Title: State of Illinois Neighborhood Stabilization Program
1State of IllinoisNeighborhood Stabilization
- Illinois Department of Human Services
- March 2009
2Housing Economic Recovery Act of 2008 (HERA)
- Passed by Congress in July 2008
- Included 3.9B Neighborhood Stabilization Fund
- Objectives To stabilize communities affected by
the foreclosure crisis by assisting with
redevelopment of abandoned and foreclosed homes. - Requirement 18 month obligation period 4 years
to complete project
3State of Illinois Allocation
- HUD allocated funds to all 50 states
- State of Illinois
- NSP entitlement communities 120M
- State allocation 53M
- Total to State 173M
4State Partner Agencies
- Lead Administering Agency
- Illinois Department of Human Services
- Partner Agencies
- Illinois Housing Development Authority
- Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic
5Overall Goals
- Stabilize areas hardest hit by foreclosures
property abandonment - Target resources towards households earning 50
AMI or less - Increase community based housing options for DHS
populations - Ensure complete obligation of funds within 18
month timeframe
6Guiding Principles
- Direct NSP funds to Comprehensive Housing Plan
other initiatives - Target innovation in Long Term Care Rebalancing
supportive housing initiatives - Encourage partnerships within among communities
for greatest impact
7Guiding Principles, cont.
- Encourage
- Diverse integrated communities
- Use of private public resources
- Green technology, accessibility, adaptability,
other innovative designs - Participation by women minority owned businesses
8Plan Objectives
- Flexibility Allow applicants to pursue any
eligible activity as defined by HUD - Statewide application Geographic Areas of Need
- Non-Entitlement Areas no direct NSP allocation
- CDBG Entitlement Area no direct NSP allocation
- CDBG Entitlement Area NSP Grantee
9Eligible Activities
- Purchase Rehabilitation of abandoned or
foreclosed homes and residential properties for
sale or for rent - Financing mechanisms
- Demolition of blighted structures
- Land banking of foreclosed property
- Redevelopment of vacant or abandoned property
10Eligible Applicants
- Units of local government (municipalities,
counties, etc) - Housing Authorities
- Non-profit developers and organizations
- For-profit developers
11Evaluation Criteria
- Address area of greatest need
- Readiness to proceed
- Capacity to complete project
- Community impact
- Target households under 50 AMI
- Target priority populations
12Priority Populations
- Goal Use up to 40 NSP funds to households
earning 50 AMI or less - Includes States priority special needs
populations - Housing objectives
- Accessible for-sale and rental units
- Permanent Supportive Housing
13Technical Assistance
- Corporation for Supportive Housing Supportive
Housing Providers Association - Permanent Supportive Housing
- Development TA
- Illinois Assistive Technology Program
- Homeownership opportunities for individuals with
disabilities - Illinois Black Chamber of Commerce
- BEP vendor assistance
14Next Steps Timeline
- Request for Proposals posted
- Applicant Conferences
- Application Submission Date
- Application Review period
- Approval Notification
- March 4
- Mar 9 - 17
- May 4
- Thru June
- Early-Mid July
- NSP Website http//www.dhs.state.il.us/nsp
- DHS Contacts
- Kirstin Williams, NSP Project Manager
- Kirstin.Williams_at_illinois.gov
- 312-793-4980
- Dean Martinez
- Special Advisor to the Secretary for NSP
- Dean.Martinez_at_illinois.gov
- IHDA Contact
- Vanessa Hill
- Vanhill_at_ihda.org
- 312-836-7423