Title: Los Angeles Dental Veneers 3-5
1Los Angeles Dental Veneers
- As we age, our teeth get stained by coffee,
smoking and just the effects of getting older. So
when we get a great white smile then we look
younger. So in order to look younger, we need to
keep our teeth looking white clean and healthy. - Why not speak to your cosmetic dentist Los
Angeles regarding dental veneers? They are a
permanent solution to discolored teeth.
2Los Angeles Dental Veneers
- Los Angeles dental veneers are usually porcelain
or sometimes composite shells that are fitted
over your teeth. - They are made of a thin layer of porcelain which
are a close match to your own teeth, and they
cover over any stains or chipped teeth, and they
can cover over any unwanted gaps.
3Los Angeles Dental Veneers
- What does the cosmetic dentist Los Angeles
actually do? - Firstly, your cosmetic dentist Los Angeles must
remove a tiny fraction of enamel from your teeth,
about 0.5mm to 1.0mm. This means your veneers
will grip to your teeth more firmly.
4Los Angeles Dental Veneers
- Then your cosmetic dentist Los Angeles will make
an impression of your teeth. They use a
silicone-like substance which takes a very
comprehensive impression of every surface. - Your dentist will write down a very accurate
description of the color and tone of your teeth,
or rather, the color you want your teeth to be.
This will then be sent to the laboratory to make
your Los Angeles dental veneers.