Title: Learning about the Abenaki
1Learning about the Abenaki
- A Presentation by
- New Hampshire Historical Society
2Using Natural Resources
- Even in the harsh climate and rugged terrain of
the region we now call New Hampshire
3Using Natural Resources
- Native Americans lived very well on the
resources around them long before Europeans
4Using Natural Resources
- Based on what you see, what resources do you
think might be available to the Abenaki?
- If you included hunting and fishing, you were
absolutely right.
- Here you see an Indian catching fish with the
aid of a weir
- and spear.
- Native Americans fashioned other tools for
fishing, too
- like nets and plummets, which were attached to
fishing line to take it below the surface.
- The Amoskeag Falls on the Merrimack River
provided excellent fishing in spring and summer.
- Animals of field and forest were another natural
resource for the Abenaki.
Indian Hunting Camp
- Hunting and stalking were exhausting and
challenging tasks.
- They required great skill and strength.
While men hunted and fished, women gathered the
regions resources
- Berries
- Nuts
- Herbs
- Tree saps
Indian Sugar Camp
- In warmerregions, womenalso wereresponsiblefo
r growingcrops
- especially, corn,beans, andsquash together
called the three sisters.
12Using Natural Resources
- The Abenaki were skillful at using their
resources for more than
- hunting and fishing
- and
- gathering and growing
- The forest resources of New Hampshire yielded
tree bark and saplings for both
- temporary conical wigwams and
- more permanent dome-shaped wigwams
14Food Preparation
Mortars and Pestles, made of wood or stone,
were used to grind or pound nuts and grains.
15Food Preparation
- Originally, Indians carved bowls from stone
work that was performed by men.
- When the Abenaki learned how to make clay pots,
women took over the task of making the vessels.
- These baskets in the collections of the N.H.
Historical Society show distinctive Abenaki
design and use of natural resources
- birch bark and porcupine quills.
- New Hampshires waterways were like highways to
the Abenaki. They made
- birch bark canoes for rivers and streams
- and dugout canoes for lake travel.
- And of course they walked!
18Using Natural Resources
- Basically, the Indians in New Hampshire were
- They used the woods and waters of the region to
fulfill their needs
from tools to toys
- All of this was about to change!
- The arrival of European traders and settlers in
the 1600s brought many changes to the lives of
Native Americans.
- What do you think were some of the immediate
- Passaconaway, the great Pennacook sagamore,
encouraged cooperation with the European
- According to Native American tradition, Indians
had been foretold of the coming of white people.
Extensive trade developed. What did each offer?
Indians could supply fish, furs, and forest
Europeans could offer clothing, metal tools, and
The Abenakis traditional way of life was
doomed.There were several factors.
- Wars betweenEngland and France
- Increasing numbersof English settlers
- Differing ideasabout land ownership
- Growing Abenakidependence onEuropean goods
- And European diseases unknown to the Indians
23Abenakis Today
- While the Abenakiway of life may havebeen
doomed, theAbenaki themselveswere not.
- Some still live amongus today, and morelive in
Quebec where many emigrated in the 1700s.
24Abenakis Today
- Some Native Americansare working to
preservethe knowledge and skillsof their
- Splitting ash to makebaskets, a
traditionalAbenaki activity,
- is still very much inevidence today
amongAbenaki craftsmen.
25 2008 Christopher MacLeod for the New Hampshire
Historical Society