ClassBench: A Packet Classification Benchmark - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ClassBench: A Packet Classification Benchmark


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ClassBench: A Packet Classification Benchmark

ClassBench A Packet Classification Benchmark
  • David E. Taylor Jonathan S. Turner
  • Department of Computer Science Engineering
  • Applied Research Laboratory
  • det3,
  • IEEE Infocom 2005

Packet classification
Packet Filter Set
Motivation for a benchmark
  • No benchmark currently exists in industry or
    research community
  • Performance of the most effective packet
    classification solutions depends on the
    composition of filter sets
  • TCAM capacity depends on port range
  • Range conversion to prefixes may cause a single
    filter to occupy 2(w-1)k TCAM slots (900 slots
    in the worst case for two 16-bit port numbers)
  • w number of bits required to represent a point
    in the range
  • k number of fields specified by ranges
  • On average, each filter requires 7 TCAM slots
  • Fastest algorithms leverage filter set structure
  • Decision tree algorithms (Hi-Cuts, Hyper-Cuts)
  • Tuple-Space algorithms
  • Decomposition algorithms (RFC, P2C, DCFL)

Motivation for a benchmark (2)
  • Security and confidentiality concerns limit
    access to real filter sets for study and
    performance evaluation
  • Well-connected researchers have gained access but
    are unable to share
  • Performance evaluation with real filter sets is
    limited to size and composition of sample sets
  • Current filter sets contain hundreds to a few
    thousand filters
  • Goal develop a benchmark capable of capturing
    relevant characteristics of real filter sets
    while providing structured mechanisms for scaling
    the number of filters, augmenting the
    composition, and analyzing performance effects
  • Provide value to three distinct communities
    researchers, product vendors, product consumers

Related work
  • IETF Benchmarking Working Group (BMWG) developed
    benchmark methodologies for Forwarding
    Information Base (FIB) routers and firewalls
  • FIB focuses on performance evaluation of routers
    at transmission interfaces
  • Firewall methodology is a high-level testing
    methodology with no detailed recommendations of
    filter composition
  • Network Processing Forum has a benchmarking
  • Produced IP lookup and switch fabric benchmarks
  • Thus far, only IBM and Intel have published
    results for IP lookup
  • No details regarding packet classification
    benchmarking efforts
  • Performance evaluation by researchers
  • Most randomly select prefixes from forwarding
    tables and use existing protocol, port range
  • Baboescu Varghese added refinements for
    controlling the number of zero-length prefixes
    and prefix nesting
  • Woo Infocom 2000 provided strong motivation for
    a benchmark
  • Provided a qualitative overview of filter
    composition for various environments
  • ISP Peering Router, ISP Core Router, Enterprise
    Edge Router, etc.

ClassBench architecture
Filter Set Generator
Filter Set Analyzer
Synthetic Filter Set
Seed Filter Set
Trace Generator
Input Header Trace
Set of Benchmark Parameter Files
  • Filter Set Analyzer extracts relevant statistics
    and probability distributions, generates
    parameter file
  • Guided by high-level models developed from filter
    set analyses
  • Parameter files provide complete anonymity of
  • Filter Set Generator produces a synthetic filter
    set retaining characteristics specified by input
    parameter file
  • Input parameters provide high-level control over
    filter set size and composition
  • Trace Generator creates a sequence of packet
    headers to exercise the input filter set
  • Input parameters provide high-level control over
    trace size and locality of reference

Modeling filter set structure
  • Protocol distribution
  • Distribution of filters over protocols and
    associated flags
  • Port pair class matrix
  • Captures structure of source/destination port
  • Example wildcard on source port, exact match
    (80) on destination port
  • Joint distribution of address prefix lengths
  • Captures structure of source/destination address
  • Example exact match on SA and wildcard on DA
  • Address space coverage
  • Address prefix correlation and nesting
  • Store filter set model in a parameter file
  • Goal construct a set of representative parameter

Port pair classes
  • Common port range specifications can be divided
    into five classes
  • WC wildcard, 065535
  • LO all system ports, 01023
  • HI user ports, 102465535
  • AR arbitrary port range
  • EM exact match port
  • Number of unique arbitrary ranges and exact port
    numbers appearing in databases is limited
  • For the AR and EM classes, maintain a
    distribution of filters over unique values
  • Combination of source/destination port ranges
    define a port pair class
  • 25 port pair classes formed from all permutations
    of port class
  • WC/WC, WC/R1, WC/R2, etc.

