Title: Fresh Water
1Fresh Water!
- When Water Becomes Jesus Best Teaching Tool
- Mark 433-41
2The Jesus of the Gospels
- Matthew Jesus is the Christ
- John Jesus is the Word
- Begins from above
- Speeches framed by signs
- Luke Jesus is the Servant of the Lord
- Mark Jesus is the Son of God
- Begins from below
- Identified as Son of God by many
3The Person Whose Passion Saves
- Who is this?12 Your face the voice of the
Father - 12 His paths this One is on His way
- Where is he?13 wilderness uncomfortable,
wandering - 13 Jordan descent to death
- What is he about?13 Not Israel communally but
as individuals - 13 Not a crossing but an immersion
- No 12 stones had to deal with internal idols
- 13 Yehoshuas promise and sentence of death
- Who baptizes with the Holy Spirit unhindered
4The Person and the Passion
- Starts with a baptism a sign of death
- A life of continual humiliation out of love
- His life was never separated from suffering
- Or spiritual battle ever
- Two distinct parallel lines in this gospel
- The Glory of Humiliation -Utter self-denial
- The Glory of the Cross -Utter self-giving
5The Connection between Person and Passion
- The birth and childhood of Jesus were the
beginning of His great sacrifice, as well as the
preparation for it. The spirit of Bethlehem and
the spirit of Calvary are one. He was born for
others that He might die for others. The mystery
of God on the Cross. The one was part of the
other. Bramwell Booth
6The Parallel Line of Glory
- Glory AsTranscendence in the Flesh
- Proclaimed 11
- Anointed 19
- Power over the effects of sin 25ff
- Power over creation 439 etc
- Fulfills and clarifies the Law 71-23
- The Transfiguration 92-8
- Resurrected 165
7Two Titles in the Book of Mark
- Son (of God)11, 11
- 311, 57
- 97 126, 1332
- 1432-36, (61)
- 152, 32, 39
- Transcendence
- Son of Man
- 210, 28
- 831,38
- 99, 12,311033,45
- 1326
- 1421,41, 62
- Immanence
8His Passionate Personhood
- Cross not a consequence but the goal
- Everything else is ordered by that end
- This reality tells us something of Gods eternal
nature - Self-emptying is an expression of that Life
- Here is the only expression of God in the flesh
we will ever have He appeared in our humanness - Suffered out of His freedom in love
9The Place of Water in Mark
- 15 Jordan River
- 18 I baptized with water
- 110 Coming up out the water
- 116 Sea of Galilee, boat, mending nets
- 213 Seashore
- 36 Withdrew to the sea
- 39 That a boat should stand ready
- 436 In the boat
- 513, 21, 645ff, 72, 31, 810 a distinct shift
10 Jesus and the Boats
- What is the Center of All Reality?
- A preliminary question
- What makes us Christian?
- Structure of the Book
11Marks theological grenades
- 143, 44
- sternly warned
- 217
- came for sinners
- 312 sternly warned
- 329
- eternal sin
- 335
- my brother and sister
- Context of Chapter 4
- Parable (first of 4 only) 5vss
- Explanation (only one!) 8vss
- 413dont you understand?
- 424by your standard
- 410-12 esp. 12
- lest they return
12Details from the paragraph
- v. 35 On that day
- v. 35 the other side
- Normally a contrast
- our side the other side
- Nice Naked
- Crowds Get Out
- Dont Tell Tell Everyone
13Details from the paragraph
- v. 36 just as He was
- An amazing insight into the reality of the
incarnation - v. 37 a great storm of wind arose
- Possible for one month of the year
- v. 38 He was in the stern
- One of the most amazing finds in archeology
- v. 39 Peace, be still
- The kind of language Jesus used
14 - Two Unnerving Questions
- Why is this Story Here?Contextual Question
- Why is He Asleep?
- Theological Question
- Option 1 Hes Divine Son of God!
