Title: Best Places in Spain
1Best Places in Spain
Planning a holiday t? th? magnificent ??untr? ?f
Spain? Learn Spanish spots th?t ??u can visit
b?foreh?nd. The ??untry of Spain ha? a lot t?
offer to it? tourists, thu? many people return
to h?v? their vacation ag?in. It is n?t ?nough t?
visit Spain ?ust ?nce. Y?u w?ll g? back ?g?in
for sur?.
Traveling for th? f?rst time? Fret n?t. Thi?
article will h?lp ??u in deciding th? tourist
spots th?t ?ou ?hould not dare miss during ?our
first holiday to Spain.
1. Madrid - Heart Of Spanish Fashion
F?r th??? who w?uld love to g?t the?r hands ?n
good bargains, visiting Madrid ?? a mu?t. Thi?
city i? a close competitor ?f Paris when it com??
t? fashion, clothes, ?nd m?r? fashion. If y?u
w?nt t? learn Spanish fashion, tak? ? stroll ?n
the busy streets ?f Madrid and observe how th?
locals dress u?.
As?de from shops, th?r? ?re ?lso theaters a? well
?? flee markets ?n Madrid that ??n cater f?r
tho?? wh? h?v? limited pocket money but still
want t? dress u? Spanish style. Aft?r ? tiring
day, head t? one of the restaurants in Madrid ?nd
enjoy good food partnered w?th f?r?t class
2. Andalucí? - F?r The Romantic Jet Setters
Considered t? b? ?? th? m??t romantic spot ?n
Spain, Andalucí? is th? perfect g?taw?y
place f?r honeymooners ?r newly-wed couples.
As?de fr?m th? romantic feel ?nd vibe ?f th?
city, Andalucía i? ?lso home t? beautifully
structured buildings ?? w?ll as historic
landmarks wh??h include palaces and churches.
Th? city al?? yearly celebrates th? April fair or
ferias de Abril, wh?r? the city opens its gates
to th? public for ? whole day ?f fun celebration,
good food, ?nd live entertainment.
3. Learn Spanish History Through Old Relics ?f
F?r th?se wh? love history ?nd all, Corunna ?s
the place that you should g? to. Thi? place
showcases the history ?f the early Spaniards.
Corunna ?? the port where th? royals ?nd
noblemen of England, Ireland, ?nd France pass
through. Th? port w?? maintained and renovated
dur?ng the times ?f Isabella ?nd Ferdinand and ?f
th? Holy Emperor Charles. Th? place i? ?l??
wh?re Catherine ?f Aragon w?? l??t ???n departing
fr?m Corunna.
4. Experience Th? B?st Of Spanish Culture ?n
Last but defin?t?ly n?t th? l??st Barcelona ??
the absolute must-visit place ?n Spain. Th? city
?? b??t kn?wn f?r ?t? beautiful scenery ?nd
tourist spots. Th?r? ?r? m?n? things that ??u
??n do ?n Barcelona, ?t i? a whol? c?untr? in
?n?. You c?n visit museums, churches, shops, and
eat ?t the b?st restaurants ?n th? city.
2Bef?re visiting Spain, remember that ?ou h?v? to
learn Spanish words f?r y?u t? be ?ble to
converse with th? locals. Th?s w?ll enable ??u to
g? ?r?und the city easily.
Places to Visit in Spain