Title: Ontology Reasoning: the Why and the How
1Ontology Reasoningthe Why and the How
- Ian Horrocks lthorrocks_at_cs.man.ac.ukgt
- University of Manchester
- Manchester, UK
2Talk Outline
- Ontologies What are they?
- Ontology Reasoning Why do we need it?
- Tools and services for ontology design and
deployment - Importance of decidability, soundness and
completeness - Ontology Reasoning How do we do it?
- Description Logics
- Tableaux algorithms
- Research Challenges
- Expressive power, scalability etc.
- Summary
3Ontologies What are they?
4Ontology Origins and History
- a philosophical disciplinea branch of
philosophy that - deals with the nature and the organisation of
reality - Science of Being (Aristotle, Metaphysics, IV, 1)
- Tries to answer the questions
- What characterizes being?
- Eventually, what is being?
- How should things be classified?
5Classification An Old Problem
Extract from Bills of Mortality, published weekly
from 1664-1830s
The Diseases and Casualties this Week
- Aged 54
- Apoplectic 1
- .
- Fall down stairs 1
- Gangrene 1
- Grief 1
- Griping in the Guts 74
- Plague 3880
- Suddenly 1
- Surfeit 87
- Teeth 113
- Ulcer 2
- Vomiting 7
- Winde 8
- Worms 18
6Classification An Old Problem
- On those remote pages it is written that animals
are divided into - a. those that belong to the Emperor
- b. embalmed ones
- c. those that are trained
- d. suckling pigs
- e. mermaids
- f. fabulous ones
- g. stray dogs
- h. those that are included in this classification
- i. those that tremble as if they were mad
- j. innumerable ones
- k. those drawn with a very fine camel's hair
brush - l. others
- m. those that have just broken a flower vase
- n. those that from a long way off look like flies
Attributed to a certain Chinese encyclopaedia
entitled Celestial Empire of benevolent
Knowledge. Jorge Luis Borges The Analytical
Language of John Wilkins
7Ontology in Computer Science
- An ontology is an engineering artifact consisting
of - A vocabulary used to describe (a particular view
of) some domain - An explicit specification of the intended meaning
of the vocabulary. - almost always includes how concepts should be
classified - Constraints capturing additional knowledge about
the domain - Ideally, an ontology should
- Capture a shared understanding of a domain of
interest - Provide a formal and machine manipulable model of
the domain
8Example Ontology
- Vocabulary and meaning (definitions)
- Elephant is a concept whose members are a kind of
animal - Herbivore is a concept whose members are exactly
those animals who eat only plants or parts of
plants - Adult_Elephant is a concept whose members are
exactly those elephants whose age is greater than
20 years - Background knowledge/constraints on the domain
(general axioms) - Adult_Elephants weigh at least 2,000 kg
- All Elephants are either African_Elephants or
Indian_Elephants - No individual can be both a Herbivore and a
9Example Ontology (Protégé)
10Example Ontology (OilEd)
11Where are ontologies used?
- e-Science, e.g., Bioinformatics
- The Gene Ontology
- The Protein Ontology (MGED)
- in silico investigations relating theory and
data - Medicine
- Terminologies
- Databases
- Integration
- Query answering
- User interfaces
- Linguistics
- The Semantic Web
12Ontology Driven User Interface
- Fixation of open fracture of neck of left femur
13Scientific American, May 2001
Beware of the Hype!
14Ontology Reasoning Why do we need it?
15Philosophical Reasons
- Applications such as the Semantic Web aim at
machine understanding - Understanding is closely related to reasoning
- Recognising semantic similarity in spite of
syntactic differences - Recognising implicit consequences given
explicitly stated facts
16Practical Reasons
- Given key role of ontologies in many
applications, it is essential to provide tools
and services to help users - Design and maintain high quality ontologies,
e.g. - Meaningful all named classes can have instances
- Correct captured intuitions of domain experts
- Minimally redundant no unintended synonyms
- Richly axiomatised (sufficiently) detailed
descriptions - Answer queries over ontology classes and
instances, e.g. - Find more general/specific classes
- Retrieve individuals/tuples matching a given
query - Integrate and align multiple ontologies
17Why Decidable Reasoning?
