Title: 10.0 Theology
110.0 Theology Theologians
210.1 General Bibliographical Indexes
- 10.1.1 General Indexes
- 1. Christian Periodical Index
- 2. Religious Periodical Index One Two
- 3. Catholic Periodical Literature Index
- 4. Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses
- 5. Philosopher's Index
310.1 General Bibliographical Indexes
- 10.1.2 Special Indexes / Bib.
- 1. Bollier, John. The Literature of Theology A
Guide for Students and Pastors. - 2. Davis, J. J. Theology Primer Resources for
the Theological Student. - 3. Religious and Theological Abstracts.
- 4. Montgomery, John W. The Writing of Research
Papers in Theology.
410.2 Dictionaries Encyclopedias
- 1. Hastings, James, ed. Encyclopedia of Religion
and Ethics. 12 vols. Reprint 1959. - 2. M'Clintock, John and Strong, James, eds.
Cyclopaedia of Biblical, Theological, and
Ecclesiastical Literature. 12 vols. - N.B. the CD-Rom Version
59.2 Dictionaries Encyclopedias
- 3. New Catholic Encyclopedia. 17 vols.
- http//newadvent.org/cathen/
- 4. Rahner, Karl, et al. Sacramentum Mundi An
Encyclopedia of Theology. 6 vols. - 5. Cross, F. L. Oxford Dictionary of the
Christian Church.
610.2 Dictionaries Encyclopedias
- 6. Fahlbusch, Erwin. The Encyclopedia of
Christianity (Evangelisches Kirchenlexicon) 5
vols. 1999- - 7. Eliade, Mircea. The Encyclopedia of Religion.
15 vols. - 8. Krause, Gerhard Gerhard Mueller.
Theologische Realenzykopaedie. 29 vols.
710.3 Theological Journals
- 10.3.1 The Christian Century.
- http//www.christiancentury.org/
- 10.3.2 Journal of the Evangelical Theological
Society. - http//www.etsjets.org/jets/jets_contents.html
(Searchable Database only)? - Also CD-Rom Edition from Galaxy
- 10.3.3 Journal of Theological Studies.
- http//www3.oup.co.uk/theolj/ (1996-2002)?
8(No Transcript)
9(No Transcript)
10(No Transcript)
1110.3 Theological Journals
- 10.3.4 Scottish Journal of Theology.
- http//www.abdn.ac.uk/sjt/index.hti (Only a
Searchable Index)? - 10.3.5 Theology Today.
- http//theologytoday.ptsem.edu/ (Full text
1958-1996 Current edition Search Engine)?
12(No Transcript)
1310.4 Internet Sources
- Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
http//www.utm.edu/research/iep/ - Christian Philosophy Links http//philofreligion.
homestead.com/SudduthOtherWorlds.html - Theologische Profile http//www.evlka.de/extern/e
z/archiv/profile_00.html - Theologians at Wabash Center http//www.wabashcen
14(No Transcript)
15(No Transcript)
16(No Transcript)
17(No Transcript)
1810.4 Internet Sources
- A Dictionary of Theology http//people.bu.edu/wwi
es.htm - Theology.ie http//www.theology.ie/
- APS Guide to Resources in Theology
http//www.utoronto.ca/stmikes/theobook.htm - Fides Quaerens Internetum http//www.bu.edu/peopl
e/bpstone/theology/theology.html - Theological Resources on the Web
19(No Transcript)
20(No Transcript)
21(No Transcript)
22(No Transcript)
23(No Transcript)
2410.4 Internet Sources
- Phil Johnsons Bookmarks Helpful Theological
Resources http//www.gty.org/phil/bookmark/helpf
ul.htm - Theological Website http//www.theologywebsite.co
m/ - Theological Studies http//www.theologicalstudies
25(No Transcript)
26(No Transcript)
27(No Transcript)
2810.5 Theologians
2910.5 A Few Theologians
- 10.5.1 Barth, Karl (1886-1968) Swiss Neoorthodox
Neo-Reformed - Major Works
- Epistle to the Romans (1919)?
