Title: A National PBS documentary series in 2006
1- A National PBS documentary series in 2006
- Major Outreach Campaign
- Young Adult Cancer Survivors Project
Funding via CDC Co-operative Agreement
2The Series
- The story of five diverse families across six
years in the fight against - childhood cancer.
- Funded and sponsored by ITVS - the Independent
Television Service - Additional funders
The Centers for Disease Control Prevention The
Lance Armstrong Foundation The National Endowment
for the Arts The Ohio Arts Council The Program
for Media Arts The MacDowell Colony
3The Outreach Campaign
- ITVS Community Connections Project
- Local Cancer Support Collaboratives in cities
across the country - National Partners working and coordinating
efforts - Public awareness campaign addressing 4 content
- The Burden of Cancer on Families
- Cancer Health Care Disparities
- Challenges of Survivorship
- Palliative, End-of-Life and Bereavement Care
4National Outreach Partners
The American Cancer Society The Center for
Medical Home Initiatives for CSHCN The Childrens
Cause for Cancer Advocacy CureSearch (The
National Childhood Cancer Foundation
the Childrens Oncology Group) Hope
Street Kids The Intercultural Cancer Council The
Leukemia Lymphoma Society The National Black
Nurses Association, Inc. The National Hospice and
Palliative Care Organization The Oncology
Nurses Society Padres Contra El Cáncer Health
5How to join in
www.itvs.org/outreach/lioninthehouse Contact
your local PBS station Participate in a LOCAL
- Mainstream Cancer Support Organizations
- Trusted Community Organizations
- PBS affiliates as coordinators and neutral ground
6Young Adult Cancer Survivors Project
- Empowering cancer survivors to be educated and
proactive about - their long-term health
- Focus on the underserved
- Nationally coordinated, well publicized
survivor events tied to-- - PBS BROADCAST Innovative means to reach
diverse young adult - cancer survivors
- Cross promoted by national orgs, and youth
oriented radio, print - Coordinated by the Kentucky Cancer Program at
- the University of Kentucky-Lexington
- Funded through the CDC Division of Cancer
- Prevention and Control, Comprehensive Cancer
Control Program, - Hematologic Cancer Education Initiative
7If you work with young adult survivors
- To get involved, contact
- Amy Steinkuhl, Project Director
- Amy_at_kcp.uky.edu