- OWL constructors/axioms have been restricted so
reasoning is decidable - Consistent with Semantic Web's layered
architecture - XML provides syntax transport layer
- RDF(S) provides basic relational language and
simple ontological primitives - OWL provides powerful but still decidable
ontology language - Further layers (e.g. SWRL) will extend OWL
- Will almost certainly be undecidable
- W3C requirement for implementation experience
- Practical algorithms for sound and complete
reasoning - Several implemented systems
- Evidence of empirical tractability
18Why Sound Complete Reasoning?
- Important for ontology design
- Ontologists need to have complete confidence in
reasoner - Otherwise they will cease to trust results
- Doubting unexpected results makes reasoner
useless - Important for ontology deployment
- Many realistic web applications will be agent ?
agent - No human intervention to spot glitches in
reasoning - Incomplete reasoning might be OK in 3-valued
system - But dont know typically treated as no
19System Demonstration (OilEd)
20Ontology ReasoningHow do we do it?
21Use a (Description) Logic
- OWL DL based on SHIQ Description Logic
- In fact it is equivalent to SHOIN(Dn) DL
- OWL DL Benefits from many years of DL research
- Well defined semantics
- Formal properties well understood (complexity,
decidability) - Known reasoning algorithms
- Implemented systems (highly optimised)
- In fact there are three species of OWL (!)
- OWL full is union of OWL syntax and RDF
- OWL DL restricted to FOL fragment (¼ DAMLOIL)
- OWL Lite is simpler subset of OWL DL
22OWL Class Constructors
- XMLS datatypes as well as classes in 8P.C and
9P.C - Restricted form of DL concrete domains
23RDFS Syntax
E.g., Person u 8hasChild.(Doctor t
- ltowlClassgt
- ltowlintersectionOf rdfparseType"
collection"gt - ltowlClass rdfabout"Person"/gt
- ltowlRestrictiongt
- ltowlonProperty rdfresource"hasChild"/gt
- ltowltoClassgt
- ltowlunionOf rdfparseType" collection"gt
- ltowlClass rdfabout"Doctor"/gt
- ltowlRestrictiongt
- ltowlonProperty rdfresource"hasChil
d"/gt - ltowlhasClass rdfresource"Doctor"/gt
- lt/owlRestrictiongt
- lt/owlunionOfgt
- lt/owltoClassgt
- lt/owlRestrictiongt
- lt/owlintersectionOfgt
- lt/owlClassgt
24OWL Axioms
- Axioms (mostly) reducible to inclusion (v)
- C D iff both C v D and D v C
- Obvious FOL equivalences
- E.g., C D , ?x.C(x) D(x), C v D ,
?x.C(x) !D(x)
25Basic Inference Tasks
- Knowledge is correct (captures intuitions)
- Does C subsume D w.r.t. ontology O? (CI µ DI in
every model I of O) - Knowledge is minimally redundant (no unintended
synonyms) - Is C equivallent to D w.r.t. O? (CI DI in every
model I of O) - Knowledge is meaningful (classes can have
instances) - Is C is satisfiable w.r.t. O? (CI ? in some
model I of O) - Querying knowledge
- Is x an instance of C w.r.t. O? (xI 2 CI in every
model I of O) - Is hx,yi an instance of R w.r.t. O? ((xI,yI) 2 RI
in every model I of O) - Above problems can be solved using highly
optimised DL reasoners
26DL Reasoning Basics
- Tableau algorithms used to test satisfiability
(consistency) - Try to build a tree-like model of the input
concept C - Decompose C syntactically
- Apply tableau expansion rules
- Infer constraints on elements of model
- Tableau rules correspond to constructors in logic
(u, t etc) - Some rules are nondeterministic (e.g., t, 6)
- In practice, this means search
- Stop when no more rules applicable or clash
occurs - Clash is an obvious contradiction, e.g., A(x),
A(x) - Cycle check (blocking) may be needed for
termination - C satisfiable iff rules can be applied such that
a fully expanded clash free tree is constructed
27DL Reasoning Advanced Techniques
- Satisfiability w.r.t. an Ontology O
- For each axiom C v D 2 O , add C t D to every
node label - More expressive DLs
- Basic technique can be extended to deal with
- Role inclusion axioms (role hierarchy)
- Number restrictions
- Inverse roles
- Concrete domains/datatypes
- Aboxes
- etc.
