Climate, Kuwae, and the Fall of Constantinople in 1453: What do Tree Rings tell us - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Climate, Kuwae, and the Fall of Constantinople in 1453: What do Tree Rings tell us


The Ottoman Turks lead by Sultan Mehmed II successfully conquered ... Briffa Polar Urals. B ntgen European Alps. B ntgen Pyrenees. Cold. North. Cool. South ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Climate, Kuwae, and the Fall of Constantinople in 1453: What do Tree Rings tell us

Climate, Kuwae, and the Fall of Constantinoplein
1453 What do Tree Rings tell us?
Edward R. Cook1, Richard Seager1, Mark
Cane1 Ramzi Touchan2, Carol Griggs3, Sturt
Manning3 1Tree-Ring Lab, Lamont-Doherty
Earth Observatory 2Laboratory of Tree-Ring
Research, University of Arizona 3Malcolm
and Carolyn Wiener Laboratory for Aegean and
Near Eastern Dendrochronology, Cornell University
  • Talk presented at
  • Climate Extremes During Recent Millennia And
  • Impact On Mediterranean Societies
  • National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
  • Athens, Greece
  • September 14-16, 2008

The Ottoman Turks lead by Sultan Mehmed II
successfully conquered Constantinople on May 29
(Julian) or June 7 (Gregorian), 1453 (later
renamed Istanbul), thus bringing to an end the
Byzantine Empire that had lasted for over 1,000
Leading up to the final conquest onMay 29,
several Cassandra-like portents of doom
frightened the inhabitants
  • Unseasonable thunderstorms and hail
  • A lunar eclipse on May 22
  • The city enveloped in fog on May 26
  • Intensely red twilight that looked like flames
    engulfing the dome of Hagia Sophia

From Eye Witnesses at the Time of the Siege
At the first hour of the night, there appeared a
wonderful sign in the sky, which was to tell
Constantine the worthy, emperor of
Constantinople, that his proud empire was to come
to an end ... The moon rose, being at this time
at the full ... but it rose as if it were no more
than a three-day moon, with only a little of it
showing ... The moon stayed in this form for
about four hours. -- Venetian surgeon, Nicolo
Barbaro. Such was the unheard-of and
unprecedented violence of that storm and hail
that it certainly foreshadowed the imminent
loss of all, wrote the Greek chronicler
Kritovoulos of Imbros, and ... like a torrent of
fiercest waters, it would carry away and
annihilate everything.
So, what about the Kuwae volcanic eruption?
Kuwae in Vanuatu
(A.D. 1455.9-1459.9)
2001 Journal of Geophysical Research
Figure 6.14
Northern Hemisphere Temperature Response to
Natural and Anthropogenic Forcings - From IPCC
AR4WG1 Chapter 6
Kuwae -- 4th coolest NH summer since AD 1400
(-0.50C cooling)
Kuwae -- 4th coolest NH summer since AD 1400
(-0.50C cooling)
So could the Kuwae eruption have lead to The
Fall Of Constantinople?
Kuwae probably produced a red volcanic twilight
as seen here, but what about direct climate
From Volcanic Eruptions and Climate Alan Robock
2000 Reviews of Geophysics
Five of the largest cooling events due
to volcanic eruptions extend over the
eastern Mediterranean region near
Constantinople. This includes Kuwae in 1453.
Cold in 1453
1995 Nature
Cold in 1453
2006 Journal of Climate
Cool in 1453
2008 Climate Dynamics
Cool in 1453
European Temperature Response To Kuwae In 1453
Cold North
Büntgen European Alps
Cool South
Büntgen Pyrenees
2007 Geophysical Research Letters
Wet in 1453
2008 Geophysical Research Letters
Slightly Dry in 1453
Wetter in 1453
2003 International Journal of Climatology
Normal in 1453
2005 Climatic Change
Normal in 1453
New March-May scPDSI Reconstruction Centered On
Constantinople (Tree-ring data courtesy of Ramzi
Touchan, Carrol Griggs, and Sturt Manning scPDSI
data courtesy of Gerard van der Schrier)
Wet in 1453
Mediterranean Moisture Conditions In Response To
Kuwae In 1453 Mostly Normal To Above-Normal
Esper Morocco PDSI
Anything else?
North Atlantic Oscillation and the Arctic
Positive Phase Negative Phase
Bo Christiansen 2008 Journal of Climate
Positive phase in year t1
Positive phase in year t1
2006 Journal of Geophysical Research
The IPCC models tend to simulate a positive
phase of the Arctic Oscillation in response to
volcanic forcing similar to that typically
2002 Journal of Climate
Slightly below average in 1453, but a rebound
towards more positive as observations and models
So what do the tree rings say overall about Kuwae
and the Fall of Constantinople?
  • Conditions around Constantinople were probably a
    bit cooler and wetter in 1453 leading up to its

So what do the tree rings say overall about Kuwae
and the Fall of Constantinople?
  • Conditions around Constantinople were probably a
    bit cooler and wetter in 1453 leading up to its
  • The NAO index was probably in a weak negative
    phase in 1453, consistent with the reconstructed
    cooler and wetter conditions, but possibly moved
    towards a more positive phase by the volcanic

So what do the tree rings say overall about Kuwae
and the Fall of Constantinople?
  • Conditions around Constantinople were probably a
    bit cooler and wetter in 1453 leading up to its
  • The NAO index was probably in a weak negative
    phase in 1453, consistent with the reconstructed
    cooler and wetter conditions, but possibly moved
    towards a more positive phase by the volcanic
  • Equal or larger temperature, precipitation,
    drought, and NAO anomalies generally occurred one
    or more years prior to 1453 and the eruption of

So what do the tree rings say overall about Kuwae
and the Fall of Constantinople?
  • Conditions around Constantinople were probably a
    bit cooler and wetter in 1453 leading up to its
  • The NAO index was probably in a weak negative
    phase in 1453, consistent with the reconstructed
    cooler and wetter conditions, but possibly moved
    towards a more positive phase by the volcanic
  • Equal or larger temperature, precipitation,
    drought, and NAO anomalies generally occurred one
    or more years prior to 1453 and the eruption of
  • This suggests that cooler-wetter climate
    conditions were already in place around
    Constantinople before the eruption of Kuwae.

So what do the tree rings say overall about Kuwae
and the Fall of Constantinople?
  • So while Kuwae may have contributed to the
    overall anomalous atmospheric and weather
    conditions around Constantinople noted by eye
    witnesses and viewed as portents of doom by some
    (unseasonable fog, hail, intense red twilight),
    the massive eruption probably did not produce
    climatic conditions sufficient to materially
    affect the conquest of Constantinople by the
    Ottoman Turks.

So what do the tree rings say overall about Kuwae
and the Fall of Constantinople?
  • So while Kuwae may have contributed to the
    overall anomalous atmospheric and weather
    conditions around Constantinople noted by eye
    witnesses and viewed as portents of doom by some
    (unseasonable fog, hail, intense red twilight),
    the massive eruption probably did not produce
    climatic conditions sufficient to materially
    affect the conquest of Constantinople by the
    Ottoman Turks.
  • Rather, the last days of Constantinople, as told
    in the book 1453 by Roger Crowley, may simply
    have come down to the Kerkoporta gate being left
    unlocked during the height of battle.

The Rest is History!
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