Middle Adults HealthZest 2nd adulthood - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Middle Adults HealthZest 2nd adulthood


... extreme diets- gain-loss cycle increases the amount ... Weight gain. Aches and pains. Does this weight loss count? Basic Health Tips. Health Promotion ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Middle Adults HealthZest 2nd adulthood

Middle AdultsHealth-Zest -2nd adulthood

Good health
  • Physical Development
  • Basic Health Needs
  • Health Promotion

Spring 2009
  • Preventing Parasomnias
  • Sleep Apnea
  • What Men Can Do

How our Bodies Change
  • Table 15-4

Changes and Health promotion advice
Expect test questions!
Physical Characteristics
  • Growth cycle continues
  • Different body parts age at different rates
  • Climacteric menopause Hormone Production
  • Gradual Sensory Decline

Healthy People 2010
  • Increase/Promote
  • Counsel Health Behaviors
  • Work safety
  • Physical activity
  • Smoking cessation efforts
  • Visual and hearing health
  • Prevent Injury, disability or death
  • Infectious disease (IM
  • Unintentional injury or violence
  • Drug related MVA
  • Reduce
  • Periodontal disease

Basic Health Needs
  • Nutrition
  • Sleep and Rest
  • Exercise
  • Sexuality
  • Mens Health

Nutritional Needs
  • BMR 2 each decade after 20
  • Caloric reduction (study 9/10 men 7/10 women
    become obese as they age)
  • Hi carbohydrate, hi fat , empty calories
  • NEED all food groups
  • Protein, minerals, vitamins, fiber
  • Adequate Ca
  • Vitamin D
  • Phosphorus, magnesium, fluoride
  • Fluids
  • TEACH to avoid extreme diets- gain-loss cycle
    increases the amount of adipose tissue which
    burns calories slower.

What to Eat?
  • Nutrient Dense and High Fiber
  • Eat more Fish
  • Cut the Fat
  • Boost the Milk/Dairy Intake

Box on Page 579
Nutrient DenseAn Example in Real Eating!
Vegetable Oils
Fortified Cereal
  • Non Nutrient Dense
  • White Bread has 1/10th of a milligram (200
    micrograms) of Vitamin E and 80 Cals
  • Or
  • Nutrient Dense
  • 100 Whole Wheat 250 to 500 micrograms in 75 to
    80 Cals

Nutrient Dense!
Green Leafy Vegetables
A variety of foods may help prevent age-related
memory loss
  • Antioxidants B Vitamins Omega 3 FA

Fruits Blueberries Blackberries Cranberries Strawb
erries Raspberries Plums Avocados Oranges Red
grapes Cherries Red Apples
Brewers or nutritional yeastNuts and seeds
Legumes Wheat germ Dairy productsLean meat and
poultrySeafoodEggs Whole grainsSpinach and
leafy greensCarrotsAsparagus Broccoli
SardinesBluefishHerringMackerelTuna Salmon
Vegetables Kale Spinach Brussels sprouts Alfalfa
sprouts Broccoli Beets Red Bell Peppers Onions
Anti Cancer Diet
  • Phytoestrogens
  • isoflavones 
  • lignans  
  • heart disease prevention
  • possible anti-cancer properties
  • possible role in the prevention of osteoporosis
  • More Research is Needed!

Omega 3 6 Fatty Acids
  • Good Fats
  • Essential Fatty Acids
  • Fish 1x week
  • Foods cooked in Linolenic-rich oils
  • 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil (daily)
  • High heat destroys linolenic acid
  • Common deficiency in USA
  • EFA needed for proper cell function
  • Associated with many health problems

Flaxseed Oil Grapeseed Oil Castor Oil Borage
Oil Evening Primrose Oil Black Currant Seed Oil
  • Dont Believe the Bad Rap

largest influence on blood cholesterol level is
the mix of fats in the diet, not how much
cholesterol is eaten in food.
New York Times, 10/3/07
30,000 Deaths AnnuallyChemical AlterationTrans
  • Hydrogenation Add Hydrogen Atoms
  • Wont Get Rancid
  • Long Shelf Life
  • Raises Lethal LDL
  • Lowers Healthy HDL

McDonalds Kentucky Fried Chicken
Partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil
Blood Lipids
  • Total Cholesterol Level
  • Desirable   
    Less than 200 mg/dLBorderline high risk  
    200239 mg/dLHigh risk 
    240 mg/dL and over
  • Ratio TC/HDL
  • The goal is to keep the ratio below 51
  • Healthy High Density Lipoproteins
  • 50-60 females 40-50 men
  • Lethal Low Density Lipoproteins lt100
  • Total Triglycerides lt150 mg/dL
  • Sex Differences Heart Disease Risk
  • Men LDL Women HDL

Metabolic SyndromeSyndrome X
The diagnosis of metabolic syndrome is given if 3
or more of these factors occur.
New Guidelines
D ietary A pproaches S top H ypertension
The Seventh Report of the Joint National
Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation,
and Treatment of High Blood Pressure, Express
Report, published in 2003 by the National Heart,
Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLB), a division of
the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
What Does HDL Do?
  • Scours the walls of blood vessels
  • Cleans out excess LDL cholesterol
  • Which goes back to the liver for further
  • So the cholesterol in HDL and LDL are the same.
  • Its the container thats different.
  • Eat MORE HDL Monsaturated Fats
  • Eat MORE Omega 3 Fatty Acids (EPA DHA) Fish
    Oils may protect the brain!