- Church Dogmatics (1932-68)?
- Websites
- Island of Freedom Barth http//www.island-of-fr
eedom.com/BARTH.HTM - Barth Archiv in Basel http//www.unibas.ch/karlba
rth/ - Center for Barth Studies (PTS)
http//www.ptsem.edu/grow/barth/index.htm - John Mcdowells Barth Page http//www.geocities.c
3010.5 A Few Theologians
- 10.5.2 Bavinck, Herman (1854-1921) Dutch
Reformed - Major Works
- Our Reasonable Faith
- http//www.chinachristianbooks.com.cn/new/Download
s/download.html - The Doctrine of God
- Reformed Doctrine
- Websites
- Renewed Life Ministries http//www.rongleason.com
3110.5 A Few Theologians
- 10.5.3 Berkhof, Louis (1873-1957) American
Reformed - Major Works
- History of Christian Doctrine http//www.chinachr
3210.5 A Few Theologians
- 10.5.4 Berkouwer, G. C. (1903-1996) Dutch
Reformed - Major Works
- The Triumph of Grace in the Theology of Karl
Barth - Studies in Dogmatics (14 Volumes - Logos)?
- Websites
- Berkouwer A Hole in the Dike? http//www.all-of-g
3310.5 A Few Theologians
- 10.5.5 Bloesch, Donald (1928-) American
Evangelical - Major Works
- Christian Foundations, 4 Volumes
- Essentials of Evangelical Theology, 2 Volumes
- Websites
- Review by David Parker http//home.pacific.net.au
/dparker/dgb-revs.htm - Elmer M. Colyer A Theology of Word and Spirit
3410.5 A Few Theologians
- 10.5.6 Bonhoeffer, Dietrich (1906-1945) German
Lutheran - Major Works
- Cost of Discipleship
- Life Together
- Ethics
- Websites
- Dietrich Bonhoeffer Home Page http//www.dbonhoef
3510.5 A Few Theologians
- 10.5.7 Brunner, Emil (1889-1966) Swiss
Neoorthodox - Major Works
- See Bibliography at http//www.rep.routledge.com/
philosophy/articles/bib/K/K008/K008.html - Websites
- Nelson Emil Brunner Teacher Unsurpassed
3610.5 A Few Theologians
- 10.5.8 Bultmann, Rudolf (1884-1976) German New
Testament Scholar - Major Works
- The History of the Synoptic Tradition
- Jesus Christ and Mythology
- New Testament Theology
- Websites
- See Kerygma and Mythology http//www.religion-onl
1 - Also see http//www.theology.ie/theologians/bultm
3710.5 A Few Theologians
- 10.5.9 Clark, Gordon (1902-85) American
Evangelical Philosopher Apologist - Major Works
- Thales to Dewey A History of Philosophy
- An Introduction to Christian Philosophy
- Websites
- Gordon Clark, by Phil Fernandas
.htm - Natural Law and Revelation http//www.natreformas
sn.org/clarkToC.html - Gordon Clark Page http//philofreligion.homestead
.com/gordonclark.html - Clark Ring http//groups.yahoo.com/group/Clark/
3810.5 A Few Theologians
- 10.5.10 Cone, James (1938-) American Black
Liberation Theology - Major Works
- God of the Oppressed
- Black Liberation Theology
- Websites
- Interview with James Cone http//essentialteachin
3910.5 A Few Theologians
- 10.5.11 Geisler, Norman (1932-) American
Evangelical Apologist Philosopher - Major Works
- Christian Apologetics
- Introduction to Philosophy A Christian
Perspective - Geisler Apologetics Library on CD-Rom
http//www.discountchristian.com/geisler.html - Websites
- Geisler Home Page http//www.normgeisler.com/
- Geisler-Till Debate http//www.infidels.org/libra
4010.5 A Few Theologians
- 10.5.12 Harnack, Adolf von (1851-1930) German
Church Historian Theologian - Major Works
- What is Christianity?
