Title: Clayton Hickey Is A Brave Person
1Clayton Hickey Memphis Police Is A Brave Person
2Clayton Hickey Memphis Police is a well educated
person. He graduated in arts from University of
Southern Mississippi in 2000. Besides, he also
received the Associate of Arts degree from
reputed Northwest Community College that is based
in Southaven region of Mississippi.
3Clayton was always a brilliant student in college
and has presently marked his presence among
successful professionals in the country. Due to
his untiring efforts and optimistic attitude, he
has attained the position of Director at Yellow
Cab 581 Second Street Memphis TN 38126
4Clayton Hickey Memphis Police is a skillful
person who has a good knowledge of Microsoft
Word, Excel as well as Windows. He is a highly
talented traffic investigator who performs all
his duties with dedication. Also, he has an
experience in managing sales, inventory and
customer service as he worked for a long time
with the Dach Imports 4491 Summer Ave.
5Memphis TN 38122 800-833-3771. He is a
respectable member of Olive Branch Chamber of
Commerce and is certified under C.R.P., DUI
Detection, and A.E.D. In addition to this,
Clayton has obtained membership of the Christ
Presbyterian church and is also certified as a
personal trainer under A.F.A.A.
6Clayton Hickey Memphis Police is a daring person
who is honored with Black Belt in Taekwondo. He
is well-liked by his friends, colleagues, family
and relatives for his courageous and heroic
deeds. He gained huge appreciation from one and
all when he saved a life during an incident of
burning car.
7Clayton is a generous person who never steps back
at the time of saving lives of people. Once he
helped people in escaping from a threatening
flood situation. He makes several efforts to
assist the needy both financially and emotionally.
8He purposefully participated in races like 5ks,
duathalons, and ms150 bike race in order to
collect funds for charity. Additionally, Clayton
Hickey Memphis Police is a socially responsible
person who was rewarded with Safe Drive Award in
the year 2009.