- Yahweh, Messiah and Israels fear
- Psalm 655 By awesome deeds Thou dost answer us
in righteousness, O God of our salvation, Thou
who art the trust of all the ends of the earth
and of the farthest sea 6 Who dost establish the
mountains by His strength, Being girded with
might 7 Who dost still the roaring of the seas,
The roaring of their waves, And the tumult of the
peoples. - Psalm 6913 O God, in the greatness of Thy
lovingkindness, Answer me with Thy saving truth.
14 Deliver me from the mire, and do not let me
sink May I be delivered from my foes, and from
the deep waters. 15 May the flood of water not
overflow me, And may the deep not swallow me up.
- Psalm 7716 The waters saw Thee, O God The
waters saw Thee, they were in anguish The deeps
also trembled. 17 The clouds poured out water
The skies gave forth a sound Thy arrows flashed
here and there. 18 The sound of Thy thunder was
in the whirlwind The lightnings lit up the
world The earth trembled and shook. 19 Thy way
was in the sea, And Thy paths in the mighty
waters - Psalm 1214 Behold, He who keeps Israel will
neither slumber nor sleep. 5 The LORD is your
keeper The LORD is your shade on your right
hand. 6 The sun will not smite you by day, Nor
the moon by night.
17 - Option Two Hes Human Son of Man
- Thirsts, Hungers, Needs Rest,
- Is Tempted, Suffers but wait
- 437
18Option Three - Hes Not Needed !Indications
of our third option
- We dont need Him because of our
- Implied Self-sufficiency
- More explicit Pride v. 36
- and other boats were with Him
- Is there a root cause for these?
19- He Reposes (when not needed)
- He Responds
- v. 38 Hurtful Rebuke by disciples
- The tone is graphic, stark
- v. 40 Helpful Rebuke by Jesus
- He Probes getting at the root
- Two kinds of fear v. 40 timid
- Cf. II Tim 27
- v. 41 afraid
- cf. Phil 46 -gt bracketed by 45 and 49
20So why is this here?
- Hes never asleep we are!
- Reality? only perceived as one moves
- Jesus is not offering a smorgasbord
- There is no number of truths
- He is narrowing the field out of love
- In Me is Life Alone!
- Dont come presumptuously, arrogantly,
self-sufficiently or pridefully ever!
21What has Jesus given regarding faith? Is this the
gospel also?
- 115 Repent and believe
- 140 (to Leper) If you are willing
- 25 He saw their faith
- Ch 4 hear, receive, accept
- And nowHow is it you have no faith?
22Marks Nautical Theology
- (Mar 119) And going on a little farther, he saw
James the son of Zebedee and John his brother,
who were in their boat mending the nets. - (Mar 120) And immediately he called them, and
they left their father Zebedee in the boat with
the hired servants and followed him. - (Mar 39) And he told his disciples to have a
boat ready for him because of the crowd, lest
they crush him, - (Mar 41) Again he began to teach beside the
sea. And a very large crowd gathered about him,
so that he got into a boat and sat in it on the
sea, and the whole crowd was beside the sea on
the land. - (Mar 436) And leaving the crowd, they took him
with them in the boat, just as he was. And other
boats were with him. - (Mar 437) And a great windstorm arose, and the
waves were breaking into the boat, so that the
boat was already filling. - (Mar 52) And when Jesus had stepped out of the
boat, immediately there met him out of the tombs
a man with an unclean spirit. - (Mar 518) As he was getting into the boat, the
man who had been possessed with demons begged him
that he might be with him. - (Mar 521) And when Jesus had crossed again in
the boat to the other side, a great crowd
gathered about him, and he was beside the sea.
