How to write LCFGng components for EDG - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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How to write LCFGng components for EDG


Partner. Logo. German Cancio WP4-install LCFG HOW-TO - n 1 ... syslog.add_monitoring local3.* |/ var/obj/tmp/monitor.fifo. syslog.add_kernel kern. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: How to write LCFGng components for EDG

How to write LCFGng components for EDG
  • 10/2002

  • LCFG short reminder
  • Slides stolen from Enrico and Massimo / INFN
  • Writing LCFGng Components for EDG usage
  • Examples
  • Documentation and links

LCFG short reminder
  • LCFG is originally developed by the Computer
    Science Department of Edinburgh University
  • Handles automated installation, configuration and
    management of machines
  • Basic features
  • automatic installation of O.S.
  • installation/upgrade/removal of all (rpm-based)
    software packages
  • centralized configuration and management of
  • extendible to configure and manage custom
    application software

LCFG diagram
A collection of agents read configuration
parameters and either generate traditional config
files or directly manipulate various services
Abstract configuration parameters for all nodes
stored in a central repository
LCFG configuration (I)
  • Most of the configuration data are common for a
    category of nodes (e.g. diskservers, computing
    nodes) and only a few are node-specific (e.g.
    hostname, IP-address)
  • Using the cpp preprocessor it is possible to
    build a hierarchical structure of config files
    containing directives like define, include,
    ifdef, comments with / /, etc...
  • The configuration of a typical LCFG node looks
    like this
  • define HOSTNAME pc239 / Host specific
    definitions /
  • include "site.h" / Site specific
    definitions /
  • include "linuxdef.h" / Common linux
    resources /
  • include "client.h" / LCFG client
    specific resources /

LCFG configuration (II)
  • From "site.h"
  • define LCFGSRV grid01
  • define LOCALDOMAIN
  • ...
  • From "linuxdef.h"
  • update.interfaces eth0
  • update.hostname_eth0 HOSTNAME
  • update.netmask_eth0 NETMASK
  • ...
  • From "client.h"
  • update.disks hda
  • update.partitions_hda hda1 hda2
  • update.pdetails_hda1 free /
  • update.pdetails_hda2 128 swap
  • auth.users mickey
  • auth.usercomment_mickey Mickey Mouse
  • auth.userhome_mickey /home/Mickey

LCFG configuration changes
  • Server-side when the config files are modified,
    a tool (mkxprof) recreates the new xml profile
    for all the nodes affected by the changes
  • this can be done manually or with a daemon
    periodically checking for config changes and
    calling mkxprof
  • mkxprof can notify via UDP the nodes affected by
    the changes
  • Client-side another tool (rdxprof) downloads the
    new profile from the server
  • usually activated by an LCFG component at boot
  • can be configured to work as
  • daemon periodically polling the server
  • daemon waiting for notifications
  • started by cron at predefined times

LCFGng components for EDG usage
LCFG whats a component?
  • Component object
  • It's a Perl script (also shell scripts accepted
    for historic reasons)
  • We recommend to phase out shell components.
  • A backwards compatibility module allows to import
    old-style components without any modifications.
  • Each component provides a Configure() method
    invoked on startup or when configuration changes
  • A simple and typical component behaviour
  • Started when notified of a configuration change
  • Loads its configuration (locally cached)
  • Configures the appropriate services, by
    translating config parameters into a traditional
    config file and reloading a service if necessary
    (e.g. restarting a init.d service).

LCFG custom components
  • LCFG provides components to manage the
    configuration of services of a machine inet,
    auth, nfs, cron, ...
  • Admins can build new custom components to
    configure and manage their own applications
  • define your custom resources (configuration
  • Write a script containing standard methods with
    your custom code.
  • Include in your script a generic library, which
    contains the definition of common function used
    by all components (config loading, log, output,
  • For simple components usually just a few lines of

Writing LCFG components for EDG
  • Software written for EDG should be portable to
    whatever farm management system is used.
  • It is therefore recommended to use whenever
    possible, standard SysV procedures for managing
    services init.d scripts and chkconfig.
  • LCFG should not be used for replacing existing
    SysV init.d functionality!
  • LCFG should be used for
  • retrieving configuration information from the CDB
    and recreate local config files
  • Restarting services if needed via init.d scripts
  • Enabling/disabling SysV services to match the
    configuration DBs contents (using chkconfig)

