Title: Performing a Manual Count for Sperm Concentration
1Performing a Manual Countfor Sperm Concentration
Dr. Bruce Eilts Louisiana State University
2Diluent Formol Buffered Saline (Water works
3A one page how to. Proceed for step by step
4You have now created a 1100 dilution and are
ready to load the hemacytometer
Click once to proceed!
Raw Semen
FBS or H2O
0.1 mL?1100
0.1 mL
0.1 mL
0.9 mL
0.9 mL
0.9 mL
5Neubauer chamber
6Load each side of the chamber.
7Load each side of the chamber.
8(No Transcript)
940x Objective Phase ideal Match 40x phase ring
Phase contrast makes counting much easier. If you
do not have a phase contrast microscope, you will
have to decrease the light by closing the
10There are 9 big squares on the hemacytomter
111 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9
12Count the middle big square bounded by triple
13There are 25 smaller squares within the middle
big square bounded by triple lines.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
24 25
14Each of the 25 smaller squares has 16 smaller
15Count each cell in the 25 squares
16Count cells on the left and top lines or on the
right and bottom lines as you go to prevent from
counting cells twice
17How many cells do you count here?
18You should get 32 Click to follow the counting
19Count both sides of the chamber. Results should
be within 10 of each other. If the results are
not within 10 of each other, repeat the entire
counting procedure.
20- Number of cells counted in the 25 squares
- Sperm X 106/mL
21- Number of cells counted in the 25 squares 32 in
our example. - Sperm concentration
- 32 X 106/sperm cells/mL
22- If sperm concentration
- 32 X 106/sperm cells/mL
- and
- Volume 15 mL
- Total count is
- 480 X 106
23- You have finished successfully!