Title: Preserving UKs National Memory
1Preserving UKs National Memory
- Helen Hockx-YuWeb Archiving Programme
ManagerBritish Library - 05 June 2008
2The need to archive the web
- To save e-publishing
- Reduce the risk of loss of ephemeral in-scope
material cited average life expectancy of
websites is 44 days - Research requires reliable references to
e-publishing - Contributes to the memory of the nation
- Issues
- Illegal (pornography, terrorist etc.) or rubbish
sites - Needle in haystack how to filter out useful
material - How to foresee future research interests
- How to keep pace with rapidly changing web
3BL policy for collecting websites
- To gather, make accessible and preserve material
representing intellectual and cultural heritage
and social history made publicly and freely
available in the UK via the medium of the web.
4What web sites does the BL select?
- Research
- stated intentions of sites themselves or
potential to be primary resources for research - sites hosted by universities, government bodies,
grey material published by campaigning
organisations and charities - research on the web
- Social history culture
- Sites representing British cultural diversity,
regional difference, social significance, key
event of national life, topicality - Innovation
- Award winning sites (pre-selected), sites
illustrating webs information, communication and
training strength
5Websites selection methods
- Collaborative archive with partners of the UK
Web Archiving Consortium (UKWAC)
http//www.webarchive.org.uk - Subject specialists team
- Suggestions (e.g. nomination form on the UK Web
Archive self selected via UKWAC webform) - Collaborations with external organisations (e.g.
working with Library and Information Services
Council (Northern Ireland) to build a Northern
Ireland collection)
6British Librarys social Inclusion and diversity
- Developing our collection to reflect a
multi-cultural Britain - More inclusive programmes and services to
attract take-up from a broader demographic
profile and to support Black and Ethnic Minority
groups, women and those with disabilities - Training schemes to promote diversity awareness
and work experience schemes to include more
people from minority groups - Develop a more diverse workforce
- Support the needs of a culturally diverse
audience - Marketing the Library to reach new and more
diverse audiences
7(No Transcript)
8Websites representing cultural diversity
9The big picture
- There are approximately 11 million websites
hosted in the UK - The UK Web Archive currently contains 5185
unique websites and 16304 instances 60 is
collected by the British Library - 195 websites listed under Society Culture lt
Communities - Does this fully represent the British community
cultural heritage?
10But we have selected a lot more websites
http//doughty.gdbtv.com/ http//www.acttogether.o
rg/ http//www.avma.org.uk/ http//www.add.org.uk/
http//www.adfam.org.uk/ http//www.alcoholconcer
n.org.uk/ http//www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk/
http//www.als.org.uk/ http//www.amber-web.org/ h
ttp//www.amostrust.org/ http//www.article19.org/
http//www.aspire.org.uk/ http//www.afasic.org.u
k/ http//www.babymilkaction.org/ http//www.barbe
d.org.uk/ http//www.baspcan.org.uk/ http//www.be
lfastpride.com/ http//www.jabw.demon.co.uk/firman
1.htm http//www.bilderberg.org/ http//www.bnrrn.
org.uk/ http//blackpoolpride.com/drupal/ http//w
ww.bliss.org.uk/ http//www.bme.org.uk/ http//www
.bodnotbod.org.uk/ http//www.bradenhamhall.co.uk/
http//www.brightonpride.org/ http//www.baff.org
.uk/ http//www.base.org.uk/ http//www.bda.uk.com
/ http//www.britisheco.com http//www.blrg.org.uk
/ http//www.brittlebone.org/ http//www.brook.org
.uk/ http//www.budgieman.co.uk/ http//www.camden
abudis.net/ http//www.cbpta.com/ http//www.cnwp.
