Title: Day 3:
1Day 3
2Beyond the readily observable facts of changing
demographic composition, of economic
restructuring, and of residential segregation lie
questions about the state of interethnic
attitudes, identities, and tensions. The MCSUI
cities have experienced demographic and economic
upheaval in a context of segregation, of
well-defined racial and ethnic identities, and,
in some cases, of interethnic attitudes
characterized by mutual suspicion and hostility.
This scenario opens the door to intense and
sustained conflict and tension.
3Intergroup Attitudes Outline
- Introduction Why are attitudes important in the
study of inequality? - What topics on intergroup attitudes are covered
in the MCSUI survey?
4Outline (cont.)
- Questions and codebook Beliefs about causes of
inequality - Questions and codebook Stereotyping
- Questions and codebook Intergroup competition
5I. Why are attitudes important in the study of
- Negative stereotypes remain widespread
- Particularly against African Americans
- Racial/ethnic disparity in world views
- Differing perception of problems of racial
inequality and discrimination - Public opinion and debates over policy
6I. Why are attitudes important, cont.
- Multi-ethnic tensions
- Attitudes influence community functioning and
interaction (e.g. the L.A. uprising, 1992) - Labor markets and housing markets affected
- Employers, realtors, and lenders
7EX Reacting to the growing influx of Hispanic
immigrants in L.A. the president of a black
home owners association complained that its a
different culture, a different brand of people.
They dont have the Same values. You cant get
together with them. Its like mixing oil and
water. (Bobo et al 27)
8II. What topics on intergroup attitudes are
covered in the MCSUI survey?
- Beliefs about the causes of inequality
- Stereotypes
- Perceptions of fairness of Affirm. Action
- Identity with group fate
- Intergroup competition
9D1. Now I am going to ask you some questions on
a different topic. We are interested in whatever
thoughts and opinions you have. There are no
right or wrong answers. The first topic is
discrimination. In general, how much
discrimination is there that hurts the chances of
(GROUP X) to get good paying jobs? Do you think
there is a lot, some, only a little, or none at
all? D1A DDISCHIS How about for Hispanics or
Latinos? Det Atl LA Bos Total 1 A
lot 391 402 1291 675 2759 2 Some 736 641 1466 7
27 3570 3 Only a little 234 266 825 271 1596 4 N
one at all 92 134 329 111 666 7 Refused 0 0 8 0 8
8 Don't Know 85 46 106 0 237 9 Missing 5 39 0 3
6 80 1543 1528 4025 1820 8916
10 D1B DDISCBLK How about for Blacks? D1C
DDISCASN How about for Asians? D1D DDISCWMN How
about for Women? D1E DDISCWHT How about for
11IV. Questions and Codebook Stereotyping
Split ballots (D2) Form X gt gender not
specified Form Y gt male specified for
race/ethnic group Form Z gt female
specified for race/ethnic group
12Stereotypes (all on 7-pt. scale)
D3 Rich poor D4 Intelligent
unintelligent D5 Self-supporting not self
-supporting D6 Easy to get along with
difficult to get along with D7 Speaks English
well does not speak English well D8 Involved
in gangs and drugs not involved in gangs and
drugs D9 Discriminates against members of
other groups does not discriminate...
13 C. Stereotype question format and codebook
layout D3. Now I have some questions about
different groups in our (U.S.) society. I'm
going to show you a 7-point scale on which the
characteristics of people in a group can be
rated. In the first statement a score of 1
means that you think almost all of the people in
that group are "rich." A score of 7 means that
you think almost everyone in the group is "poor."
A score of 4 means you think that the group is
not towards one end or the other and, of course,
you may choose any number in between that comes
closest to where you think people in the group
stand. Where would you rate (GROUP) on this
scale, where 1 means tends to be rich and 7 means
tends to be poor? Note For Atlanta, Los
Angeles, and Boston, the variable text takes a
different form (based on DICD2FRM). For Form
X, no changes in variable text for Form Y,
GROUP is "RACE males" and for Form Y,
GROUP is "RACE" females." This note
applies to Questions D3-D9.
14 D3A DRICHWHT What about Whites? Det Atl
LA Bos Total 1 Rich 149 216 694 216 1275 2 25
3 188 752 197 1390 3 387 310 1004 394 2095 4 N
either 564 604 1074 703 2945 5 83 90 230 165 56
8 6 18 12 39 36 105 7 Poor 8 23 30 42 103 9
7 DK/refused 53 52 202 49 356 99 Missing 28 33 0
18 79 1543 1528 4025 1820 8916
15 D3B DRICHASN What about Asians? Det Atl L
A Bos Total 1 Rich 33 68 360 37 498 2 125 146
701 89 1061 3 363 215 1054 247 1879 4 Neither
467 487 1146 611 2711 5 242 201 385 354 1182
6 104 99 111 195 509 7 Poor 22 124 32 136 314
97 DK/refused 160 155 236 130 681 99 Missing 2
7 33 0 21 81
16D3C DRICHBLK What about Blacks? D3D DRICHHIS
What about Latinos?
17V. Questions and codebook Intergroup Competition
Skip sequences respondents race/ethnicity a)
Who asked the questions (D15) question not
asked in Detroit Whites Blacks Latinos Asians
Atlanta Boston Atlanta Atlanta Boston L.A. Bost
on Boston L.A. L.A. L.A.
18Forms Comparison Group
D15B Form X gt Asians Form Y gt
Blacks Form Z gt Hispanics or Latinos
19D16. Please tell me whether you strongly agree,
generally agree, neither agree nor disagree,
generally disagree, or strongly disagree with
these statements Notes 1) In Atlanta, this
question was asked only of Non-Blacks (see D15A).
2) Substitute for GROUP for Form X, "Asians"
Form Y, "Blacks" and Form Z, "Hispanics or
Latinos." D16A DRCCOMPJ More good jobs for
GROUP means fewer good jobs for R's
20 Atl LA Bos Total 0 Logical Skip---2 in
D15A (Atlanta) 5 in D15A (Los Angeles and
Boston) 835 0 27 862 1 Strongly
agree 60 669 264 993 2 Generally
agree 141 962 361 1464 3 Neither 191 1073 442 1
706 4 Generally disagree 201 951 413 1565 5 Stron
gly disagree 88 339 267 694 7 Refused 0 4 0 4 8
Don't Know 3 25 0 28 9 Missing 9 2 46 57
1528 4025 1820 7373
21VI. SUMMARY Key information for Section D
- Skip sequences
- Cities vary by which race/ethnic groups asked
certain questions - Split ballots