Title: Weight Training for Track
1Weight Training for Track Field Athletes
- Presented bySarah Hoffman
- M.A. Exercise Science-University of South Dakota
- CSCS (Certified Strength Conditioning
- Core Strength its importance
- Progression of lifting
- Teaching proper lifting technique
- The Different types of lifts
- Varying lifts weights
- Different types of weight training
- The Dos Donts of USD Track Field
3Starting SimpleBody weight exercises
- Push-ups
- Pull-ups
- Sit-ups
- Leg lifts on bar
- Pillar holds
- Pillar lifts
4Core Strength its IMPORTANCE
If you cant hold your body in theses proper
positions how are you suppose to do it while
running, jumps, or throwing?
5Progression of core strength
6Developing arm, back, shoulder strength for a
beginner athlete
7Progression of arm, back, shoulder strength
8Developing Beginners lower leg strength
BALANCE is STRENGTH Make sure when squatting tha
t the knee does not go over your toe
When your knee goes past your toe, it causes all
the pressure to be focused on the knee
9Lunge Matrix A lower leg strength progression
- Focus on posture
- Make sure foot/ground contact is directly below
the knee
- Foot always stays square
- Keep knee slightly out
10Lunge Matrix Progression
- Arms above head
- Holding weight at chest
- Holding weight above head
- Matrix Low switches
- Stay low
- Posture
- Foot contact directly below knee,
- Foot square knee slightly out
- Matrix Power switches
- Same as Low switches except
- explode up as high as possible
11Teaching Proper Lifting Technique
- Make sure every athlete knows how to properly
- If they are not ready, pull them back to the non
weight bearing exercises, machines, or other
lighter techniques (broom sticks, or PVC piping)
12Resistance Training Exercises
- Chest/Shoulders
- Flat bench
- Incline bench
- Dumbbell flies
- Hip/Thigh
- Hip sled
- Regular squats
- Single leg squats
- Step-ups
- Walking lunges
- Deadlift
- Leg curls
- Shoulders
- Upright rows
- Military press
- Shrugs
- Arms
- Bicep curls
- Tri extensions
- Tri push-downs
- Back
- Bent over row
- Lat pulldowns
- Seated rows Calves
- Standing
- Calf raises
- Toes straight ahead
- Toes pointed in
- Toes pointed out
13Olympic Lifts
- Snatch
- Push Press
- Split Squat Snatch
- Powerclean
- Hangclean
- Jerk
14Vary the lifts
- 3-5 week phases with a week of recovery
- Dont always do the same lifts, mix it up!
- Regular Squat
- Front Squats
- Single leg Squats
- Walking Lunges
- Step ups
15Vary the weight
- Phase 1 Strength Building Phase
- Phase 2 Maintaining Phase
- Phase 3 Peaking Phase
16After the weight room
- Medicine Ball/Multi Throws
- Overhead backwards
- Between the legs forward
- Straight up throws with a squat
- Lunge, Lunge, throw
- May only need 5 reps
- Your body will remember the last thing you did on
that day
17Strength Building Phase
- Heavier phase
- Usually during off season or beginning of
- Focus Hypertrophy and Muscular Endurance (at the
- Strength Endurance (later in the phase)
- Less reps
- More recovery
18Maintaining Phase
- During the Season
- The athlete is training hard for specific events
- Ex. Hurdling, sprinting, distance, field events
- Medium amount of resistance training
- Make lifting event/sport specific
- Weight should be less than what the athlete was
lifting in pre-season
- More Reps
- Less Recovery
19Peaking Phase
- You dont want your athlete to have their best
performance at the first meet of the season.
- Want them to perform well enough to qualify for
state, but best performance should come at the
end of the season
- Lifting should be light fast (focus on speed of
- Few reps (rapid fire of fast twitch muscles)
20How to choose lifts
- Keep the lifts sport/event specific
- This will increase the likelihood that there will
be a positive transfer to the sport
- Maintain Muscle Balance
- Keep a balance of muscular strength across
joints and between opposing muscle groups
- Agonist vs. Antagonist
- Biceps Triceps OR Hamstrings Quadriceps
21Dos Donts of USD
- We dont use a 1RM
- Can be very dangerous for inexperienced athletes
- We do use a 3-5RM
- We use a formula to calculate a 1RM, can be found
on the internet. Find a formula that best fits
your athletes
- We do use weight belts
- But not all the time, if we are lifting heavy,
mostly in Olympic lifts, we require them,
otherwise we use the valsalva maneuver
- We progress from side by side leg lifts to single
leg lifts
- These lifts are more track/event oriented, but
each athlete must be ready to do this or they
will get injured.
- Snatch to split squat snatch OR squats to single
leg squats
- We dont lift Olympic back-to-back days
- Your body needs at least 48hrs. to recover from
Olympic lifting
22How to Calculate proper of Reps Sets
Other 1RM values may vary slightly from .5-2
from the provided table above.
This table is based on a 1RM percentage, and may
not accurate for athlete performing multiple
sets. Essentials of Strength Tr
aining and Conditioning. Baechle Earle. 2000
23- Questions?
- www.usd.edu/track
- Sarah.Hoffman_at_usd.edu
- track_at_usd.edu