Title: Chapter 28 Introducing Russia and Northern Eurasia
1Chapter 28 - Introducing Russia and Northern
A. Invaders of the Steppe
3A. Invaders of the Steppe
People migrated to this region to escape droughts
and war
4A. Invaders of the Steppe They settled and becam
e farmers and traders
5A. Invaders of the Steppe Kiev emerged as an imp
ortant trading center in the 9th century
6A. Invaders of the Steppe
In 1223, the steppe was invaded by the Mongols
7A. Invaders of the Steppe The Mongols were led by
Batu, grandson of Genghis Khan
8 A. Invaders of the Steppe By 1240, the region
became the western outpost of the Mongol Empire
9B. The Russian Empire
This version of the Greater Arms of the Russian
Empire was approved by His Imperial Majesty the
Lord Emperor and Autocrat of All Russias,
Alexander the Third Alexandrovich, on the 24th of
July 1882.
10B. The Russian Empire
- The strongest state was Muscovy, and the main
city was Moscow
11B. The Russian Empire
- In the late 1400s, Ivan III, the prince of
Moscow, took control of Russia
12B. The Russian Empire
In 1547, Ivan IV crowned himself Russias first
13B. The Russian Empire
Ivan IV became known as Ivan the Terrible
14B. The Russian Empire
The Russian Empire extended from Kiev north to
the Arctic Ocean and east to the Ural Mountains
15B. The Russian Empire
It expanded east to the Pacific coast and into
what is now Alaska and California
16B. The Russian Empire
Expansion into Europe was hindered due to
cultural differences politics, religion, and
17B. The Russian Empire
Russia gained some European territory
18B. The Russian Empire
Czar Peter the Great acquired lands along the
Baltic Sea
19B. The Russian Empire
Catherine the Great took the northern side of the
Black Sea
Catherine the Great (1763-1796)
20C. The Fall of the Russian Empire
Top L-R Olga, Nicholas, Alexandra
TatianaBottom L-R Maria, Alexie Anastasia
21C. The Fall of the Russian Empire
In the 1890s, life became worse due to droughts
and global economic depression
22C. The Fall of the Russian Empire
- population had more than doubled
increased pressure on the land increased pe
asant hostility to landowners
23C. The Fall of the Russian Empire
Russia was defeated by Japan in 1905 and protests
began against the government
24C. The Fall of the Russian Empire
In 1905 and 1906, there were riots in several la
rge cities
Bloody Sunday Attack St. Petersburg January 19
25C. The Fall of the Russian Empire
The army crushed the revolution and restored
order in the towns and countryside
26C. The Fall of the Russian Empire
Russia entered WWI in 1914 with France and
Britain, and withdrew in 1917
27C. The Fall of the Russian Empire
After the October Revolution of 1917, Czar
Nicholas was forced to abdicate, and he and his
family were later murdered
28C. The Fall of the Russian Empire
The Bolsheviks (later called Communists) took
control of the government and a period of civil
war followed