Title: Mouse Movement Biometrics
1Mouse Movement Biometrics
- Fall 2007 Capstone -Team Members
- Rafael Diaz
- Michael Lampe
- Nkem Ajufor
- Mohammed Islam
- Antony Amalraj
2Mouse Movement Biometrics -Agenda of Final
- Brief Scope of the project
- Project Requirements and Specification
- Design Decisions
- Objectives
- Demonstration of MMSystem
- Testing Strategy
- Meetings Format
- Challenges
- Wrap up/Summary of Accomplishments
- Recommendations
- Questions
3Mouse Movement Biometrics Brief Scope of the
- This semester's project had two primary focuses.
- First, we became familiar with the system and
collected as much additional data as possible,
including data from each team member and third
party data - Second, and most importantly, we formatted the
feature-vector data for ease of processing by
other back-end teams, by normalizing
feature-vector data.
4Mouse Movement Biometrics Project Requirements
- Capture data of individual mouse user (a total of
50 data files) - Mouse Movement
- Mouse Click
- Generate corresponding feature data in normalized
feature format for the backend teams - Perform calculations to quantify mouse movements
- Obtain recognition accuracy (just first-choice
nearest neighbor) using the leave-one-out
procedure on the 50 data files.
5Mouse Movement as a Biometric Measurement -
- Mouse Movement data was captured through the
enrollment process and the creation of a user
profile - The intent of data capturing is to identify the
user based on the stored data and the data that
was recently captured - This method of identification, in which the data
recently captured is compared to the information
on the database, is known as a One to Many
comparison - Throughout this phase of the project the data
captured and used was validated with both the K-
Nearest Neighbor and Leave One Out methods - Below are some of the focus points in this Mouse
Movement Study - Obtain data while user clicking buttons or
enrolling user info - Capture the data in a CSV format for
normalization purposes - Generate feature extraction data from feature
extractor module. - Classify user and possible identification using
classifier - Send a set of normalized data to backend teams
and Generate - success statistics
6Mouse Movement Biometrics Design decisions
7Mouse Movement Biometrics Objectives
- We reported a total of 205 data files - including
the data generated by 3rd parties - Generated normalized feature vector data files
and passed it on to the backend teams (Team 5 and
6) - Obtained recognition accuracy (first-choice
nearest neighbor 80) using the leave-one-out
procedure using 35 data files. - Obtained results from KNN method using Classifier
8Mouse Movement Biometrics - Objectives contd
- Generated Data at weekly intervals - 205 files
total, including 3rd party data - Data from more subjects
- Data from random button sequences
- Enhanced mmsystem module has been developed with
rich GUI features for the future users. - It also will generate an additional file called
profile.txt along with Raw data files. - This Profile.txt file will be used as an input
for both feature extraction and classifier
module. - The team created a website to ensure all our
documents, course software will be uploaded in a
centralized location.
9Mouse Movement Biometrics - Objectives contd
- Enhancement of the existing front-end
registration process that captures pertinent
information regarding the user - User Name
- Output File Name
- Gender gtgt Male or Female
- Age
- Right- handed or Left- handed
- Type of Mouse
10Mouse Movement Biometrics - User Input GUI
Input Dialog Box 1 Enter User Name
Input Dialog Box 4 Select your age ( 18-50 or
N/A )
Input Dialog Box 2 Enter File Name
Input Dialog Box 3 Select your Gender ( Male /
Female )
11Mouse Movement Biometrics - User Input Continued
Input Dialog Box 5 Select your hand used (
Right-handed / Left Handed )
Input Dialog Box 6 Select type of mouse (
Optical Mouse / Serial Mouse USB Mouse /
Wireless Mouse )
Input Dialog Box 7 Select type of Test Screen (
Fixed 25 button sequence, Tic-Tac-Toe Game, or
Blank Screen )
12Mouse Movement Biometrics - User Input GUI to
be continued
13Mouse Movement Biometrics-Normalized Feature
Vector Report
14Mouse Movement Biometrics Demonstration of
Enhanced System
- Demonstration of the enhanced mouse movement (old
mmsystem and new mmsystem) provide
recommendations - Overview of the Technical paper
15(No Transcript)
16Mouse Movement Biometrics Testing strategy
- Validation of the new code introduced to correct
and address any bugs identified in the testing
window - Corrections to program/bugs done by team members
after response/comments received from team and
volunteers that ran the application - For program data, all members input 5 samples of
data and data was validated through the
classifier program
17Mouse Movement Biometrics - Meeting Format
- Team 1 met twice a week via a conference bridge
Tuesdays and Fridays - Tuesdays meeting was focused on the team and the
overall status of the project - Fridays meeting was focused on questions that
were presented to the client - All conference calls lasted 1 hour in duration
- Communication via e-mail was also used and all
involved parties were copied on the e-mails.
18Mouse Movement Biometrics Wrap up/Summary of
- Captured raw data in a CSV format for
normalization and experiments - Generated Feature vector extraction data and
Normalized Feature Vector - Generated Data in Mushroom data format for data
mining project - Classified the users by KNN method and Leave One
Out method - Generated Classified output data and Success
statistics Report - Enhanced software modules to incorporate the GUI
changes - Generated the data in the required format
- Created Mouse Movement Biometrics Technical
Paper - Created a User Manual to document use of the
software - Created website to store the current application
modules, tested results - Created training videos for the three
applications in order to assist users in learning
the system. - Uploaded the Technical Paper, User Manual as well
as the mid term and final presentations on the
19Mouse Movement Biometrics Challenges
- During the initial enrollment process questions
surrounding the application and how to access and
run the application existed - Difficulties in understanding the normalization
process and using only two values (0 and 1) - Getting the enhancements made for the existing
MMSystems GUI to work in a single display window
20Mouse Movement Biometrics - Recommendations
- Further enhancements to the data Capture module.
- Work was started on adding new data fields to
the Feature Extraction and Classifier modules but
will need to be continued by succeeding teams. - While 100 accuracy is not probable, it seems
more experiments need to be performed to see if
there is a more consistent accuracy rate over
time and from more generated data. - Subsequent teams should focus on developing the
Data Capture GUI to randomize the buttons to
provide more varied data
21Mouse Movement Biometrics Recommendations contd
- Subsequent teams can add more user
characteristics to classify the user - Also, Subsequent teams can add more
characteristics of the mouse such as right click
or track wheel use - Finally, it would be optimal if the system was
developed to be used online with a database
backend. - This would allow for more data to be generated
from a larger pool of users for further analysis
and research .
22Questions/ Comments
- http//utopia.csis.pace.edu/cs691/2007-2008/team1/