Title: Christmas Party Entertainment Ideas
1Creative Youth Ideas
Christmas Party Entertainment Ideas
2Christmas is a great time for getting all of your
family, friends, church members and even
colleagues together to celebrate the holidays,
have a good time, and to create great memories
too. A Christmas party is always going to be an
excellent way of bringing these groups of people
together to have a good time and you can throw a
party in almost any venue you choose as well.
3Christmas Party Invitations The first decision
you need to make is whom you want to invite to
your party. The second decision you will have to
make is whether this party is going to be for
adults, youth, children, or a mix of the three.
The third decision is going to be about
4When you are throwing a family Christmas party
for youth, adults and children it is going to be
a good idea to have entertainment that both of
these groups will enjoy and can enjoy together.
There are some classic party favorites that you
can turn too for a mixed age Christmas get
together such as bobbing for apples, and pin the
tail on the donkey. You can get a lot of
Christmas games and icebreakers from Creative
Christmas Ideas
5Music will of course play a big part of any party
and this is especially true during the Christmas
season so you should have a good selection or at
least a playlist of good Christmas music to play.
Singing or caroling is also a great entertainment
idea for a mixed age party. If you need some
handouts for caroling you can get my Christmas
Caroling Songsheets
6Christmas Party Venue Over the holidays, many
adults will attend at least one party to
celebrate Christmas and they will want to go to a
party where there is good entertainment and they
can have some fun. One thing to consider is the
venue you will use for the party and there a
couple of good ideas if you are not going to use
your home. Renting a banquet hall is one such
idea and it is a good idea too. Banquet halls
generally have a lot of room, food prep areas,
and even a bandstand.
7Should you decide to throw a Christmas party in
your home or someone else's home for adults only
you will have a couple of entertainment benefits
that you would not otherwise have in a public
venue. One of the greatest benefits that you will
have by using a private residence is that you and
your guest will be in more comfortable
surroundings, which will help your guests little
to relax and enjoy what you have planned. You
might want to consider live music and Christmas
themed activities that are more suited to adults.
Finally, you may want to consider using a
caterer, which will not only provide the food,
but clean up as well.
8Office Christmas Parties The most common
Christmas party that most will attend is the
venerable office Christmas party. If the
responsibility falls on you to put one of these
events together put together a checklist so that
nothing will be forgotten. As far as
entertainment goes, games and prizes are often a
good idea for an office party. Live music is also
another great idea when you throw a Christmas
party, because it will people to interact and get
to know each other better by dancing with each
other. Games that remind the partygoers of past
Christmas is a great idea too.
9For more Christmas Party Ideas
Visit our website at