Title: Clay Animation: Plain
1Clay Animation Plain Simple
- To insert your company logo on this slide
- From the Insert Menu
- Select Picture
- Locate your logo file
- Click OK
- To resize the logo
- Click anywhere inside the logo. The boxes that
appear outside the logo are known as resize
handles. - Use these to resize the object.
- If you hold down the shift key before using the
resize handles, you will maintain the proportions
of the object you wish to resize.
- Mary Sue FosterProfessor, WSU
- Tonya WitherspoonEducational Technology
Specialist, WSU
Kansas Art Education Association Fall
2Provides opportunities
- Collaborate and work as a team
3Provides opportunities
- Use humor to solve visual problems
4Provides opportunities
- Develop creative characteristics
- Fluency
- Originality
- re-definition
- Adaptation
- Elaboration
5Clay Animation
Mueller Elementary Wichita, KS, Beth Adamson, 4/5
Grade Classroom http//mueller.usd259.org/dilsaver
6Clay Animation
Robinson Middle School, Wichita, KS- Gail Boddy,
7/8 Grade Classroom http//robinson.usd259.org/cla
7Clay Animation
- Helps meet the National Visual Arts Standards,
adopted in 1994 - 1 Understand and apply visual arts media,
techniques and processes
8Clay Animation
- Helps meet the National Visual Arts Standards,
adopted in 1994 - 2 Use knowledge of visual arts structures and
9Clay Animation
- Helps meet the National Visual Arts Standards,
adopted in 1994 - 3 Choose and evaluate a range of subject matter
10Clay Animation
- Helps meet the National Visual Arts Standards,
adopted in 1994 - 4 Understand the visual arts in relation to
history and cultures
11Clay Animation
- Helps meet the National Visual Arts Standards,
adopted in 1994 - 5 Reflect upon and assess the characteristics
and merits of their work and their work of other
12Clay Animation
- Helps meet the National Visual Arts Standards,
adopted in 1994 - 6 Make connections between visual arts and
other disciplines
13Clay Animation
Wichita State University- Mary Sue Foster,
Teacher Education/Art Methods
14Clay Animation
Wichita State University- Mary Sue Foster,
Teacher Education/Art Methods
15Clay Animation
Wichita State University- Mary Sue Foster,
Teacher Education/Art Methods
16High Tech?Plain Simple!
Wichita State University- Mary Sue Foster,
Teacher Education/Art Methods
17Tech4Learning Clay Animation Kit
- Animation Software
- Book
- Clay
- Sculpting tools
- Accessories
- Work mat
18Clay Animation Plain Simple
- To insert your company logo on this slide
- From the Insert Menu
- Select Picture
- Locate your logo file
- Click OK
- To resize the logo
- Click anywhere inside the logo. The boxes that
appear outside the logo are known as resize
handles. - Use these to resize the object.
- If you hold down the shift key before using the
resize handles, you will maintain the proportions
of the object you wish to resize.
- Mary Sue FosterProfessor, WSU
- Tonya WitherspoonEducational Technology
Specialist, WSU
Kansas Art Education Association Fall