generally
  • nitrates (NO3-), ammonia (NH4), carbon dioxide
    (CO2), nitric oxides
  • Rhizosphere
  • Adjacent to roots and rootlets
  • Area of extremely high metabolic activity and
    chemical process

Soil Composition
Soil Color
  • Soil colors attributed to soil attributes

Soil Horizons
  • Soils may be divided into several horizons
  • Manifestation of pedogenetic process and parent
  • Controlled by water movement
  • Interaction between meteoric inputs and
    vegetative canopy
  • Water transports ions, radicals, gases, particles
  • Contributes to weathering of parent material

Soil Horizons
  • There are 4 processes involved in horizon
  • Additions to the soil
  • water as precipitation, condensation, or runoff
  • O2 and CO2 from the atmosphere
  • N, Cl, and S from the atmosphere and
  • organic matter from biotic activities
  • material from sediments
  • energy from the sun
  • Losses from the soil
  • water by evapotranspiration
  • N by denitrification
  • C as CO2 from oxidation of O.M.
  • soil by erosion
  • energy by radiation
  • water and material in solution or suspension

Soil Horizons
  • Translocations
  • clay, organic matter, iron oxides, and chemicals
    by water
  • nutrients circulated by plants
  • soluble salts in water
  • soils by animals
  • Transformations
  • decomposition of organic matter
  • reduced particle size by weathering
  • mineral transformations (primary to secondary)
  • clay and organic matter reactions

Master Horizons 
  • designated by capital letters, such as O, A, E,
    B, C, and R.
  • O horizons
  • They are dominated by organic material.
  • Some O layers consist of undecomposed or
    partially decomposed litter, such as leaves,
    twigs, moss, and lichens, that has been
    decomposed on the surface they may be on the top
    of either mineral or organic soils.
  • Other O layers, are organic materials that were
    deposited in saturated environments and have
    undergone decomposition.
  • The mineral fraction of these layers is small and
    generally less than half the weight of the total
  • In the case of organic soils (peat, muck) they
    may compose the entire soil profile.
  • Organic rich horizons which are formed by the
    translocation of organic matter within the
    mineral material are not designated as O

Master Horizons
  • A horizons
  • Mineral horizons that formed at the surface or
    below an O layer,
  • exhibit obliteration of all or much of the
    original rock or depositional structure (in the
    case of transported materials).
  • show one or more of the following
  • An accumulation of humified organic matter
    intimately mixed with the mineral fraction and
    not dominated by characteristic properties of the
    E or B horizons or,
  • Properties resulting from cultivation, pasturing
    or other similar kinds of disturbance.

Master Horizons
  • E horizons
  • Eluviation layer
  • Mineral horizons in which the main feature is
    loss of silicate clay, iron, aluminum, or some
    combination of these, leaving a concentration of
    sand and silt particles and lighter colors.
  • The horizons exhibit obliteration of all of much
    of the original rock structure.

Master Horizons
  • B horizons
  • Illuviation layer
  • Horizons in which the dominant feature(s) is one
    or more of the following
  • An illuvial concentration of silicate clay, iron,
    aluminium, carbonates, gypsum, or humus
  • A residual concentration of oxides or silicate
    clays, alone or mixed, that has formed by means
    other than solution and removal of carbonates or
    more soluble salts
  • Coatings of oxides adequate to give darker,
    stronger, or redder colors than overlying and
    underlying horizons but without apparent
    illuviation of iron
  • An alteration of material from its original
    condition that obliterates original rock
    structure, that form silicate clay, liberates
    oxides, or both, and that forms a granular,
    blocky, or prismatic structure

Master Horizons
  • C horizons
  • Mineral horizons that are little altered by soil
    forming processes.
  • They lack properties of O, A, E, or B horizons.
  • The designation C is also used for saprolite,
    sediments, or bedrock not hard enough to qualify
    for R.
  • The material designated as C may be like or
    unlike the material form the A, E, and B horizons
    are thought to have formed.

Master Horizons
  • R Horizon
  • Consolidated bedrock (hard bedrock), such as
    granite, basalt, quarzite, sandstone, or
  • Small cracks, partially or totally filled with
    soil material and occupied by roots, are
    frequently present in the R layers.  

