Title: Understanding the NBA Study
1Understanding the NBA Study
- Background What is a regression?
- Three key points
- Most of the analysis is not relevant
- NBA analysis Are blacks and whites treated
differently? - Our question is different Are blacks and whites
treated differently by black and white referees? - What does the NBA study show?
- The NBA analysis AGREES with our analysis
- Our analysis over the same period
- Also shows evidence of own-race bias over the
past three years - For another day Problems with the NBA study
- While we are analyzing the NBA statistical
output, we do not endorse their methodology, and
have not been allowed a chance to check their
3Background What Is A Regression?
- Suppose we are interested in whether blacks or
whites commit more fouls - (Note This is not the Price-Wolfers question)
- Simplest approach
- Average fouls by white players 2.21
- Average fouls by black players 2.26
- Difference0.05
- Simple regression is equivalent
- Fouls 2.21 0.05Black player OR
- Fouls 2.26 0.05White player
- (Note that asking if blacks commit more fouls is
equivalent to asking if whites commit fewer
fouls) - The advantage of more complex regressions is that
we can take account of other factors. An example - Fouls 0.05Minutes played 0.10 Black player
4The NBA Study
- Analyze 2½ seasons of data Nov. 04 Jan. 07
- Price-Wolfers Initial study 1991/92-2003/04
- Price-Wolfers Update 2004/05-2006/07
- Analyze Fouls earned by a player in a game
- Price-Wolfers Analyze Fouls per 48 minutes
- Break data into four separate sub-samples
- Players who usually play 0-10, 10-20, 20-30 and
30-40 minutes per game - Price-Wolfers Analyze all the data jointly
5Understanding the Question
- Price-Wolfers Do players earn fewer fouls under
own-race referees? - Not asking Do black players get different fouls
than white players? (Or visa-versa) - Not asking Do black referees blow more fouls
than white referees? (Or visa-versa) - Most of the NBA Analysis does not address our
question - Model 1 Do black players earn more fouls than
whites? - Model 2 Do black referees award more fouls than
whites? - Model 3 Do white players earn more fouls than
blacks? - Same as Model 1, but in reverse
- Model 4 Do white referees award more fouls than
blacks? - Same as Model 2, but in reverse
- Models 5-8 are all the same Asks two questions
- Do black players earn more fouls than whites?
- Do black referees give more fouls than whites?
- The models are all the same, simply rephrasing
these questions instead in reverse (do white
players in models 7, 8 do white referees in
models 6,7) - They are literally the same, and give literally
the same answer (by construction) - Model 10 asks two questions
- Do white players earn more fouls than blacks?
- Do white referees award more fouls than blacks?
- These regressions also take account of average
differences in fouls by player, team, referee,
and home-away status, by season
6Models 11 and 13
- The key is the variable same race combo
- Price-Wolfers findSame racegtFewer fouls (i.e.
negative effect) - NBA analysis
- Group 1 Negative effect, but statistically
insignificant - Group 2 Statistically significant negative
effects - Group 3 Insignificant and small positive effect
- Group 4 No effect
- The only statistically significant impact agrees
with our analysis!!!
7Model 15 Taking Account of Position
- 0-10 minute players
- Own-race referee yield fewer fouls
- Statistically insignificant
- 10-20 minute players
- Own-race referee yield fewer fouls
- Statistically significant!!!
- 20-30 minute players
- Own-race referee yield slightly more fouls
- Statistically insignificant
- 30 minute players
- Own-race referee yield slightly fewer fouls
- Statistically insignificant
8Model 9
- Simply asks
- What if you are of the same race of the referee?
