Title: What Would Jesus Say To
1What Would Jesus Say To
- Tom Cruise
- 1 Cor. 11 1-15
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3Thomas Cruise Malpother IV
- July 3, 1962
- Most powerful celebrity in the world (Forbes)
- Roots in Louisville, KY
4Thomas Cruise Malpother IV
- Divorced home
- Estranged from father for a decade
- First big break at 21Risky Business
- First actor with 5 consecutive films grossing
over 100 million each
5Thomas Cruise Malpother IV
- Married 3x
- Two adopted children 1 biological child
- Introduced to Scientology by his first wife Mimi
6A. Be Careful Who You Follow
- Submitted himself to the words of L. Ron Hubbard
- Spoke and wrote a lot of words
- Founder of Scientology
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8L. Ron Hubbard
- Scientologists consider his tapes and words as
scripture - He is known as the exclusive Source
- His words are considered infallible
- Foundational work Dianetics (1950)
9Wisdom About Spiritual Teachers
- Judge by
- Quality of their lives
- Quality of their message
- Jesus, Paul both spoke of their lives and message
10Hubbards Quality of Life
- Born in Nebraska 1911
- 1930s became somewhat well known science fiction
writer - Said if you want to get rich start a religion
11Hubbards Quality of Life
- Continual details revealing dishonesty
- Involved with the occult
- Mentored by Satanist Aleister Crowley
- Married 3x, accused of bigamy, declared a
pathological liar by a judge
12Hubbards Quality of Teaching
- Dianeticssupposed to be derived from Greek
meaning what the soul is doing through the body. - While starting the religion in early 1950s he did
not emphasize that as much in the beginning
13Hubbards Quality of Teaching
- Said it was scientific and therapeutic
- Divided the mind between
- Analytic
- Reactive
14Hubbards Quality of Teaching
- Reactive affected by engrams which are past
traumas - With help of e-meter and auditor one can identify
engrams - Engrams can be removed until one is clear
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17Hubbards Quality of Teaching
- One pays for courses and auditing
- At clear one would be free from psychosomatic
illnesses and a host of other things - Scientific community rejected his pseudo science,
thus he hated psychiatry
18Hubbards Quality of Teaching
- By passed criticisms by emphasizing spiritual.
- After 1971 they took on more trappings of a
church - We are Thetans
19Hubbards Quality of Teaching
- Reincarnated spirits with billions of years
behind us. - We created MEST and then became entangled by it
- We have engrams from past lives
20Hubbards Quality of Teaching
- We can move up the Bridge with auditing
- We can become OTs or Operating Thetans
- At OT III you learn more of the story regarding
aliens. Cruise may be an OT VII
21B. Be Humble about Yourself
- Scientology about self-evaluation and
self-salvation - Much wiser spiritual teachers have warned us
that we are not capable of a full self-analysis - Jeremiah 17 9-10 1 Cor. 44
22B. Be Humble about Yourself
- Our hope is not in self-deliverance but in the
Saviors deliverance - 1 Cor. 1 18-25
- The only clear that matters is the one He
23C. Be Wise Regarding theBest Explanation
- Mans great stories follow similar themes
- There is something wrong with us
- There is something wrong with our world
- There is something beyond us that is perfect
24C. Be Wise Regarding theBest Explanation
- There is evil to be overcome
- We know that a day of reckoning is coming
- The question is Who has the best explanation?
Whose story coheres?
25C. Be Wise Regarding theBest Explanation
- It is the story of the Bible
- We have a creation story that makes sense
- We have an explanation of whats wrong that makes
sense - We have a salvation story rooted in history