Title: VoIP and ENUM Current Status
1VoIP and ENUM Current Status
- UMMAP Activity Group
- February 4th, 2004
- Richard STASTNY
- ÖFEG, Postbox 147, 1103-Vienna
- 43 664 420 4100richard.stastny_at_oefeg.atrichard_at_
2ENUM in a nutshell
43 1 979 33 21
3How does ENUM work ?
Telephone Number (TN) 43 1 979 33 21 translates
Tier 1 resolution to NS of authority ( pointer
only) IN NS ns1.iphone.at
Tier 2 resolution to NAPTR record and SIP URL
controlled at the end office
IN NAPTR 10 10 "u" E2Usip !.!SIPrichard_at_ip
set up call
4ENUM and VoIP as a Trigger
- ENUM is tightly linked with numbering and
therefore with the regulatory framework - Deployment of ENUM is also tightly linked with
the deployment of VoIP - Deployment of VoIP causes a direct conflict
between Telco's and ISP's - Deployment of ENUM involves NRA's and Registries
(in Europe primarily the ccTLD's) - ENUM and VoIP therefore cause a lot of questions
and issues to surface.
5Areas of Conflict
National Regulatory Authorities
(New) Telecommunication Law
ISP's and other SP
ccTLD's (Registries)
Consumer and Privacy protection
Privacy Law
6Lessons learnt in the ENUM Trials
- Basic issues solved
- ENUM technology works,
- ENUM policy and administration most problems
solved, - but shift in focus for the business models.
- The original business model of ENUM for
residential subscribers with opt-in for existing
numbers has problems - it's a second line service,
- privacy problems with multiple services (e-mail
spam) - Validation and re-validation problem,
- but the major problem is How to overcome
Metcalfe's Law? - The usefulness, or utility, of a network equals
the square of the number of users - so new approaches are needed.
7New approaches to ENUM
- New approaches for IP Communications with ENUM
- ENUM for IP-based private networks ("PBX") with
direct dial in - Numbers "ported" to IP-based networks (using ENUM
for routing) - non-geographic number ranges for IP
Communications, using ENUM - and then the re-launch of the original ENUM model
starting with teleworkers and road warriors to
overcome Metcalfe's Law - Note well IP Communications is not IP Telephony
- it is IP based services
- one of these services is VoIP - and others like
- Directory, Mobility,
- Instant Messaging, Presence, Video, Chat, SMS,
and, and, - will become more and more important
8ENUM as a glue
- An URI (AoR) entered in an ENUM domain related to
an E.164 number allows you - to reach any destination on IP from the PSTN/ISDN
- requirements on the PSTN/ISDN see next slide
- to reach any destination on IP directly from IP
- by dialing the full E.164 number as default
- dialing local numbers and cross connections is
still possible - if a proper numbering and dialing plan is
used - see I-D draft-stastny-enum-numbering-voip-00.txt
- and to reach any destination existing only on the
PSTN - but only calls to numbers not found in ENUM are
routed via the PSTN
9What is required on the PSTN/ISDN?
- Numbers both on the PSTN/ISDN and in ENUM
(opt-in) - Calls originating on IP are routed directly on IP
- Calls originating on the PSTN are routed and
terminated on the PSTN - Numbers ported out (locally) to VoIP providers
- Calls originating on IP are routed directly on IP
- Calls originating on the PSTN are routed on the
PSTN and terminated on IP - Numbers routed directly to IP via ENUM
- "Personal Mobile Number" ranges are assigned for
this purpose - If significant enough (max 7 digits), they may be
recognized early - and routed to the nearest VoIP ENUM-enabled
generic gateway - e.g. 87810, 43780,
10National Numbering Resources for VoIP
- geographic numbers (fixed)
- possible, but originations only from fixed line
(for XDSL, VDSL) - also for IP Centrex and IP PBX with ENUM
- numbers for networks (fixed and mobile)
- yes, for IP Centrex and IP PBX with ENUM
- mobile numbers
- not yet, but ideal for ENUM opt-in
- national portable numbers (fixed, mobile,
personal) - 720 - yes, with and without ENUM, UPT services possible
- numbers for convergent services (mobile,
personal) - 780 - ENUM-only, ideal for virtual operators
- ENUM-only means that a number is valid only if
there is a corresponding ENUM domain
11Primary Goals with some Examples
- Primary goals of ENUM
- Goal 1 Never touch the PSTN, if you can avoid it
- Goal 2 If you cannot avoid it
- a. early exit from the PSTN or
- b. late entry to the PSTN
- Corporate Users (Never touch the PSTN)
- Call Flows
- Broadband AT43 VoIP and ENUM Trial of the Uni
Vienna - Linking IP PBX together globally
- The generic gateway (early exit of the PSTN)
- for all ENUM-only numbers and others
- Infrastructure ENUM
- The freenum.org trial (late entry to the PSTN)
12Options for Corporate Users
43 780 123456 32
43179780 32
13Large Scale IPC Trial at43
- Large Scale Trial on IP Communications using ENUM
- University of Vienna 100.000 Students
- re-use of existing student account credentials
via RADIUS - iptel.org SIP Express Router as SIP proxy with
call routing, ENUM processing, PSTN interworking - some functions based on Asterisk open-source
IP-PBX - voice-mail, conference bridge, IVR,
- PSTN Connection CISCO 5300 PSTN/ISDN Gateway
with PRA - Various Soft- and Hard-phones, WiFi-Phones,
- IP Connection to other universities, communities
and "IP-PBX" - Applications Crash test for VoIP, Chat, IM,
Presence, SMS, use of SIM-Cards - IP calls free, PSTN-gtIP calls by caller IP-gtPSTN
with call-by-call accounting - Naming, Numbering and Addressing with ENUM
- Base sipltstudent-idgt_at_sip.univie.ac.at
- Austrian number for private networks 43 59966
nnnnnn - global UPT number 87810 2843 nnnnnn
- NAPTR 100 10 "u" "E2Usip"
"!\\4359966(.)!sip\\1_at_sip.univie.ac.at!" .