- Extend expansion rules and use more sophisticated
blocking strategy - Forest instead of Tree (for Aboxes)
- Root nodes correspond to individuals in Abox
28DL Reasoning Decision Procedures
- Theorem Tableaux algorithms are decision
procedures for concept satisfiability (
subsumption w.r.t. an ontology) - i.e., algorithms return SAT iff input concept
is satisfiable - Terminating
- Bounds on out-degree (rule applications per node)
and depth (blocking) of tree - Sound
- Can construct a tableau, and hence a model, from
a fully expanded and clash-free tree - Complete
- Can use a model to guide application of
non-deterministic rules and so construct a
clash-free tree
29DL Reasoning Optimised Implementations
- Naive implementation can lead to effective
non-termination - 10 GCIs 10 nodes ? 2100 different possible
expansions - Modern systems include MANY optimisations
- Optimised classification (compute partial
ordering) - Enhanced traversal (exploits information from
previous tests) - Use structural information to select
classification order - Optimised satisfiability/subsumption testing
- Normalisation and simplification of concepts
- Absorption (simplification) of axioms
- Dependency directed backtracking
- Caching of satisfiability results and (partial)
models - Heuristic ordering of propositional and modal
30Research Challenges
- Increased expressive power
- Existing DL systems implement (at most) SHIQ
- OWL extends SHIQ with datatypes and nominals
(SHOIN(Dn)) - Future (undecidable) extensions such as SWRL
- Scalability
- Very large ontologies
- Reasoning with (very large numbers of)
individuals - Other reasoning tasks (non-standard inferences)
- Querying
- Matching
- Least common subsumer
- ...
- Tools and Infrastructure
- Support for large scale ontological engineering
and deployment
- An Ontology is an engineering artifact consisting
of - A vocabulary of terms
- An explicit specification their intended meaning
- Ontologies are set to play a key role in many
applications - e-Science, Medicine, Databases, Semantic Web,
etc. - Reasoning is important because
- Understanding is closely related to reasoning
- Essential for design, maintenance and deployment
of ontologies - Reasoning support based on DL systems
- Sound and complete reasoning
- Highly optimised implementations
- Challenges remain
- Expressive power scalability new reasoning
tasks tools and infrastructure
- Thanks to the many people who inspired me and
with whom I have had the privilege of
collaborating, in particular - Alan Rector
- Franz Baader
- Uli Sattler
- Slides from this talk
- http//www.cs.man.ac.uk/horrocks/Slides/wolter.pp
t - FaCT system (open source)
- http//www.cs.man.ac.uk/FaCT/
- OilEd (open source)
- http//oiled.man.ac.uk/
- Protégé
- http//protege.stanford.edu/plugins/owl/
- W3C Web-Ontology (WebOnt) working group (OWL)
- http//www.w3.org/2001/sw/WebOnt/
- DL Handbook, Cambridge University Press
- http//books.cambridge.org/0521781760.htm
34Select Bibliography
- Ian Horrocks, Peter F. Patel-Schneider, and Frank
van Harmelen. From SHIQ and RDF to OWL The
making of a web ontology language. Journal of Web
Semantics, 2003. - Franz Baader, Ian Horrocks, and Ulrike Sattler.
Description logics as ontology languages for the
semantic web. In Festschrift in honor of Jörg
Siekmann, LNAI. Springer, 2003. - I. Horrocks and U. Sattler. Ontology reasoning in
the SHOQ(D) description logic. In Proc. of IJCAI
2001. - All available from http//www.cs.man.ac.uk/horroc