Port pair class matrix
  • Distribution of filters over the port pair
    classes for TCP and UDP
  • For each bin in the PPC matrix, create a joint
    distribution of prefix pair lengths
  • Characterizes relationship between port pair
    class and prefix pair lengths
  • Example ,1001,065535,80,TCP,syn

Destination Port
Destination Port
Source Port
Source Port
Prefix length joint distributions
  • Analyses of real filter sets show unique prefix
    pair length structure
  • Combinations including /0 and /32 prefixes are
  • Random selection from IP forwarding tables would
    result in combinations dominated by class C
    (24-bit) prefixes
  • Strong motivation for capturing joint distribution

Representing joint distributions
  • Represent joint distribution by a combination of
    total prefix length and source prefix length
  • Total length distribution 064 sum of SA and
    DA prefix lengths
  • For each non-empty bin in total length
    distribution, build a source length distribution
    for the prefix pairs in the bin
  • (destination address prefix length) (total
    length) (source address prefix length)
  • Total lengthdistribution providesa
    convenientmechanism foraltering
  • Support for high-levelscope adjustment inFilter
    Set Generator

Branching skew definitions
  • Capture the address space coverage of the subnets
    defined by address prefixes
  • Build two binary trees from the source and
    destination address prefixes in the filters
  • At each node, define the weight of the left child
    and right child as the number of filters
    specifying a prefix stored in the left and right
    subtrees, respectively
  • Let heavy maxweight of left child, weight of
    right child
  • Let light minweight of left child, weight of
    right child
  • For each level of the tree 031
  • Compute the average number of childrenfor nodes
    with at least one child
  • Provides a measurement of the branchingat each
  • Compute the average skew for nodeswith two

Generating synthetic filter sets
  • Use input parameter file along with scale, scope,
    and smoothing parameters to guide filter set
  • Input parameters provide high-level control over
    filter set size and composition
  • Abstracts user from detailed model of filter set
    structure contained in parameter files
  • Scale parameter sets a target size for the
    synthetic filter set
  • Resulting filter set may contain fewer filters
    due to the removal of redundant filters
  • Scope parameter biases the tool to generate more
    or less specific filters
  • Smoothing parameter provides a structured
    mechanism for introducing new prefix lengths
  • Pseudocode provided in papers
  • Source code available at http//

Scope definition
  • From a geometric perspective, a filter defines a
    hyper-rectangle in d-dimensional space
  • Volume of the hyper-rectangle is the product of
    the 1-d lengths specified by the filter fields
  • e.g. Number of addresses covered by source
    address prefix
  • Scope is a logarithmic measure of d-dimensional
  • Points in d-dimensional space correspond to
    packet headers
  • Filter properties are commonly defined as a tuple
    specification, or a vector with fields
  • t0, source address prefix length, 032
  • t1, destination address prefix length, 032
  • t2, source port range width, 0216
  • t2, destination port range width, 0216
  • t4, protocol specification, Boolean specified,
    not specified

Scope adjustment
  • Utilize a bias function on the random number used
    to select values from the distributions
  • Bias function computes area under line whose
    slope is defined by s
  • Precludes recomputation of each distribution
  • Scope (s) bias to more or less specific
    filters, -11
  • Applied to random variable used to select total
    prefix length and port pair class
  • s gt 0 increase scope, decrease specificity
    (prefix length)
  • s lt 0 decrease scope, increase specificity
    (prefix length)