- Finds mainly positive effects (contrary to
Price-Wolfers) - But
- White players are more likely to be of the same
race as the referee - White players earn more fouls
- This needs to be accounted for (which requires
some work)
9Inferences from the NBA Data
- Reconstructing the data
- Model 1 tells us the average fouls by white
players (constant) - Model 1 tells us the average difference between
black and white players (coefficient on Player
black) - Model 2 tells us the average fouls call by white
refs (constant) - Model 2 tells us the average difference between
black and white refs (coefficient on Official
black) - Model 9 tells us the average number of fouls in
opposite-race interactions (constant) - Model 9 tells us the average difference between
own-race and opposite-race calls (coefficient on
same race combo) - Model 5 tells us the average level of fouls,
taking account of both player and referee race. - From these 7 facts, we can construct
- The proportion of the sample involving each type
of interaction (bb, bw, ww, wb) - The average number of fouls from each type of
interaction. - This involves no assumptions, simply mathematical
inferences - Simultaneous equations
- We have 7 facts, which give us 7 equations
- Plus an 8th equation the sum of the
probabilities of each type of interaction must
equal one. - We have 8 unknowns
- We simply solve this system mathematically
(computer code over the page) - Because the NBA data are reported to three
decimal places, this slightly limits our accuracy
10Mathematica Code to Reconstruct the NBA Data
- (0-10 MINUTES)
- Solve
- (Get the data)
- M1_CONSTŠ2.728,
- M2_CONSTŠ2.593,
- M9_CONSTŠ2.619,
- M9_COMBOŠ-.006,
- M5_CONSTŠ2.706,
- (Model 1)
- (p_bw mu_bwp_ww mu_ww)/(p_bwp_ww)ŠM1_CONST,
- (p_bb mu_bb p_wb mu_wb)/(p_bbp_wb)ŠM1_CONST
M1_BLACKPLAYER, - (Model 2)
- (p_ww mu_ww p_wb mu_wb)/(p_wwp_wb)ŠM2_CONST,
- (p_bw mu_bwp_bb mu_bb)/(p_bwp_bb)ŠM2_CONSTM
This is the mathematica code used to reconstruct
the NBA data for the 0-10 minute players. Similar
code was used for the other players
11NBA Data Players who typically play 0-10
minutesFouls per player
- n6,235 observations
- Data calculated from NBA study (Note rounding
may induce small errors.)
12NBA Data Players who typically play 10-20
minutesFouls per player
- n35,266 observations
- Data calculated from NBA study (Note rounding
may induce small errors.)
13NBA Data Players who typically play 20-30
minutesFouls per player
- n51,440 observations
- Data calculated from NBA study (Note rounding
may induce small errors.)
14NBA Data Players who typically play 30
minutesFouls per player
- n55,264 observations
- Data calculated from NBA study (Note rounding
may induce small errors.)
15Understanding Model 9
An example using players who typically play 0-10
- The NBA analysis (model 9) compares
- The weighted average of the own-race cells
(282.656392.582)/(2839) 2.613 - The weighted average of the opposite-race
cells(292.53343.187)/(294) 2.612 - This is why the NBA find no effect
- But because white players are much more likely to
face own-race referees (see above) , this
confounds two facts - White players earn fewer fouls under own-race
referees - Which should lead to a negative own-race effect
- White players earn more fouls than black players
- And because they are likely to have own-race
referees, this leads to an offsetting positive
bias to the own-race effect - Our difference-in-difference analysis takes
account of underlying differences between black
and white players.
16Summarizing the NBA Analysis
- Most of the models in the NBA analysis do not
speak to our research question - We ask about how players of different races have
fouls called differentially by referees of
different races - Most of the NBA analysis (Models 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 14) instead asks either about
differences in foul calls by player race, or
referee race - Of those models which test own-race bias
- Model 11 Finds evidence of own-race bias
- Model 13 Finds evidence of own-race bias
- Not surprising it is the same as model 11
- Model 15 Finds evidence of own-race bias
- Model 9 As formulated, no evidence of own-race
bias - When corrected, evidence of own-race bias
- Background What is a regression?
- Three key points
- Most of the analysis is not relevant
- NBA analysis Are blacks and whites treated
differently? - Our question Are blacks and whites treated
differently by black and white referees? - What does the NBA study show?
- The NBA analysis AGREES with our analysis
- What is statistical proof?
- Our analysis over the same period
- For another day Problems with the NBA study
- While we are analyzing the NBA statistical
output, we do not endorse their methodology, and
have not been allowed a chance to check their
18Price-Wolfers 1991/92 to 2003/04
- n266,984 player-game observations
- Player-game observations weighted by minutes
played - , , denote statistically significant at
1, 5 and 10 - (Standard errors in parentheses)
19Price-Wolfers 2004/05-2006/07 Update
- n71,759 player-game observations
- Player-game observations weighted by minutes
played - , , denote statistically significant at
1, 5 and 10 - (Standard errors in parentheses)