TUESDAY- June 20th Report Time
.... 1215 P.M.
3 Time / Length Take your time
- 2 hour minimum 1230 PM 230
PM - 3 hour maximum
330 PM
- In TEST Booklet . DBQ short
answer - In ESSAY Booklet Thematic
5EXAM Format - Multiple Choice -
ESSAY DBQ ... Part A .. -
ESSAY Thematic - ESSAY DBQ Part B
HISTORY - Vocabulary Terms people
- Question look for key term(s) -
Answer Process of Elimination - try
to eliminate 1 or 2 answers
7MULTIPLE CHOICE - double-check your work -
Make sure - put answers on Test booklet
Answer Sheet - you answered ALL questions
- keep your answer sheet aligned with
the question youre answering - when
done copy them to Scantron Answer Sheet -
dont mark 2 answers for 1 question - watch
eraser marks
8ESSAYS - Thematic Essay - DBQ -
Part A Short Answer - Part B Essay
9DBQ - Part A in booklet - Look for
Timeframe, Country, Person
Key terms Underline as you
read TAKE NOTES if
possible 9 documents
- Answers Get to the point -
Rating / Point Scale 2, 1, 0 - 1
Document, but 1 - 3 questions
10 DBQ Part A Short Answer
(Continued) - PART A Short Answer
put down something
for each question copy text/part of
passage if you have to
11ESSAY Thematic - Describe Impact - Compare /
which is bestTOPICS - Their
Suggestions use as a guide ...
stick to Topic / Theme .
- use US Supreme Court cases -
USE the test (Multiple Choice)
12ESSAY DBQ - Part B - Treat like a Research
Paper Use at least 4 documents
STATE the document 3 9 pts
(Doc. 1)
Length 3 PAGES
13ESSAY Thematic Possible Topics -
Geography - Immigration -
Science Technology - Presidential
Policies - Foreign
- Domestic - Citizenship
- U.S. Supreme Court Cases -
Constitutional Amendments
14- ESSAY Thematic
- - Pilgrims / Early Settlers/Europeans
- - forced migration
- - African Americans
- - Native Americans . Cherokees
- - Irish Italians . late 1800s
- - Chinese Japanese
- - Hispanics/Latinos US government
policies NATIVISTS vs Big Business
DESCRIBE IMPACT - Positive - Negative
15- ESSAY Thematic
- - horse
- - STEAMboat
- - train
- - automobile
- - plane
- - jet
- - Space Shuttle
DESCRIBE IMPACT - Positive - Negative
16- ESSAY Thematic
- - Bible
- - Mass media
- - newspapers
- - radio
- - television
- - computers
- - Internet
- - Email
DESCRIBE IMPACT - Positive - Negative
17- ESSAY Thematic
- - wood
- - coal
- - water power rivers
- - electricity
- - nuclear
DESCRIBE IMPACT - Positive - Negative
18- ESSAY Thematic
- - hygiene portable soap
- - modern medicine
- - vaccinations
- - pills
- - health care for the Aged everyone
- - inventions
- - automation
- - microwave
DESCRIBE IMPACT - Positive - Negative
19- ESSAY Thematic
- PRESIDENTIAL Foreign Policy
- - George Washington neutrality
- - James Monroe .. Monroe Doctrine
- - McKinley Teddy Roosevelt .. Imperialism
- - Woodrow Wilson . Diplomacy - FDR .
Isolation then World Involve - Truman
Eisenhower Containment - - JFK.. Cold War Anti-Communist
- - Nixon .. Détente, Ping Pong Diplomacy -
Reagan end of Cold War - - George Bush Sr. World Policeman
- - George Bush Jr. . Pre - emptive
20- ESSAY Thematic
- PRESIDENTIAL Domestic Policy
- - Abraham Lincoln
- Maintain the US Nation
- Human Rights
- - Herbert Hoover .. Laissez-faire
- - Teddy Roosevelt ... Square Deal
- - FDR ... New Deal
- - Lyndon Johnson . Great Society
- - Ronald Reagan . Trickle down
Economics Reaganomics
21- ESSAY Thematic
- Citizenship US Supreme Court Decisions
- - Dred Scott
- - Plessy v. Ferguson
- - Schenk v. United States
- - Korematsu v. United States
- - Brown v. Board of Ed. of Topeka
- - Miranda v. Arizona
- - Engle v. Vitale
22- ESSAY Thematic
- Citizenship AMENDMENTS
- 1st - freedom of speech, religion, press
- 5th - incrimination
- 6th - fair speedy trial
- 13th - slavery
- 14th - citizenship
- 15th - right to vote
- 19th - Womens right to vote
- 21st - end to Prohibition
- PRE-CIVIL WAR - Early Settlement
- North vs South - Colonial Life
- North vs South vs West (Appalachians)
24- Which geographical advantage did the United
States gain with the Louisiana Purchase? 1. a
Mississippi River port on the Gulf of Mexico 2.