LCFG component methods for EDG
  • Only method to implement
  • Configure() Reconfigures the service and
    notifies running processes.
  • Methods not recommended for EDG, but available in
  • Start(), Stop(), Run(), Suspend(), Resume()

EDG / LCFG component template (I)
!/usr/bin/perl -w package LCFGMyComp _at_ISA
qw(LCFGComponent) use strict use
LCFGComponent use LCFGConfig EDG
specific sub Configure(_at_) my (self,res)
_at__ my configLCFGConfig-gtnew(res) my
self-gtFail( "too young") unless (agegt18) new
LCFGMyComp() -gt Dispatch()
LCFG component template (II)
  • Configure() method
  • Do the configuration
  • sub Configure(_at_)
  • my (self,res) _at__
  • my configLCFGConfig-gtnew(res)
  • do whatever is neccesary to reconfigure your

LCFG component template (IV)
  • The specific part in the configure() method will
    usually contain three steps
  • 1. Access my resources via a special API (NVA API
    next slide)
  • my configNVAConfig-gtnew()
  • my archconfig-gtgetValue('/system/architectu
  • self-gtFail (not supported") unless (arch
    eq i386)
  • 2. Generate (or update) config file
  • open (MYCONFIG,/etc/myconfig)
  • close(MYCONFIG)
  • 3. Reload/restart a service if neccessary
  • if (changed)
  • system(/sbin/service myservice reload)

NVA API configuration access library
  • (EDG only) New component configuration access
  • This library allows true hierarchical
    configuration structure access on the client side
  • Implements a subset of the Node View Access API
  • http//
  • Implemented only for Perl components.
  • Most popular methods
  • valueconfig-gtgetValue (/my/path/in/config)
    access value
  • elementconfig-gtgetElement(path)
    configuration element
  • while (element-gtisNextElement())
    iterations over element lists     my

EDG relevant built-in standard functions
  • self-gtFail(_at_array) prints out a FAIL message
    and exits
  • self-gtWarn(_at_array) prints out WARNING message
  • self-gtOK(_at_array) prints out OK message
  • self-gtLogMessage(_at_array) Adds message to
  • (see also the LCFG/ file)

Configuration information (I)
  • Configuration information is stored on the LCFG
    server in two types of files
  • The resource definition files (.def)
  • The normal .h machine configuration files.

Configuration information (II)
  • 1. The .def files contain default resource
  • mycomp.def
  • / EDG LCFG mycomponent default resources /
  • / schema version always1 /
  • schema 1
  • / defined resources and defaults /
  • myconfig1
  • myconfig2 defaultvalue2

Configuration information (III)
  • 2. The normal .h machine config files, where
    the default configuration is enhanced/overwritten
  • mycomponent.ltresourcegt ltvaluegt
  • mycomp.myconfig1 whatevervalue
  • mycomp.myconfig2 whateverothervalue
  • Some special resources have to be declared for
    including a component to be deployed
  • add to profile (always needed)
  • EXTRA(profile.components) mycomp
  • define XML profile version (always set to 1)
  • profile.version_mycomp 1
  • start on boot time (if required)
  • EXTRA( mycomp

Hierarchical configurations (I)
  • Sometimes, key-value pairs are not sufficient for
    the required configurations.
  • For example arrays or lists
  • LCFG has a complex server side mechanism for
    mapping hierarchical structures into key-value
  • Table with person names, ages, and phone numbers
    (.def file)
  • _at_persons age_ phone_
  • persons
  • age_
  • phone_

Hierarchical configurations (II)
  • Now we want to add the following to the node
  • John, 35, 12346 and Phil, 21, 54321
  • The node config file will look like
  • mycomp.persons John Phil
  • mycomp.age_John 35
  • mycomp.phone_John 12346
  • mycomp.age_Phil 21
  • mycomp.phone_Phil 54321
  • The /persons/John/age, /persons/John/phone,
    /persons/Phil/age, /persons/Phil/phone resources
    will be accessible to the client via the NVA API.

Hierarchical configurations (III)
  • The component accessing the info needs to do
  • my personlistconfig-gtgetElement(/persons)
  • while(personlist-gtisNextElement())
  • my personpersonlist-gtgetNextElement()
  • my phoneconfig-gtgetElement(/persons/.perso
  • my ageconfig-gtgetElement(/persons/.person.
  • print CONFIG name i age age phone

Hierarchical Configurations (IV)
  • Note that there is no limit in the nesting of
    resources (lists of lists are possible as well as
    lists of lists of lists)
  • There are some examples (eg. demo NVA API
  • However it is complex using the mkxprof language.
    Release 3 developments will include integration
    with the pan HLDL language.