2318 times in Chapters 1-8
- (Mar 632) And they went away in the boat to a
desolate place by themselves. - (Mar 645) Immediately he made his disciples get
into the boat and go before him to the other
side, to Bethsaida, while he dismissed the crowd. - (Mar 647) And when evening came, the boat was
out on the sea, and he was alone on the land. - (Mar 651) And he got into the boat with them,
and the wind ceased. And they were utterly
astounded, - (Mar 654) And when they got out of the boat,
the people immediately recognized him - (Mar 810) And immediately he got into the boat
with his disciples and went to the district of
Dalmanutha. - (Mar 813) And he left them, got into the boat
again, and went to the other side. - (Mar 814) they had only one loaf with them in
the boat.
24What happens when we dont recognize his
- Mark and Nautical Theology
- ch. 4 in storm reactions
- ch. 6 not in storm reactions
- ch. 8 in no storm reactions
- Blind Man touched twice and Blind Disciples
25What Jesus Confronts
- 440 phobos fear
- 650 phobeomai afraid
- 815 be aware of the leaven
26Fresh Water and Reality in Christ
- C. Booth Aggressive Christianity
- L. Rader
- The Salvation Army once startled the world as an
assault force for Christ dare we be content to
merely be an occupying army?
27Faith Lost in Christ
- If Jesus calls, Lauch out into the deep!
- Turn thy ship boldly toward the open sea,
- Nor hug the coastline of familiar thought,
- However dark mysterious distance seems
- When those, preferring safety and untruth,
- Mock thy departing from their cherished shore
- Naming thee traitor, alien, have no care
28Faith Lost in Christ (cont.)
- The winds are Gods and,
- Should thy vessel break,
- Plunging thee where waters are,
- Be not affrighted thou art lost in Christ,
- And all who search for thee shall find thy God.
- Catherine Baird, 1914
29(No Transcript)
30 - Thursday, January 24 Session 3
- The Passion of His Person
- Mk 827-33
31What is the Purpose of the Cross?
- Finding the Meaning of True Personhood in the
Passion of Jesus
32Divisions in the Life of JesusPassion
Narratives with long introductions
- a) Infancy and Childhood (none here)
- b) Early Galilean Ministry (Mk 1-4)
- c) Later Galilean Ministry (Mk 5-8)
- Pivot at Mark 8/Matt 16/Lk 9
- d) Withdrawal and Special Training (8-10)
- e) Ministry in Perea and Judea (none here)
- f) Passion Week (Mk 11-16)
33Caesarea Philippi as Pivot114-830 Cause
- began to teach 831-1620 Effect
- (cf. Mt 4171621-23Lk 920-22)
34Overview of Pivot in Mark
35a) Background Materials
- i) Galilee of the Gentiles
- ii) The Disciples in Context
- (1) Segregationists
- (2) Haters of Rome
- (3) Some Wealthy
- (4) Apocalyptic Jews
- (5) Slow Learners
36b) The Via Dolorosa Begins
- i) Caesarea Philippi
- ii) Two-Part Exam
- (1) Pass Who am I to them?
- Who am I to you?
- And he began to tell
- (2) Fail
37 iii) What the Disciples Lack
- (1) Spiritual Understanding Mk.917-19
- 834 Messiahship of Jesus
- 92-6 Mt. of Transfiguration
- 910 Meaning of resurrection
- 911-13 Son of Man
38 iii) What the Disciples Lack
- (2) Spiritual Power Mk. 914-19
- 315 Appointed with authority
- 613,30, Experience and Express Authority
- 933-37 938-40
39iii) What the Disciples Lackcontinued
- (3) Love for Each Other
- Mk 831-32
- 931-34
- 1033-37
40iii) What the Disciples Lackcontinued
- (4) Love for Any One Else
- Mk.1048 Mt 1913
- Lk 951-55
- Mk 1013
41iii) What the Disciples Lackcontinued
- (5) Love for Jesus Mk.1431
- Mk. 1427-31? 50
42Structure Causation
- 831-33 Jesus teaches on own death
- Cause Shock!
- 834-91 Jesus teaches on disciples cross
- Effect Shock!
- 92-8 Transfiguration validates (supports)
- Effect but also Cause
- 99-13 Charge not to discuss things seen!