access to southern ports on the Pacific Ocean 3.
control of land west of the Rocky Mountains 4.
more natural harbors on the Atlantic Ocean
25- EARLY GOVERNMENT - Enlightenment / Philosophes
- John Locke, Montesquieu -
Mayflower Compact - 1st set of Laws on
Govt. - Albany Plan of Union
- Colonial Govt. but head appointed by King
- Declaration of Independence -
Articles of Confederation - 1st
National set of laws - States have
more power than Federal Govt.
26- The Mayflower Compact is important to the concept
of a democratic society because it represents
(1) an effort by the colonists to use force to
resist the King (2) a clear step toward
self-government (3) an early attempt to
establish universal suffrage - (4) an attempt by the colonists to establish
freedom of religion
27- U.S. GOVERNMENT - Branches Purpose
. Great Compromise - Executive
leader --- but - Legislative creates
bill approves Pres. laws - Judicial
says if Constitutional - Marbury v. Madison
28- Which feature of the unwritten constitution is
part of the system of checks and balances? (1)
the cabinet (2) political parties (3)
judicial review (4) legislative lobbies
29(No Transcript)
30(No Transcript)
31- U.S. CONSTITUTION - purpose - Elastic
Clause - Unwritten Constitution
.. Strict vs Loose Constructionists -
Amendments - Bill of Rights
32- One difference between the Constitution and the
Articlesof Confederation is that the
Constitution 1. created separate, independent
branches of government 2. granted greater
power to the States than to the Federal
Government 3. granted more authority to the
Chief Executive than to the national
legislature 4. reduced the power of the Federal
33When President Thomas Jefferson acquired the
Louisiana Territory from France, he demonstrated
that he had modified his belief that (1) the
Constitution should be strictly interpreted (2)
the federal government should limit
individual rights (3) adding territory would
lead to regional rivalries (4) commercial
development was the main goal of the
federal government
34- Course websitehttp//www.usglobal.tk
- Government questions added
35(No Transcript)
36(No Transcript)
Federalists - George Washington
Hamiltonian Federal Bank Program ... -
Thomas Jefferson Expansion of nation
American Survival - James Monroe
Monroe Doctrine Manifest Destiny
38- Alexander Hamilton's financial plan helped to
establish the credit of the United States
government by - 1. providing for the payment of the nation's
debts - 2. taxing only the people most able to pay
- 3. favoring agriculture over industry
- 4. encouraging spending for national defense
39- CIVIL WAR - Causes Geographical
Differences - North Economic ..
Industrial - South Economic ..
Plantation - West Statehood
40- CIVIL WAR - Causes People
- Slavery - Abolitionists
- Harriet Tubman Underground RR
- Harriet Beecher Stowe Uncle
Toms - Frederick Douglas
- Sojourner Truth -
Pro-Slavery - southern Plantation
41- CIVIL WAR Decisions - Missouri
Compromise Missouri Maine - Compromise
of 1850 California, New Mexico,
Fugitive Slave Law - Dred Scott Decision
- Kansas - Nebraska Act
42- The Missouri Compromise of 1820 settled
conflicts between the North and the South over
(1) admission of states to the Union (2)
Supreme Court decisions (3) presidential
election results (4) voting rights
43- CIVIL WAR Battles - Initial
- Union Army burns/destroys South
Abraham Lincoln - Gettysburg Address
- Emancipation Proclamation
44- RECONSTRUCTION Why ? - Lincoln
Plan 10 people agree -
Andrew Johnson Plan general pardon
- African Americans -
WEB Dubois equality now - Booker T.
