Title: Introduction to Metamorphic Rocks
1Introduction to Metamorphic Rocks
Metamorphism is the solid-state transformation of
pre-existing rock into texturally or
mineralogically distinct new rock as the result
of high temperature, high pressure, or both.
2Differential Pressure
The Concept of Lithostatic Pressure
3The Concept of Geothermal Gradient
Temperature increases with depth at a rate of
20-30oC/km in the crust.
Deeper in Crust
43 Types of Metamorphism
Regional Metamorphism Large-scale deformation
associated with T and P
53 Types of Metamorphism
Contact Metamorphism The main metamorphic agent
is heat.
63 Types of Metamorphism
Mylonite from shear zone in Appalachians
Dynamic metamorphism Rock deformation associated
with fault zones
7Metamorphic Facies and Grade
8Metamorphic Facies and Grade
Metamorphic facies a set of metamorphic rocks
characterized by particular mineral associations
indicative of environment.
9Spatial Distribution of Metamorphic Facies
10Metamorphism of Sedimentary Rocks
Protolith (Precursor)
Sandstone Quartzite, Metaquartzite Shale Ph
yllite Slate Schist Gneiss Limestone Ma
11Progression of metamorphism
Start with a shale and then hit it with pressure
and heat.
12You end up with something that is really Gneiss!
13A foliation is any planar fabric in a metamorphic
rock. In this case, the foliation is defined by
aligned sheets of muscovite sandwiched
between quartz grains.
This slide is indicative of a phyllite.
The foliation in this rock is a crenulation
cleavage, and is developed after the
horizonal foliation.
This slide is indicative of a schist.
14Metamorphism of Igneous Rocks
For most of our purposes, just put meta in
front of the protolith name. Examples metabasalt
metarhyolite If a mafic or intermediate
metamorphic rock is dominated by amphibole and
feldspars -Amphibolite.
15High Grade Mafic Rocks Eclogites
Garnet and clinopyroxene are the two major
minerals in eclogite. Eclogite is basalt which
has been metamorphosed at very high pressures in
subduction zones.
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17Index minerals for Regional Metamorphism
In regional metamorphic terranes, the temperature
and pressure regime is indicated by the
distribution of metamorphic minerals across a
large area. Low metamorphic grade (low T and P
lt200oC) Slate and phyllite chlorite,
muscovite, biotite Intermediate metamorphic
grade Schist garnet, staurolite, kyanite High
metamorphic grade - 800 degrees C (verging on
melting) Gneiss kyanite, sillimanite Highest
metamorphic grade Partial melting Migmatite
rock partially melts, but no mass loss. Hence
the mineralogy tells us the metamorphic grade of
the rock.
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20How does Metamorphism Relate to Plate Tectonics?
T and P increase at collisional (convergent)
plate boundaries.