Title: Farnums Guide to Modern Fantasy
1Farnums Guide to Modern Fantasy
- Modern Fantasy is a type of literature in which
the events, the settings, or the characters are
outside the realm of possibility. In other words,
a fantasy is a story that cannot happen in the
real world.
Created by Cindy Farnum
2Modern Fantasy
- Modern Fantasy books may have animals that talk,
objects come to life, people who are giants or
thumb-sized, imaginary worlds are inhabited, and
future worlds are explored, just to name a few of
the possibilities!
Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away..
Created by Cindy Farnum
3Modern Fantasy
The difference between Modern Fantasy and
Traditional Literature is that modern fantasies
are written by known authors. Remember that
Traditional Literature is usually passed down
through oral story telling and the author is
Created by Cindy Farnum
4Types of Modern Fantasy
- Modern Folktales little character description,
strong conflict, fast-moving plot with a sudden
resolution and, in some cases, magical elements.
Created by Cindy Farnum
5More Types of Modern Fantasy...
- Animal Fantasies stories in which animals behave
as humans. The animals show emotions, talk, and
have the ability to reason. (An example would be
E.B. Whites Charlottes Web.)
Created by Cindy Farnum
6Even More Types of Modern Fantasy
- Personified Toys and Objects These are stories
in which admired objects or beloved toys are
brought to life and believed in by a child or
adult character in the story.
Created by Cindy Farnum
7Even More Types of Modern Fantasy
- Unusual Characters and Strange Situations These
stories may seem ridiculous or exaggerated.
- Worlds of Little People Stories about miniature
people who have a culture of their own in another
Created by Cindy Farnum
8Even MORE Types of Modern Fantasy
- Supernatural Events and Mystery Fantasy An
example of this type of story would be a ghost
story. Others stories might include witchcraft
and mysteries that are not explained
Created by Cindy Farnum
9EVEN MORE Types of Modern Fantasy
- Historical Fantasy Stories in which a
present-day character goes back in time to a
different era.
- Quest Stories These stories are adventure
stories with a search involved in the plot.
Created by Cindy Farnum
10A Last Type of Modern Fantasy
- Science Fiction and Science Fantasy Science
Fiction stories are about what could happen based
on real scientific facts and principles. Science
Fantasy often mixes a world of mythology with
scientific possibilities.
Created by Cindy Farnum
11For a list of suggested modern fantasy books you
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Created by Cindy Farnum