14IP Communications global network
- Phone numbers are now only routable over PSTN
network - Connect Friends and Family Customers and
Suppliers to the E.164 numbering plan using ENUM - and route this ENUM-enabled calls via the public
15The Generic Gateway from the PSTN
- ENUM-only number ranges may be routed by the PSTN
to a generic gateway - properly set up, such a gateway can handle
several number ranges, e.g. 43 780 abcdef as
well as 87810 abcdefghij - if the range can be determined in lt 7 digits, any
telco could use a GG anywhere and exit traffic
early from the PSTN. - It is up to the PSTN operators to route any
number in ENUM to these gateways (e.g access code
or ACQ) - the gateway forwards the calls depending on NAPTR
service contents - doable for SIP and H.323 in one gateway
- iLECs LD operators will carry most of the PSTN
traffic destined for these number ranges, - they are in excellent position to terminate these
calls and grab the gateway business - Assumption termination revenue gt termination
cost (IP GG capex/opex) - with proper authentication and billing, the same
gateway can also handle calls Internet-gt PSTN
with certified callerID
16The Interworking
PSTN ENUM-only number range
17freenum.org global 800 service
- Infrastructure ENUM routing experiment for SIP
ITSPs - idea contribute 800 termination in your country
and use other termination points in turn - if you are interested let us know
- routing done by entry lookup in a private ENUM
tree - 43800. ? sipltdestinationgt_at_gw.at43.at
- add a ENUM lookup in freenum.org with SIP Express
Router, Asterisk out of the box - its a controllable entry step before full-scale
public ENUM deployment
18How it works
19Activities Planned 2004
- Make existing ENUM Trials interoperable
- ETSI ENUM Plugtest Workshop (February 24-25)
- Advance RFC2916bis to draft standard (IETF)
- Register various "enumservices" with IANA
- Make "Interim Procedures" permanent (ITU-T, IAB,
RIPE) - next ITU-T SG2 Plenary in May
- Establish national policy frameworks
- 22 CC already delegated in e164.arpa, more to
come soon - Start commercial deployment of ENUM
- some countries are already planning commercial
deployments of ENUM during this year
20The End
Thank you for your attention
www.enum.nic.at www.at43.at/en/
Contact (not Content) is King
Douglas Rushkoff
21(Very short) ENUM History
- Sept. 2000 IETF ENUM WG RFC2916
- 2001 Various Workshops (ITU-T, Europe, US,
Asia, ) - 2002 ITU-T Interim Procedures (IAB, RIPE-NCC)
ITU-T generic TLD Investigation
ETSI TS 102 051 "ENUM Administration in Europe" - 2003 ETSI TS 102 172 "Minimum Requirements for
Interoperability of European ENUM
Trials" IETF various enumservices on
standards track IETF RFC2916bis WGLC - 2004 Planned IETF new ENUM RFC, IANA
registered enumservices ITU-T final
decision on ENUM domain ETSI ENUM
Workshop (Feb 2004) and Plugtest
22(Very short) ENUM Trial History
- 2002 US ENUM Forum Trial Platforms in
AT, UK, SE, DE, CN, Austrian ENUM
Trial in operation (Sept. 2002) - 2003 Various national and international ENUM
Trials using different scenarios and
numbering resources and using
different ENUM-enabled products
National and international demos and
presentations (IETF, ITU-T, VON,
ICANN, ) SIP communities start using
ENUM (FWD, Sipphone, iptel, at43, )
Pre-commercial deployment starts - 2004 ENUM ready for production and deployment
(at least in some countries)
23ENUM Delegations
Delegations in e164.arpa as of 16. November 2003
- 31 Netherlands
- 33 France
- 358 Finland
- 36 Hungary
- 374 Armenia
- 40 Romania
- 41 Switzerland
- 420 Czech Republic
- 421 Slovakia
- 423 Liechtenstein
- 43 Austria
- 44 UK
- 46 Sweden
- 48 Poland
- 49 Germany
- 55 Brazil
- 86 China
- 246 Diego Garcia
- 247 Ascension
- 290 Saint Helena
- 971 UAE
- 87810 VISIONng UPT
additional Asian countries (Korea, Japan, ) soon
to come