Title: Spinal Decompression at Home
1Spinal Decompression at Home
- The Top 2 Home Spinal Decompression Machines
2- Spinal decompression therapy works, theres
little doubt about that. But how much does it
cost? The DRX system found in some chiropractor
clinics, for example, can cost you 2500 6000
for a few sessions, or more than 30,000 if you
buy the machine.
3- A spinal fusion surgery can cost more than
50,000 (and who wants to do surgery when there
are non surgical solutions?). - The obvious solution is Spinal decompression at
home. A well designed spine decompression device
will give the exact SAME benefits for a FRACTION
of the cost.
4- Why not put a safe, efficient back pain relief
system in your home for less than 500 instead of
wasting your money? - But before you go and look for bargains at
Wallmart or Amazon, I should warn you that not
all devices are equally effective and safe. I
also wouldnt recommend some of those overpriced
pieces of junk out there, or low-price-unsafe
bargains on Wallmart.
5What Are The Best Options For Spinal
Decompression at Home?
- After extensive research, I found the top 2
options for spinal decompression at home. Both
systems are backed up by real research and they
wont be too costly either.
6Spinal Decompression at Home Option 1
Inversion Table
- My toddler calls it the upside down table and
thats exactly what it is. Inversion tables
provide spine decompression starting from 15
inversion and often bring FAST and immediate back
pain relief, including hip and neck pain.
7- more popping pain killers and stretching every
hour. They are effective for herniated discs,
bulging discs, sciatica and pinched nerve,
degenerative disc disease and arthritis joint
pain. - I found a number of studies showing that many
back surgeries have been cancelled after patients
used an inversion table as few as eight times.
8- The key to success with these tables is to use a
QAULITY device. - The most popular inversion table on Amazon is The
Teeter Hang Ups .It costs between 180 300
with free shipping. But, if you are not sure
that an inversion table is right for you, The
Healthy Back Institute offers a Free Trial for an
excellent inversion table So if you dont like
it you can just return it and not pay a dime.
9Spinal Decompression at Home Option 2 The
Nubax Trio
- This spinal decompression machine is much smaller
and is portable, so its ideal for those of us
who dont have much room to spare. This device is
NOT an option for upper back or neck
decompression, only for middle and lower back
pain (from the shoulder blades to the SI joint)
and its an excellent alternative to those who
feel uncomfortable to invert.
10- The Nubax Trio is easier to get in and out of and
it allows you to apply as little or as much
traction as is needed. It only takes 3-6 minutes
of treatment a day of leaning over and relaxing. - In one study by the School of Sport Science,
Exercise, and Health in Western Australia, the
Nubax was shown to give 100 improvement for
users In physical function, stiffness and pain
Within the first three weeks!
11- I searched for the best price for this machine
and found that (as usual) the best price is
online. Most online stores offer it for 299. You
can get it on Amazon with free shipping. But, if
you buy it on The Healthy Back Institute website,
you can get a payment plan, which makes it a
little more affordable.
12- No matter if you choose The Nubax Trio, The
Teeter Hang Up or the Inversion Table Free Trial,
just take action today to prevent another week of
back pain.