- History of Dogma
- The Mission and Expansion of Christianity in the
First Three Centuries - Websites
- Harnack Links http//www.theology.ie/theologians/
harnack.htm - Marcion http//www.geocities.com/Athens/Ithaca/38
4110.5 A Few Theologians
- 10.5.13 Henry, Carl F. H. (1913-) American
Evangelical - Major Works
- God, Revelation and Authority, Volumes 6.
- Long time editor of Christianity Today
- Websites
- American Evangelicalism and Carl Henry
4210.5 A Few Theologians
- 10.5.14 Hodge, Charles (1797-1878) American
Presbyterian - Major Works
- Systematic Theology, 3 Vol. See
http//www.dabar.org/E-Books/E-Books.html - Websites
- Anderson A Short Biography http//www.wrs.edu/j
4310.5 A Few Theologians
- 10.5.15 Küng, Hans (1928-) German Roman Catholic
- Major Works
- On Being a Christian
- Justification. The Doctrine of Karl Barth and a
Catholic Reflection - The Church
- Websites
- Küng Links http//www.theology.ie/theologians/kue
4410.5 A Few Theologians
- 10.5.16 Machen, J. Gresham (1881-1937) American
Evangelical N.T. Apologist. - Major Works
- Christianity and Liberalism http//www.biblebelie
vers.com/machen/index.html - The Virgin Birth of Christ
- The Origin of Pauls Religion
- New Testament Greek for Beginners
http//www.ccel.org/m/machen/greek/htm/TOC.htm - Websites
- Bibliographical Essay on the Works of J. Gresham
Machen http//capo.org/premise/96/mj/p960504.html
4510.5 A Few Theologians
- 10.5.17 Moltmann, Jürgen (1926-) German
Protestant. - Major Works
- Theology of Hope
- The Crucified God
- The Church in the Power of the Spirit
- The Spirit of Life
- Websites
- Moltmann http//people.bu.edu/wwildman/WeirdWildW
htmtop - Moltmann http//www.theology.ie/theologians/moltm
4610.5 A Few Theologians
- 10.5.18 Niebuhr, H. Richard (?) American
Protestant - Major Works
- Christ and Culture
- The Responsible Self
- The Meaning of Revelation
- The Social Sources of Denominationalism
- Radical Monotheism and Western Culture
- Websites
- Porter Niebuhrs Monotheism http//www.jedp.com
4710.5 A Few Theologians
- 10.5.19 Niebuhr, Reinhold (1892-1971) American
Protestant - Major Works
- Moral Man and Immoral Society http//www.religion
d411 - Nature and Destiny of Man, 2 Volumes
- Websites
- Foreman Theology of Reinhold Niebuhr
http//www.leaderu.com/isot/docs/niehbr3.html - Niebuhr http//people.bu.edu/wwildman/WeirdWildWe
nhold.htmtop - Nieburh http//www.theology.ie/theologians/niebuh
4810.5 A Few Theologians
- 10.5.20 Packer, James I. (1926-) British
Evangelical - Major Works
- Knowing God
- Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God
- Collected Shorter Writings, 4 Volumes
- Websites
4910.5 A Few Theologians
- 10.5.21 Pannenberg, Wolfhart (1928-) German
Protestant - Major Works
- Systematic Theology, 3 Volumes
- Jesus-God and Man
- Revelation as History
- Anthropology in Theological Perspective
- Basic Questions in Theology
- Websites
- Pannenberg http//www.theology.ie/theologians/pan
5010.5 A Few Theologians
- 10.5.22 Pinnock, Clark (1920-?) American,
Evangelical - Major Works
- Biblical Revelation The Foundation of Christian
Theology - Flame of Love
- The Grace of God, The Will of Man A Case for
Arminianism - Websites
- An Interview with Pinnock http//www.modernreform
- The Teaching of Pinnock http//www.banneroftruth.