Some tips
  • Avoid dumping configuration files literally into
    the database
  • _at_configlines configline_
  • configlines 01 02 03 04 05
  • configline_01 FARMMOOH_BAR
  • configline_02 MILK_NODECOW_001
  • ...
  • This leads to some problems, eg. when you
    overwrite values for host specific values
  • How do you know that configline_324 is still the
    line you wanted to change?
  • Rather use a template configuration file shipped
    with the component RPM
  • Substitute relevant entries in the template cf
  • Use the built-in template processor for this (see
    next slide).
  • Keep explicit configuration information in the
    LCFG config files.

Template processor
  • A template substitution processor allows for fast
    generation of config files
  • Special marked entries allow to substitute
    specific entries by LCFGng resources.
  • Example template file for resources in red
  • Myconfig configuration file
  • directory where database management files are
    storeddatabaseDirectory ltdatabaseDirectorygt
    directory where temporary files are
    storedtmpDataDirectory lttmpDataDirectorygt
    directory where lock files are storedlockDirector
    y ltlockDirectorygt
  • The template processor is called using
  • LCFGTemplateSubstitute   (
    /mypath/templatefile',      /mypath/myconfigfil
    e', fake, res )

Example (I)
  • Edg-lcfg-syslog configures /etc/syslog.conf
  • .def file
  • _at_additions add_
  • Additions
  • add_
  • Resources defined on server
  • syslog.additions monitoring kernel
  • syslog.add_monitoring local3.
  • syslog.add_kernel kern.

Example (II)
  • Component Configure() method. First part
    template generation
  • sub Configure(_at_)
  • my (self,res,_at_args)_at__  my
    configLCFGConfig-gtnew(res)    my
    syslogconf'/etc/syslog.conf'  my status
    LCFGTemplateSubstitute    (
    '/var/obj/conf/syslog/config', 0, res ) 
    unless (defined(status))    
    self-gtLogMessage(_at_)    self-gtFail( "failed
    to create config file (see logfile)") 

Example (III)
  • Component Configure() method. Second part add
    missing resources
  • extra values from 'additions', using NVA
    API  my additionsconfig-gtgetElement('/additio
    ns')  my _at_add_array()  while
    (additions-gtisNextElement())     my
    addadditions-gtgetNextElement()    my
    dd')    push(_at_add_array,add_el-gtgetValue()) 
  •   if (scalar (_at_add_array))     open (CFG,
    self-gtFail('cannot open config file (see
    logfile)')    print CFG join("\n",_at_add_array)."\
    n"    close (CFG)       self-gtFail('cannot
    close config file (see logfile)')     

Example (IV)
  • Component Configure() method. Third part
    copy config file, restart service
  •     copy over to definitive location if files
    are different   if (system("/usr/bin/cmp -s
    syslogconf /var/obj/conf/syslog/config"))   
    self-gtLogMessage("updating config file")   
    system('cp -f '.syslogconf.' '.syslogconf.'.old'
    )     system('cp -f /var/obj/conf/syslog/config
    '.syslogconf)       self-gtFail("copying
    template to syslogconf ". ?) 
  •   restart service        if
    (system('/sbin/service syslog restart'))      
    self-gtFail('init.d syslog restart failed '.
    ?)        return 1 OK

Packaging components
  • In order to generate components in RPM, SRPM, and
    tar format, the component has to be packaged
    according to some guidelines.
  • Read the COMPONENTS-HOWTO for details and links
  • If you want to test/develop/package your
    components without CVS access, you should copy
    the following from fabric_mgt/edg-lcfg
  • Makefile
  • edg-lcfg-config directory
  • Create a directory below the makefile, called
  • Populate it with the following files (take eg.
    edg-lcfg-syslog as template)
    Makefile, README, README.BUILD,,
    specfile, ltnamegt.cin, ltnamegt.def.cin,
  • Use the make devpack and devrpm targets for
    generating the tar and RPM packages,
  • Once your package is ready, contact WP4 for
    getting it added to CVS.

Documentation and links
  • LCFGng out of the box http//
  • EDG components and extensions Check on the EDG
    CVS repository, http// -gt
  • EDG configuration access API (NVA API v1.0)
  • http//
  • edg-lcfg-nvaapi library module at the EDG CVS
  • Documentation (HOW-TO)
  • http//
  • WP4-install homepage http//
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