- Effect
- 914- 29 Heals demon possessed boy
- Effect of the person of Christ being revealed
43Structure Contrast
- 831-91 Jesus view of death vs. Peters
- 92-8 Jesus transfig. vs. disciple dullness
- 99-13 Jesus on resurrection vs. debate
- 914-25 Jesus power vs. disciple impotence
- 926-29 Jesus faith vs. faithlessness
44Two major Emphases 831-1620
- Passion and Resurrection
- Implications of these on disciples
- Underlying theme throughout
- Both are tied to the purpose of the Cross
45The Meaning of the Son of Man
- Daniel 7 apocalyptic figure
- Jesus seems to use it to focus his humanity
- It involves humiliation (31, no use of Christ)
- It involves exaltation (31, 38, 91)
- These are not mutually exclusive to Jesus
- It explains Gods will
- It explains the atonement
46Deny Yourself and Lose your Life
- Aorist tense do it immediately
- Lk 923 daily
- What must one do?
- v. 35 Inner life or self (figurative or
physical)? - v. 36-37 Not seeking material/physical gain
- v. 38 Not being ashamed
47Principles of the Lost Life
- It is not selflessness of created personhood
- It is the refusal of the desires of the self
when in conflict with the will of God - It is a conscious decision
- It is a life which understands/ embraces
suffering - It produces life
- Saving life means that Jesus must lose His
- It is an act which arises out of the being of love
48Purpose of the Cross cont.What Kind of Person
does the Passion and Pentecost produce?
- (1) New Spiritual Insight
- "Don't you understand"
- Acts 214ff. cf. to Mt.1617
- (2) New Spiritual Power "In the name of Jesus
Christ" - Acts 18
- Acts 243
- Acts 36,11
- Acts 512-17
49Purpose of the Cross continued
- (3) New Other Orientation "It seemed good to the
Holy Spirit..." - Acts 114
- Acts 244-46
- Acts 432-35
- Acts 61-7
- Acts 131ff
- Acts 151-21
50Purpose of the Cross continued
- (4) Boundary-Crossing Love "Of one accord"
- ch.8
- ch.10
- ch.11
- ch.28
- (5)Undying Commitment "They had been w.Jesus"
- Acts 413-20.
- Note the names, Stephen, Philip, Ananias (ch.9),
Peter, Barnabas, and James. - Acts 313-20 the Name
51Wednesday January 25 Session 4
- Prayer with the Passion of Jesus Mark
52Segments of Materials Outline of Thought
- The Coming of Jesus 11-13
- Jesus Presents His Claim in Galilee 114-36
- Jesus Presents His Claim to His Disciples
313-1052 - Jesus Calls the Twelve 313-66Jesus Involves
the Twelve 67-821 - Jesus Instructs the Twelve 822-1052
- Jesus Presents His Claim in Jerusalem
111-1337Movement to His Goal!
53Mark 11
- Context Passion Week (111-1620 8 days)
- Recurrence Three entries 1, (12),15, 27
- Triumphal Entry 1-11
- Barren Fig Tree 12-14
- Cleansing the Temple 15-19
- Power in Faithful Prayer 20-25
- Withered Fig tree
- Peters comment
- Jesus Statements on Faith and Prayer
54Is this a new facet of His Life?
- Go and take a colt!
- Receives messianic worship
- Goes to the temple and looks around
- He became hungry
- Curses a fig tree
- Casts out moneychangers and dove sellers
- Allowed no one to carry goods through
- Look at the fig tree! Have faith in God!
55Why so negative?
- Impotence of the Spirituality of the Temple
- Threat
- Foreshadows the destruction of the Temple
- This is not anger at a part of creation
- Cf. Storm and the real issue beneath
- Augustines insight
- Living life full of leaf
56Here is where Jesus teaches on Prayer
- (11 clear references using the actual word
prayer) - Jesus Prayer Life135 Jesus arose early and
went to a lonely place - 646 Bids disciples cross sea and He goes to
pray - Gethsemane1432 Sit here until I have prayed
- 1435 Fell to the ground and began to pray
- 1438 Keep watching and keep praying
- 1439 And again He went away and prayed
57Jesus on Prayer cont.