5110.5 A Few Theologians
- 10.5.23 Rahner, Karl (1904-84) German Roman
Catholic - Major Works
- Foundations of Christian Faith An Introduction
to the Idea of Christianity - http//www.west.net/
fischer/Rahner000.htm - Theological Investigations
- Websites
- Rahner http//www.banneroftruth.co.uk/articles/20
01/11/teaching.htm - Karl Rahner Society http//faculty.theo.mu.edu/kr
5210.5 A Few Theologians
- 10.5.24 Rauschenbusch, Walter (1861-1918)
American Protestant - Major Works
- A Theology for the Social Gospel
- Christianizing the Social Order
- Websites
- Rauschenbusch http//people.bu.edu/wwildman/Weird
5310.5 A Few Theologians
- 10.5.25 Schleiermacher, Friedrich (1768-1834)
German Liberal Protestant - Major Works
- The Christian Faith
- On Religion Speeches to Its Cultured Despisers
- Websites
- Schleiermacher http//people.bu.edu/wwildman/Weir
5410.5 A Few Theologians
- 10.5.26 Thielicke, Helmut (1908-?) German
Lutheran - Major Works
- The Evangelical Faith. 3 vols.
- A little exercise for young theologians
- Theological Ethics. 3 vols.
- Websites
- Between God and Satan http//www.religion-online.
org/cgi-bin/relsearchd.dll/showbook?item_id623 - Words from Helmut Thielicke http//www.colorado.e
du/StudentGroups/ulc/thielicke.html - Thielicke Home Page http//www.thielicke.org/thie
5510.5 A Few Theologians
- 10.5.27 Tillich, Paul (1886-1965) German
Protestant - Major Works
- Systematic Theology, 3 vols.
- Courage To Be
- The Dynamics of Faith
- Websites
- Tillich http//people.bu.edu/wwildman/WeirdWildWe
mtop - Paul Tillich Links http//www.theology.ie/theolog
5610.5 A Few Theologians
- 10.5.28 Van Til, Cornelius (1895-87) American
Reformed Apologist - Major Works
- Van Til Cd-Rom
- The Defense of the Faith
- A Survey of Christian Epistemology
- A Christian Theory of Knowledge
- An Introduction to Systematic Theology
- Christian Apologetics
- Websites
- Van Til the Theologian http//www.reformed.org/ap
ologetics/frame_vtt.html - Van Til Reviews his writing http//www.wts.edu/bo
okstore/vantil/summary.htm - Van Til FEM http//www.vantil.info/articles/vtfem
5710.5 A Few Theologians
- 10.5.29 Warfield, Benjamin B. (1851-1921)
American Presbyterian - Major Works
- Biblical Doctrines
- Counterfeit Miracles
- Inspiration and Authority of the Bible
- Studies in Perfectionism
- Websites
- Warfield Article Links http//www.crpc.org/arts
5810.5 A Few Theologians
- 10.5.30 Whitehead, Alfred North (1861-1947)
American Mathematician Philosopher - Major Works
- Religion in the Making
- Symbolism It's Meaning and Effect
- Process and Reality
- Adventures of Ideas
- Websites
- Whitehead http//people.bu.edu/wwildman/WeirdWild
d.htmtop - AATP http//alfred.north.whitehead.com/
5910.5 A Few Theologians
- 10.5.31 John B. Cobb, Jr. (1925-) Process
Theologian - Major Works
- Beyond Dialogue Toward a Mutual Transformation
of Christianity and Buddhism - Process Theology An Introductory Exposition
- Websites
- John Cobb http//people.bu.edu/wwildman/WeirdWild
top - Cobb http//www.theology.ie/theologians/cobb.htm
6010.5 Writing a Theological Paper
- Montgomery, The Writing of Research Papers in
Theology An Introductory Lecture
6110.5 Writing a Theological Paper
- 10.5.1 The nature of a theology research paper
- 1. But what characterizes the research study as
distinct from other kinds of written
communication in which the theologian engages?
