Title: TurnoverBased Productivity Growth
1Turnover-Based Productivity Growth
- October 31, 2005
- James Tybout
- Pennsylvania State University and NBER
2Productivity decompositions
- In standard productivity decompositions,
turnover-based productivity growth (TBPG) occurs
when - Unproductive firms exit and more productive firms
enter. - Market shares are reallocated from low
productivity firms to high productivity firms. - The other source of productivity growth is
intra-firm productivity growth (IFPG). - Vintage effects
- Endogenous innovation
- Learning spillovers
- Random shocks
3TBPG and IFPG are jointly endogenous processes
- Because of vintage effects and endogenous
innovation, IFPG reacts to turnover. - TBPG, in turn, reflects the patterns of decay in
relative productivity among incumbent firms. - Transition dynamics can be subtle, and time
horizons can be lengthy.
4Descriptive analysis of TBPG has its limits
- Sometimes major policy shocks make it possible to
draw inferences from descriptive statistics
(e.g., Bartelsman et al, 2004, concerning the
transition economies). - But often, it is difficult to assess an
industrial sectors performance and its relation
to policy using productivity decompositions and
reduced-form regressions. - The alternative structural models of industrial
5Structural models with TBPG
- Because they are forward-looking models with
uncertainty and multi-agent optimization,
industrial evolution models are computationally
cumbersome. - The scope for variation in model specification is
extensive - Endogenous versus exogenous innovation
- Competitive versus imperfectly competitive market
structures - Vintage effects versus homogeneous capital
- Perfect versus imperfect capital markets
- Partial versus general equilibrium
- Open versus closed economy
- But progress is being made, so specific stories
about TBPG in specific contexts are starting to
emerge. - A (non-representative) sampling of developing
country studies follows.
6Macro shocks and subsidies for incumbent firms
- Bergoeing, Loayza and Repetto (2004) assume
- Firm-specific vintage capital and exogenous
productivity shocks - endogenous turnover
- They explore the effects of production subsidies
on the speed of recovery from a negative
aggregate shock. - The subsidy keeps low-productivity firms active.
So - subsidizing incumbents in the aftermath of a
shock reduces volatility and firm destruction at
the cost of a long period of stagnation. - The loss in present value of GDP is a factor of
1.5 to 2.5, depending upon the magnitude of the
subsidy (3 or 6). - Qualitatively, the simulations are consistent
with cross-country correlations of regulatory
indices with indices of the severity of
7Exchange rate volatility and selection
- Pratap and Urrutia (2004) study industrial
evolution in a context with - foreign currency financed investment,
- exports,
- potential bankruptcy
- exogenous, idiosyncratic productivity shocks
- Main findings
- Depreciation discourages investment by reducing
the net worth of firms with dollar-denominated
debt, and thereby raising borrowing costs. - This effect can dominate the demand-side effect
of depreciation
8Exchange rate volatility, interest volatility and
- Bond, Tybout and Utar (2005) assume
- Firms are closely held by risk-averse households
with heterogeneous wealth. - Firms profits are determined by their capital
stocks, productivity shocks, and the exchange
rate. - Households choose whether to create (or shut
down) proprietorships. Those that operate
proprietorships choose how much to invest in
them, subject to collateral constraints.
9Exchange rate volatility, interest volatility and
- BTU (2005) estimate profit function and macro
processes using Colombian data. - They explore the effects of crisis-prone macro
environments on TBPG and investment behavior. - Key effects
- Households with modest wealth less likely to
operate proprietorships during volatile periods. - Incumbents with big, poorly performing firms that
would have exited in a stable environment are
more inclined to hang on.
10Simulated Transition to High Volatility
- Initially, volatility increases number of firms,
relative to the base case
11Simulated Transition to High Volatility
- The association between size and profitability is
initially weakened by volatilitybig, poorly
performing firms are induced to hang around
12Simulated Transition to High Volatility
- The poorly performing firms that hang on reduce
size-weighted productivity significantly.
13Import competition and TBPG
- Erdem and Tybout (2004) examine the effects of
import competition using an open economy version
of the Pakes and McGuire (1994) model - Oligopolistic market structure
- Endogenous investments in innovation
- Vintage capital effects
- Imports are imperfect substitutes for domestic
varieties - Quality of imports increases stochastically
- ET (2004) study the effects on TBPG (and welfare)
of a reduction in the price of imported goods
accelerated innovation abroad.
14Reduced Import Prices and efficiency
Average quality of the domestic goods initially
improves relative to imports. Why? The worst
firms/product lines immediately shut down, and
the deterioration due to reduced investment is
15Reduced import prices and innovation
But incentives to innovate are less because
profits are lower (Schumpeter). So firms have
shorter average life expectancies (not shown),
and entry/exit go up.
16Reduced import prices and producer surplus
- Producers earn less surplus in the new regime
- smaller mark-ups,
- smaller market shares,
- shorter life spans.
17Accelerated improvement in imported goods
Domestic goods quality improves rapidly because
new firms/product lines embody best
practice. Turnover is more rapid because firms
have more incentive to be new.
18Accelerated improvement in imported goods
But heightened import competition reduces
producers incentives to invest in innovation
(Schumpeter wins again).
19Concluding remarks
- Theoretical models provide some interpretations
for TBPG and IFPG, and their relation to policy. - But the relationships are subtle, dynamic and
very dependent upon specific modeling
assumptions. - Some findings particular to special contexts have
begun to emerge, but much remains to be done.
20Concluding remarks
- Some directions to push in
- Move toward econometric estimation
- Allow for endogenous innovation.
- Model entrants in a more realistic way
- Do a better job of characterizing performance
- Study entry costs more closelywhen are they