- Correction regarding prayer
- 929 Of demon poss. boy, this kind cannot come
out by anything but prayer - 1117 House of prayer
- Negative Uses
- 1240 For appearances offer long prayers
- 1318 Pray that it may not happen in winter
58Jesus on Prayer cont.
- Positive
- 1124 Pray and ask (once in Mk)
- 1125 Praying
- He does bless (641,87, 1016
- No Lords Prayer, or teach us how
- No Jn 14-17
- This is it in Mark
- Power of God behind the withered tree
59Structure of the Passage
- Recurrences
- Actions Rides, looks, curses, cleanses, teaches
- stumps
- Location Jerusalem, Bethany,
- Temple (11,15-17, 27)
- Horticulture 8,13,20,21
60Structure (cont.)
- Recurrence of Contrast
- Accepted 1-11
- Opposed 12-18
- Accepted 19-26
- Opposed 27-32
61Thursday, January 25 Session 4
- A Passion For Him and for His Mk 143-9
62What is the central meaning of the Cross?
- Themes thus far
- Person and Passion
- Absolute Trust in His Person
- Denial of Self-Person and Passion
- Belief in the Power of the Cross
63Bethany in the Life of Jesus
- i) Home of Lazarus, Mary, Martha
- ii) Passover
- iii) Triumphal Entry
64 Women and Jesus
- i) Supporters (Lk. 83)
- ii) Improprieties for a Rabbi
- (1) Samaritan Woman
- (2) Syro-Phonecian Woman
- (3) Woman with Issue of Blood
- (4) Anointing in Lk 7
- (5) Passion Week
- Widow with Mite
- Anointing of Mary?
- Tomb/Appearance
- The Gender Contrast in Mark (7------14)
- Contrast of Chapters 14 and 15
65Comparison of Anointings A Rehearsal of the
Mark 143-9 Matt 266-13 John
12 1. Passover 1. Passover
1. Passover in in
in 2 days 2 days 6 days
2. After Entry 2. After Entry
2. Before Entry 3. Plot Kill
3. Plot Kill 3. Arrest 4.
Simons 4. Simons 4.
Martha/Lazarus 5. Reclining 5.
Reclining 6. Woman 6. Woman
6. Mary 7. Alabaster 7. Alabaster
7. Pint 8. Expensive 8.
Expensive 8. Expensive 9. Nard
9. Nard
66Broke Jar
- Mark 143-9 Matt 266-13 John 12
- Head Head Feet
- Wiped
- House Filled
- Some Disciples Judas
- Let Her Alone " " " " " "
- Beautiful Thing " "
- Poor Poor Poor
67Did What She Could
- Mark 143-9 Matt 266-13 John 12
- Anointed my Prepare Me Keep body it
for for the day of my - Beforehand
- for the burial Burial Burial
- Wherever...
68 Unique Elements in Mark's Account Goal of the
Cross is not about me
- i) "Wherever the Gospel is Preached..."
- (1) "reproached her"
- (a) The typical value system 3,3-7.
- always viewed as a waste
- (b) A different value system
- Relation over/issue in/feeds Function
- "always have poor"
69The Goal of the Cross Involves All of Me
- "She Broke the Bottle"
- 1st Cent. Usages
- Perfume
- Embalming
- Jars in Tombs
- Defense is unusual - "let her alone
- "why trouble her?"
- Motive "a beautiful (good) thing on me"
- Manner "She has done what she could"
- Meaning Anointed my body
70The Goal of the Cross is to Identify me with the
Person and Passion of Jesus
- Unique Occurence
- Draw attention to it
71- She smashed it to smithereens!
- Symbol of something else?
72A comparison of two daysThe Goal of the Cross