Essentially, the research paper constitutes a
contribution to knowledge, either through the
actual discovery of new information or through
the presentation of old information in a new
perspective. p. 5
6210.5 Writing a Theological Paper
- 2. Three elements will be seen to enter into
such a paper originality, information, and
organization. p. 5
6310.5 Writing a Theological Paper
- 10.5.2 Seven step method
- 1. First we have the basic principle which
serves as a substratum for all the others the
necessity of finding and using reliable research
works in any study which you undertake. p. 7
6410.5 Writing a Theological Paper
- 2. "This leads naturally to the second point one
should not begin an investigation at a library
card catalog or at a periodical index (even
though the students first tendency is to do so).
Merely because a library contains certain books,
or because certain periodical articles have been
published, one cannot conclude that these are
worthwhile research materials.
6510.5 Writing a Theological Paper
- True, a library does its level best to acquire
the wheat and by-pass the chaff, but even trained
librarians sometimes make mistakes moreover,
many books in every library are donations, and if
you have observed the quality of the average
pastors library, you can readily imagine what
kinds of gifts divinity school libraries
generally receive. Furthermore, a library will
often intentionally buy a poor quality
publication because it reflects the Zeitgeist -
the spirit of the time, All this points to the
fact that until one has entered into the subject
of his research deeply enough to have established
competent principles of evaluation, he must rely
upon the authoritative judgment of others.
6610.5 Writing a Theological Paper
- In short, the student should begin with his
lecture material, texts, reserve readings, and
course bibliographies from these data he can do
a preliminary broadening or (generally) narrowing
of his area of interest, and through footnotes
and other bibliographic references acquire leads
to competent material bearing on his subject.
This is not naïve authoritarianism, it is common
sense one does not assume that his professors
and their recommended readings are in-fallible,
but they constitute the best starting-point when
one has not yet acquired criteria for judging
publications in a field. p. 7-8
6710.5 Writing a Theological Paper
- 3. "knowledge of appropriate reference tools is
an essential element in the equipment of the
theological researcher. Reference works are the
librarians stock-and-trade, but since librarians
object to being carried about on the backs of
theological students, the latter must themselves
learn to use the basic tools. . . . Having
acquired a list of reliable publications on your
subject from course materials and general
reference books, you are in a position to
penetrate deeper into your area of interest.
p. 8
6810.5 Writing a Theological Paper
- 4. "Borrow from the library a number of the books
and journal articles about which you have
learned acquire from them a knowledge of the
authors and publications of key value in the
field, attempt to develop your own criteria of
judgment for literature in the area, and use the
references in these books to increase the extent
of your material." p. 8
6910.5 Writing a Theological Paper
- 5. "You should now have sufficient foundation for
your subject, and a tentative outline of your
research problem in terms of the previous history
of the problem, your hypotheses, the data needed
to prove or disprove them, etc., so that you can
proceed to the card catalogs of the library or
libraries available to you, to general
bibliographies, and to periodical (and possibly
newspaper) indexes. This is step five at this
point you utilize the criteria you have
developed, and choose from the mass of material
that which is relevant to your particular
research problem. p. 8
7010.5 Writing a Theological Paper
- 6. "Step six, which is not often utilized by
students (probably because they insanely attempt
to produce papers at the last minute before they
are due), is the use of interlibrary loan to
acquire necessary materials not in ones own
library. p. 9
7110.5 Writing a Theological Paper
- 7. "Step seven, not unnaturally, is the writing
of the final draft of the paper, thereby
incorporating the relevant data and ones
original insights into a structural and literary
unit. We shall now discuss several of the above
considerations in detail, and begin with the
reference tools of central importance to the
theological research task. p. 9