Soil Horizons
  • Soils may be divided into several horizons based
    on composition and chemical process

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Soil Taxonomy
  • There are 12 general soil orders
  • Based on soil characteristics
  • Loosely correlated with latitude (climate zones)

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  • Profile 1 is a hydric soil and the wettest of
    the soils in this photo series. It shows two
    hydric soil characteristics, a thickened organic
    layer, explained below, and a gray matrix
    explained under the second profile. Profile 1
    occurs at the lowest point in the wetland and is
    inundated for extended periods of time. The
    ponded water fills the soil pores preventing air
    from entering the soil. A few days of soil
    saturation is usually sufficient for soil
    microbes to exhaust the supply of dissolved
    oxygen in the soil water. The lack of oxygen
    slaws the process of microbial decomposition
    causing partially decomposed organic matter to
    accumulate above the mineral layers of soil
    creating the thickened 0 and A layers apparent in
    this soil profile. The thick organic layer at the
    soil surface indicates a hydric soil.
  • Profile 2, also a hydric soil, is somewhat
    higher in the landscape and although still
    subject to fluctuating water rabies and lengthy
    periods of saturation, is not inundated for long
    periods. Therefore, the soil shows the gray
    matrix color in the Band C layers, but not the
    thickened organic surface. Without oxygen,
    microbes must utilize iron compounds to obtain
    energy from organic matter. In the process, iron
    compounds are converted from insoluble to soluble
    and flushed out leaving the gray background
    color. As iron precipitates in the aerated zones,
    additional soluble iron migrates from anaerobic
    sites unitl they become so depleted of iron that
    the gray color predominates. The term matrix is
    used to describe conditions in the dominant
    volume of soil within a layer. A soil layer is
    considered to be anaerobic when the sail matrix
    is dominated by gray depletion color. Layers B
    and C show the gray matrix indicating that these
    layers are saturated for long periods. The dull
    gray matrix extending to the soil surface
    indicates a hydric soil.
  • Profile 3 is also a hydrie soil and although
    saturated far shorter periods of time, still
    shows the strong gray matrix color all the way to
    the soil surface. Fluctuating water levels in the
    soil allow air to fill the larger pores as the
    water level lowers and then trap the air as the
    water level rises again. When the iron dissolved
    in the water encounters a zone of trapped air, it
    farms a strong, red-brown colored precipitate.
    The precipitated colors are known as
    concentrations or mottles and are evident here in
    the AB and B layers. The gray matrix with bright
    mottles extending to very near the soil surface
    indicates a hydric soil.

  • Profile 4 is significantly higher in the
    landscape and though it weakly displays wetness
    characteristics it is not a hydric soil. In both
    the A and B layers the matrix has medium colors
    associated with the original evenly distributed
    oxidized iron coatings on sand grains. Small
    areas of iron depletion and concentration exist,
    however the segregation process and attendant
    gray color is not dominant in any layer. This
    soil is probably saturated to the surface for
    only very short periods of time and is,
    therefore, not a hydric soil.
  • Profile 5 is not a hydric soil and shows
    evidence of saturation only in the deeper layers
    of the soil. As stated previously, iron
    depletions and concentrations are evidence of
    iron segregation due to saturation. The AB layer
    is saturated and anaerobic so infrequently that
    gray depletions are almost nonexistent. The
    deeper B layer shows faint depletions indicating
    that the soil is saturated only at depth and only
    for relatively short periods. Since the sail is
    seldom saturated to the surface and only
    saturated at depth for short periods of time, it
    is not a hydric soil.
  • Profile 6 occupying the highest landscape
    position in this series, shows essentially no
    evidence of saturation and is not a hydrie soil.
    In this soil.the vertical redistribution of iron
    into horizons is associated with water
    percolating down through the soil profile. As a
    result, iron is evenly distributed within each of
    the soil layers. Saturation is either absent or
    restricted to such brief periods that the soil
    dues not develop anaerobic conditions, thus
    preventing iron segregation and development of
    the gray matrix within the soil horizons. The
    absence of inundation also prevents the
    development of organic accumulations on the
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