Title: rEvolutionary eBook Authoring
1(r)Evolutionary (e)BookAuthoring Multimedia
- Audio eBook Conference September 20,
2005Dedicated to the memory of Byron Preiss 1953
- 2005 - William Harroff
- McKendree College Lebanon, Illinois
- Charlotte Johnson
- Southern Illinois University Edwardsville,
2Learning Outcomes
- Recognize eBooks as the latest evolutionary stage
in the extraordinary history of the book - Expand your definition of electronic books beyond
the narrow one accepted and propagated by
most commercial publishers and the media - Understand the advantages, disadvantages and
future impact of new formats - Review critically acclaimed digital publications
- Consider significant issues such as the
redefinition of the reading, writing and
creative processes and the future of
information delivery - Re-imagine the importance of the book to learning
- The Evidence for a Growing Crisis Aliteracy
- The Context Affecting Attitudes Behaviors
- The Evolutionary History of the eBook
- The Revolution in Content Reading
- Solutions Authoring / eLiteracy /
Multiliteracies - Our Top 10 Multimedia eBook List
- Whats New?
4The End of Reading Readers at Risk NEA
- Fewer than half of Americans over 18 now read
novels, short stories, plays or poetry - Just 56.6 read a book of any kind in the
previous year, down from 60 a decade earlier - 37.6 of men were doing less literary reading
than women (55.1) Hispanics (26.5) were doing
less than African-Americans (37.1) and whites
(51.4) but that all categories were declining - In 1982, 59.8 of 18-to-24-year-olds read
literature by 2002 that figure had dropped to
42.8 - In the 25-to-34 age group, the percentage of
literary readers dropped to 47.7 from 62.1 - Of literary readers, 43 perform charity work
only 17 of nonreaders do
17,135 people surveyed - data was compared
with similar studies from 1982 1992 The Survey
of Public Participation in the Arts Census
Bureau 2002
5The Evidence The Failure of Technology
- Thwarted Innovation What Happened to E-Learning
Why - Learning objects Merlot Merlot2
- Students surveyed
- Dont like e-learning, too much work
- They want to be connected, principally to one
another - They want to be entertained by games, music, and
movies - They want to present themselves and their work
- Most faculty still teach as they were taught
- Only use electronics to simplify tasks, not
change their teaching - They readily translate lecture notes into
PowerPoint presentations - Use Blackboard / WebCT to distribute materials,
grades assignments - Result? Academe's jaundiced view of the
fundamental value of electronically mediated
6 Scribners
189419th Century eBooks
7Revolution in Reading
- Evolution of Reading
- New active readership
- The C Revolutions
- Computerization
- Convenience
- Customization
an attempt to battle against the missionary
position of reading Donna Leishman,
8Revolution in Content eBooks Rule!
- How many books can sing to you? or
- Place the user in control of the content?
- Allow content to be emptied refilled?
- Be published in minutes
- Include metadata?
- Tell you their own stories?
- Demonstrate techniques?
- Picture in unmatched color?
- Link out to other resources?
- Be distributed at the speed of light?
- Sound out or spell each word or phrase?
- Be made accessible to suit everyones needs?
- Contain 1000s of additional works in the same
9The Context Affecting Attitudes Behaviors
Rising Expectations
American children receive electronic books before
they are able to walk, much less read. Stores are
filled with publications for toddlers
masquerading as toys before the traditional
fragile media of paper is introduced to them.
Even when print books are purchased, they often
include embedded electronic chips,
audio-cassettes, video games and related CD-ROMs.
With this type of introduction to reading, it
is unrealistic to believe that more sophisticated
digital publications will not be demanded by
today's children, young adults and adults.
Benefits Educator Resources Research
Data Success Stories
ISBN 1932256660
11Bembos Zoo Roberto deVicq de Cumptich
ISBN 080506382X
ISBN 080506382X
12 Some Context Affecting Reading
Rising Expectations
- Electronic book toys
- Print books with electronic chips,
audio-cassettes, and CDs - iPOD / MP3 music and audio devices
- Game and media players
- PDAs (personal digital assistants)
- Laptops and tablet PCs
- Smartphones (Cameras, Web browsers)
13 The Solutions The Revolution of the New
- Affordable PCs
- Usable software
- Faster operating systems
- Portable media
- Cassettes
- Floppies
- Diskettes
- Compact discs
- DVDs
- Portable devices
- Laptops
- Dedicated readers
- Audio players Cassette, CD, MP3, MP4
- DVD players
- PDAs
- Tablets
- Smart phones
- Multipurpose devices