Title: CAS Predictive Modeling Seminar
1CAS Predictive Modeling Seminar
- Predictive Modeling for a Commercial
- Insurance Company with Little or No Data
- Scott Bronstein October 5, 2004
2Discussion points
- Data available for predictive modeling
- Models in use
- Sample results
- Summary
3Modeling guidelines with minimal data
- Know your target population
- Tap into business data - even minimal amount of
business performance data can be predictive - Use consumer data as appropriate
- Segment the population
- Validate at logical intervals - can recalibrate
if necessary
4Composition of U.S. businesses
Publicly heldlt1
Partnerships 15
Privately held 7
Sole proprietorships 77
190 million consumers
5Experian Business Information Solutions
- No other company houses these assets under a
single roof
Integrated Information Solutions
Business Public Record Database
National Business Credit Database
National Business Database
National Consumer Credit Database
6Credit Database Sources
Marketing database
Public record
Experian Business Credit Database
Trade payment
Banking, insurance, leasing
Standard Poors
7Marketing Database
Business White Pages
Credit Database
National Business Database
Data Vendors
DBA/FBN (new business)
Televerified Data
National Yellow Pages
8Scores Offer Solutions Across Customer Lifecycle
9Intelliscore overview
- Used primarily in small business lending,
commercial card, leasing, telecommunications, and
business services - Commercial Intelliscore
- Utilizes commercial credit, business
demographics, public record and legal information - Small Business Intelliscore
- Utilizes commercial and consumer credit, business
demographics, public record and legal
10Intelliscore models are segmented scoring systems
- Businesses within a modeling sample are clustered
or segmented by common characteristics such as - Size of business
- Credit history
- Data type availability
- When predictors behave differently between
clusters, the file should be segmented so the
clusters can be modeled independently to capture
subtle nuances in payment behavior
11Model segment integration
- Scoring system integrates model segments into one
uniform score - Each Intelliscore model solution consists of
several modeled segments each with its own set of
variables and raw score
Model Segment 3 score
Model Segment 2 score
Model Segment 1 score
Uniform 0 - 100 score
12Commercial Intelliscore Report
Commercial credit and business demographic
information for up to fifteen elements
Credit score and percentile
Score factors
13Commercial Intelliscore18 to 60 lift in
14Small Business Intelliscore12 to 35 lift in
- Wide array of business data is available
- Familiarity with how to use the data is critical
- Small business is broadly defined and data
availability will vary - Segment the population
- Commercial risk scores are predictive across
several industries - and probably others