/ http//www.circlemakers.org/ http//www.communit
ytransport.com/ http//www.tcf.org.uk/ http//www.
conservativewomen.org.uk/ http//www.cornishwitchc
raft.co.uk/ http//www.cropcircleconnector.com/ ht
tp//www.referendum.org.uk/ http//www.theworkcont
inues.org/ http//www.ecocentric.co.uk/ http//eco
topia.co.uk/ http//www.stabbers.org/ http//www.e
thiscore.org/ http//www.eutruth.org.uk/ http//ww
w.for.org.uk/ http//www.getethical.com/ http//ww
w.gilad.co.uk/ http//www.hhugs.org.uk/ http//www
.homehealthfitness.com/ http//www.thehra.org/ htt
p//www.howardleague.org/ http//www.iwca.info/ ht
tp//www.international-brigades.org.uk/ http//www
.iraqoccupationfocus.org.uk/ http//www.irishdemoc
rat.co.uk/ http//www.j-n-v.org/ http//www.labour
http//doughty.gdbtv.com/ http//www.acttogether.o
rg/ http//www.avma.org.uk/ http//www.add.org.uk/
http//www.adfam.org.uk/ http//www.alcoholconcer
n.org.uk/ http//www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk/
http//www.als.org.uk/ http//www.amber-web.org/ h
ttp//www.amostrust.org/ http//www.article19.org/
http//www.aspire.org.uk/ http//www.afasic.org.u
k/ http//www.babymilkaction.org/ http//www.barbe
d.org.uk/ http//www.baspcan.org.uk/ http//www.be
lfastpride.com/ http//www.jabw.demon.co.uk/firman
1.htm http//www.bilderberg.org/ http//www.bnrrn.
org.uk/ http//blackpoolpride.com/drupal/ http//w
ww.bliss.org.uk/ http//www.bme.org.uk/ http//www
.bodnotbod.org.uk/ http//www.bradenhamhall.co.uk/
http//www.brightonpride.org/ http//www.baff.org
.uk/ http//www.base.org.uk/
http//www.leicesterpride.co.uk/ http//www.lillip
utlane.co.uk/ http//www.londonscalextricclub.co.u
k/ http//www.londonsocialisthistorians.org/ http
//www.manchesterpride.com/ http//www.melaniephill
ips.com/ http//www.melright.com/music/ http//www
.mutatoes.org/ http//www.nrpt.co.uk/ http//www.n
aturalcollection.com/ http//www.newacropolisuk.or
g/ http//www.northernracingcollege.co.uk/ http//
om/ http//www.britisheco.com http//www.blrg.org.
uk/ http//www.brittlebone.org/ http//www.brook.o
rg.uk/ http//www.budgieman.co.uk/ http//www.camd
enabudis.net/ http//www.cbpta.com/ http//www.cnw
p.org.uk/ http//www.bettertransport.org.uk/
http//www.sardineman.org.uk/ http//www.caab.org
.uk/ http//www.nch.org.uk/ http//www.nationalang
11More minority websites selected
http//www.bicom.org.uk/ http//www.communityresil
ience.cc/ http//www.concordesst.com/ http//www.c
ranborne.co.uk/ http//members.aol.com/CruiseAZ/ h
ttp//www.thedonkeysanctuary.org.uk/ http//www.ja
meshovercraft.co.uk/ http//www.naar.org.uk/lagcar
/ http//www.lifetimefitness.co.uk/ http//www.mod
elhover.org.uk/ http//newafricanperspective.blogs
pot.com/ http//www.peacedirect.org/ http//www.qu
illiamfoundation.org/ http//www.rainrescue.co.uk/
http//www.raptorcentre.co.uk/ http//www.ratplan
et.co.uk/ http//www.ratrehome.co.uk/ http//www
.respectforanimals.co.uk/ http//www.save-concorde
.co.uk/ http//www.smashedo.org.uk/ http//www.tri
odos.co.uk/ http//www.u3a-info.co.uk/ http//www.