What to do?
  • Aerobic exercise.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Cut out the trans fatty acids.
  • Limit alcohol intake
  • Increase the monounsaturated fats in your diet.
  • canola oil, avocado oil, or olive oil and in the
    fats found in peanut butter
  • Add soluble fiber to your diet.
  • oats, fruits, vegetables, and legumes,
  • 2 servings a day

Squeeze me!
Rest Sleep
  • 7- 8 hours
  • Rx interfere with sleep (AD, AH, thyroid Rx,
  • See sleep hygiene recommendations
  • Parasomnias
  • Dyssomnia
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Obstructive
  • Central
  • Mixed

Do Not Disturb!
ParasomniaAdverse Events during Sleep
  • Bizarre sleep related behavior disorders
  • Secondary sleep disorders
  • NON REM 1/3 of the night , REM Sleep (last
    2/3of night)
  • Confusional arousal (sleep inertia, sleep drunk)
  • Rhythmic Movement Disorder and sleep starts
  • Sleep talking, walking, bruxism, enuresis
  • NPD Nocturnal Paroxysmal Dystonia
  • Sleep paralysis
  • Night Terrors
  • Nightmare disorder (REM)
  • Night Eating Disorder
  • Parasomnia NOS
  • Sudden unexplained nocturnal death

Arousal Part-Arousal Sleep-wake Transition
When the brain disrupts the sleep
Autonomic Arousal and Skeletal Muscles
Sleep Apnea
5 episodes 10 seconds each hour.
12 Million Americans Risk Factors Obese and
short necked. Male, Over 50 Postmenopausal women
In 30-45 Elderly High blood pressure
Cardiovascular problems Impotence Job
impairment Relationship Problems Motor vehicle
crashes Polysomnography Sleep Studies Life
Style Changes C-PAP Surgery
See Box p. 582 583
DysomniaRestless Leg Syndrome
  • Neurological Disorder
  • Abnormality in the amount or quality of sleep
  • Occurs during wakefulness
  • Intense urge to move (paresthesia)
  • Worsens at rest
  • Activity gives some relief
  • Family History Periodic Limb Movement
  • Psychiatric medication (can precipitate or

  • Moderate 30 to 45 minutes day
  • Or
  • Intense 20 to 30 minute sessions daily
  • Improves strength, muscle mass, bone density,
    bone size, coordination, agility, CV function,
    circulation, abdominal tone, posture, aids GI
    function, mental function and memory
  • Maintains flexibility, collagen tissue
    elasticity, weight
  • Stabilizes joints,
  • Stimulates bone formation
  • Promotes deeper respiration
  • Enhances immune function
  • Fosters self concept, esteem and life
  • Reduces depressed mood, anger

  • WASHINGTON -- A newly released survey suggests
    that millions
  • of single baby boomers are looking for love or
    just a nice date.
  • The American Association of Retired Persons found
    in a recent survey
  • that 70 percent of single baby boomers are
    actively dating.
  • The survey also showed that 45 percent of men and
    38 percent of women
  • between the ages of 40 and 59 have sex once a
  • "Women and men in their 60s -- the kids are gone.
    They don't have to worry about getting pregnant.
    Most of their bills are paid. And hopefully the
    kids are out of college, said Dr. Margaret New.
  • Many members of the baby boom generation said
    maturity brings a new confidence to the dating

STD Rates Doubled Age 45
Sexuality Midlife Decreased desire Decreased
  • Tired
  • Stressed
  • Depressed
  • Pain Stiffness
  • Body Image Changes
  • Chronic Illness

Tips for a Healthy Sex Lifeat Middle Age
  • Think differently about sex
  • Keep active
  • Change the routine
  • Create romance
  • Have reasonable expectations
  • Take care of yourself

Kegel Exercises
  • Tighten your urinary flow muscles as if you
    wanted to stop urination.
  • Hold those muscles tight as you count to 10.
  • Hold this position while also tightening your
    anal muscles to another count of 10.
  • Do a set of ten repetitions three times a day.

Mens Health
  • Back Pain
  • BPH
  • Handout Health
    What Men Can Do

  • 2 Growth Spurts
  • Rare lt40
  • Symptoms
  • hesitancy
  • urgency leakage
  • frequency -night

Adds fluid To semen
Common Health Problems
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Weight gain
  • Aches and pains

Does this weight loss count?
Basic Health Tips
Health Promotion
  • Immunizations T/D/ (10yrs)
  • MMR (susceptible adults)
  • Varicella (susceptible adults)
  • Herpes Zoster (65)
  • Meningococcal (college students living in dorms
    others at risk)
  • Influenza (over 50)
  • Pneumonia (over 65 institutionalized)
  • Hepatitis B (at risk)
  • Travel Vaccines
  • Accidental Injury Safety programs
  • Life Style Counseling
  • Nutrition
  • Sexual Health
  • Cancer Screenings (PAP Smears, Mammograms
    Colonoscopy PSA)
  • Illness prevention
  • Regular exercise
  • Leisure program
  • Stress and coping
  • Work though emotional and family concerns

Men and Women Breast self exam encouraged!
  • Herpes zoster, Postherpetic neuralgia (Not
  • Varicaella-zoster virus Chickenpox (Highly
  • Signs
  • Burning or shooting pain, tingling and itching
    on one side of body or face
  • Pain mild to severe (weeks, months, years)
  • Blisters last 1 to 14 days
  • May affect vision or hearing if blisters on face
  • No cure
  • Some medicines may help pain, fight the virus.
  • A vaccine for those over 60 who have had
    chickenpox but who have not had shingles.

QUITSkin Assessment
  • Smoking
  • COPD
  • WHO PREDICTS 3RD LEADING Cause of death around
    the world in the next 14 years.
  • 5 times more likely to have wrinkly skin
  • May be a gene for COPD and Wrinkly skin

Thats All folks
Friday Middle Age Family Issues
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