Title: Narrative and Television
1Narrative and Television
2Television narrative
- Television uses a simple narrative style that is
cohesive and easy to comprehend.
- This narrative style has been called Classic
Hollywood Narrative because it is modeled on the
same style used in film in the early days of the
20th Century.
3This narrative pattern is based on the work of
- A story has a beginning, middle, and end.
- It imitates an action and it is unified.
- It also incites pity and fear and can be
TV always does the first two sometimes the third
happens, too.
4Narrative in media
- In the early days of media, these elements became
the basis mass storytelling.
- The rise of literacy and the increasing
efficiency of printing presses (electricity) made
mass production of stories in media, such as
popular fiction magazines, profitable. - Writers needed to produce stories quickly and a
need for following a science of narrative, a
set pattern of telling a story, arose.
- Almost all of the How-to manuals for writers
are still based on Aristotles thinking about how
a story should be told.
- Even Freytags Triangle and Todorovs Equilibrium
model both come from Aristotle!
5Understanding TV Narrative
Television is profit-driven, and its narrative is
The Story World of the Series (Plot A)
The individual episode
Each episode has its own storyline. This is ofte
n called Plot B. In some instances there are mult
iple plots (B, C, D) in each episodeFriends,
Seinfeld, for example.
The Story World establishes a context
in which weekly or daily episodes unfold. The
overall plot of the series moves slowly. This is
considered Plot A.
6Like all stories, TV stories have
- Cause and effect events
- Conflicts
- Characters
Stories in television are driven by
character motive and character
action. This is particularly true because
of the episodic, ongoing development
of characters.
7Dangling Causes
- Causes lead to effects that become causes for
other effects. BUT these cause / effect
relationships may stretch across episodes or even
seasons! Causes which do not result in an
immediate effect are called dangling causes. - Dangling causes are used in many different media
to sustain viewer/reader interest and to create
- Todorovs Equilibrium
- Freytags Triangle / Pyramid
- Binary oppositions
- Propps Types
- Watch the video and think about each of these