workwiseuk.org/ http//www.ndaf.org/ http//www.bs
sa.co.uk/ OR http//www.british-shops.co.uk/ http
//www.caade.net/ http//www.ssaw.org.uk/
http//files.pcadvance.co.uk/ssaw/ http//www.han
dsoffiraqioil.org/? ? ?
http//www.pdmhs.com/ http//www.crce.org.uk/ http
//www.scientology.org.uk/ http//www.users.zetnet
.co.uk/mmartin/fifepits/ http//www.jnadin1.50megs
.com/ http//www.projects.ex.ac.uk/mhn/ http//www
.mininginstitute.org.uk/ http//www.freewebs.com/y
orkshiremain http//www.mining-memorabilia.co.uk/
http//www.africanmusiciansprofiles.com http//www
.dogonmusic.co.uk/ http//www.konimusic.co.uk/ htt
p//www.panpodium.com/ http//www.anguillajazz.org
/ http//www.thefirstpost.co.uk/ http//www.gijonn
y.co.uk/ http//www.geocities.com/by_elections/ ht
tp//www.flyingfish.org.uk/ http//www.bsst.org.uk
/ http//www.englishdemocrats.org.uk/ http//www.n
/ http//www.manze.co.uk/ http//www.eelhouse.co.
uk/ http//www.hodology.com/ http//www.asylumlink
.org.uk http//www.jpr.org.uk/ http//www.exercise
register.org/? ? ?
http//www.nottinghampride.co.uk/ http//www.oxfor
dpride.org.uk/ http//www.pagan-network.org/ http
//www.paxchristi.org.uk/ http//pagi.pwp.blueyonde
r.co.uk/ http//www.prideincanterbury.org.uk/ http
//www.redpepper.org.uk/ http//www.running4women.
com/ http//www.sirc.org/ http//obifromsouthlondo
n.blogspot.com/ http//www.swlondontwinsclub.org/
http//www.ukstrokeforum.org/ http//www.stewartle
e.co.uk/ http//www.stoparmingisrael.org/ http//w
ww.swirlednews.com/ http//www.consultation.nats.c
o.uk/ http//www.ttag.org.uk/ http//www.witchcraf
tshop.co.uk/ http//www.wpf.org.uk/ http//www.sch
oolbuilding.co.uk/ http//www.anguillachamber.com/
http//www.gaymonitor.co.uk/ http//www.nigelseco
store.com/ http//www.advocacyinternational.co.uk/
c.co.uk/ http//www.dmm.org.uk/ http//www.fifemin
ingheritage.org.uk/http//www.voice-em.org.uk/ ?
? ?
12Legal Deposit
- Between 20-25 of the selected websites get
archived! - Lack of national regulation, needs permission to
gather and permission to give access to archived
site - Legal Deposit Libraries Act 2003 and extension of
legal deposit to non-print publications not yet
fully implemented - Regulations being suggested by Legal Deposit
Advisory Panel, advising the Secretary of State
on implementation of the Act - Slow process with delays earliest legislation
expected end 2010
13Permission issues
- low response / success rate (30 / 25)
- 3rd party implications can be prohibitive e.g.
over 100 contributors - timescales for website owners to fill in
legalistic form - Resources required on both sides to do admin
involved - Difficulties in tracking down the right person
- Valuable sites disappearing before the owner
found or contacted - Lack of public awareness about web archiving
14Technical difficulties
- Crawler traps
- JavaScript
- Flash
- Very big and complex sites
- Forms
- Subscription areas
15Selective versus domain archiving
- Two complementary approaches selective and
domain archiving
- Selective archiving
- More frequent gathers manual QA
- Guided by collection policy
- Can be based on events or themes e.g. credit
crunch - Permissions for 24/7 access
16We need your help
- Please give us permissions to archive, make
accessible and preserve your websites - Please recommend websites which you think should
be preserved - Use the nomination form on the UK web archive
http//www.webarchive.org.uk/ - Or send us an email web-archivist_at_bl.uk