S -1
S 0
S 1
Sensitivity to scope adjustment
  • For example filter sets, scope adjustment
    provided a maximum bias equivalent to 6-bits
    longer or shorter in total prefix length
  • Provides for an 64x increase or decrease in the
    average coverage of the filters in the database
  • Sensitivity is dependent upon original
    distributions in parameter files

Smoothing adjustment
  • As filter sets scale in size, we anticipate that
    new address prefix pair lengths will emerge due
    to subnet aggregation and segregation.
  • Using scope as a measure of distance, subnet
    aggregation and segregation results in new prefix
    lengths that are near to the original prefix
  • Smoothing provides a structured mechanism for
    introducing new prefix pair lengths
  • Smoothing parameter, r, limits the maximum number
    of bits of deviation from the original prefix
  • Manhattan distance in the prefix pair joint
  • Model the clustering using a symmetric binomial
  • Given r, a symmetric binomial distribution is
    defined on the range 0 2r
  • The probability at each point i in the range is
    given by
  • Apply binomial distribution to each non-emptybin
    in the prefix pair length distribution
  • Scale each spike in the distribution according
    to the median probability, pr
  • Binomially distribute the residue to the prefix
    pair lengths within the r-bit radius
  • For bins at edge of distribution, we truncate
    binomial distribution and normalize

Single Spike with r 8
(a.) r 8
(b.) r 8, top-view
Cumulative smoothing effects
  • Bins accumulate residue from bins within an r-bit
  • Example with r 4

Trace generator
  • Trace Generator produces a sequence of packet
    headers to exercise a given filter set
  • Analyze average performance, power consumption,
    caching load-balancing schemes
  • Provide high-level control over size of trace and
    locality of reference
  • Exhaustive test is intractable
  • Selecting a point for every d-dimensional
    polyhedron formed by the overlap of N filters
    requires O((n log n)d) time
  • Choose a random filter from the filter set, then
    select a random corner of the filters
  • Points in d-dimensional space represent packet
  • Corners often have a higher probability of
    filter overlaps
  • Insert m copies of the header into the trace
  • m is chosen from a Pareto distribution
  • Pareto shape and scale parameters are input
  • Scale input parameter sets threshold on number of
    headers in the trace
  • Threshold scale N

ClassBench usage
  • Our own research
  • Packet Classification using Extended TCAMs, Ed
    Spitznagel, David Taylor, Jonathan Turner, IEEE
    International Conference on Network Protocols
    (ICNP), 2003.
  • Scalable Packet Classification using Distributed
    Crossproducting of Field Labels, David Taylor,
    Jonathan Turner, IEEE Infocom, 2005.
  • On using content addressable memory for packet
    classification, David Taylor, Ed Spitznagel,
    technical report WUCSE-2005-9.
  • Other universities (that we know of)
  • Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
  • University of Texas, Arlington, USA
  • UC Berkeley, USA
  • University of Patras, Greece
  • A Silicon Valley startup (in stealth mode)

A packet classification bake-off
  • Currently, five student groups are implementing
    packet classification algorithms on an Intel IXP
    network processor
  • Recursive Flow Classification Gupta, McKeown
  • Pruned Tuple Space Search Srinivasan, et. al.
  • HyperCuts Singh, et. al. 2003
  • Extension of HiCuts Gupta, McKeown 1999
  • Decision tree where internal nodes define
    branching conditions on multiple fields and leaf
    nodes contain lists of filters of bounded size
  • Parallel Packet Classification van Luteren,
    Engbersen 2003
  • Independent prefix match engines return ternary
  • Search for concatenation of strings in TCAM
  • Distributed Crossproducting of Field Labels
    Taylor, Turner 2005
  • Using ClassBench tools for standardized
    performance evaluation
  • Quantify performance using same filter sets and
    implementation platform
  • Analyze scaling properties for filter sets of
    various sizes and compositions

Thank you.Questions?
  • Full technical report, tools, and parameter files
    from real filter sets are available at
  • http//
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