Washington Tuskegee Inst. - Marcus
Garvey Back to Africa Movement
45- In their plans for Reconstruction, both
President Abraham Lincoln and President Andrew
Johnson sought to - 1. punish the South for starting the Civil War
- 2. force the Southern States to pay reparations
to the Federal Government - 3. allow the Southern States to reenter the
nation as quickly as possible - 4. establish the Republican Party as the
only political party in the South
Economic South . destroyed
sharecropping Freedmans Bureau
- KKK - Black Codes / Jim Crow
Laws - Plessy v. Ferguson -
Amendments 14th . citizenship 15th .
Voting rights
47The purpose of the Black Codes in the South was
to 1. give civil rights to blacks
2. keep blacks in an inferior position 3.
return blacks to Africa 4. provide
blacks with better jobs
48- LATE 1800s US Presidents - Andrew Johnson
Impeachment trumped up political
charges power struggle - Ulysses S. Grant
. Scandals - Rutherford B. Hayes
anti-Spoils System - Grover Cleveland
49- GILDED AGE Big Business - Capitalism
laissez-faire vs socialism - Business
Organizations - Monopoly - Trust
- Holding Company - International
Corporation - Andrew Carnegie - John D.
Rockefeller philanthropist Social
50- In the late 1800s, the theory of laissez-faire
capitalism was used by many industrialists to
(1) petition the government for assistance
during times of financial crisis
(2) oppose colonial expansion in Africa and
Asia (3) argue against government regulation
of business practices (4) defend
limits on the number of immigrants
allowed to work in factories
51- GILDED AGE Labor Unions - Open
Shops vs Closed Shops - Tactics
Immigration - wages hours -
Melting Pot - Quotas . Nativism
- Nationalism role of schools NATIVISM
WASP (white protestant male) protect rights
of those born in America anti foreigner
anti communist
52- Nativism in the late 19th century was
motivated primarily by - 1. hostility toward immigrant workers
- 2. the need to reduce overcrowding in
western states - 3. cultural conflicts with Native American
Indians - 4. the migration of African Americans
to northern cities
53- GILDED AGE U.S. Government - Sherman
Anti-Trust Act break-up BIG companies
- Interstate Commerce Act regulate
RRs - Munn v. Illinois
Congress has power on INTERstate
54- A main purpose of President Theodore
Roosevelts trustbusting policies was to - 1. reduce corruption in government
- 2. save the nations banks
- 3. encourage competition in business
- 4. end strikes by labor unions
55- THE WEST - Appalachian Mountains -
Louisiana Purchase - Manifest Destiny -
Mexican-American War - Indian Removal Acts
- Worcester v. Georgia - Trail of
56- The Indian Wars that occurred between 1860
and 1890 were mainly the result of (1)
disputes over the spread of slavery (2)
conflict with Mexico over Texas and California
(3) the search for gold in California (4)
the movement of settlers onto the Great Plains
57- THE WEST - Homestead Acts - role of
the Railroad - Grange Movement Farmers
Rights - Populism Farmers Socialism
58The Populist movement was most interested in
improving conditions for (1) farmers
(2) business leaders (3)
African Americans (4) Native
American Indians
59- PROGRESSIVE ERA - Social Reformers
- Susan B. Anthony - Dorothea Dix
- Ida Tarbell - Upton Sinclair -
Muckrakers - investigate social,
economic political wrongs -
Teddy Roosevelt Square Deal -
stewardship - anti-Monopoly fair
60- In the early 20th century, muckrakers were
able to influence American society mainly through
their - 1. frequent acts of civil disobedience
- 2. activities as government officials
- 3. publication of articles and books
- 4. control over factories
61- Which event of the early 1900s is evidence that
Upton Sinclairs novel The Jungle had an
important impact on the United States?1.
adoption of reforms in public education 2.
passage of legislation limiting immigration 3.
adoption of the 18th amendment
establishing Prohibition 4. passage of
legislation requiring Federal inspection
of meat
62- During which period in United States
history were the amendments concerning the income
tax, direct election of Senators, Prohibition,
and womens suffrage enacted? - 1. Reconstruction
- 2. The Gilded Age
- 3. Progressive Era
- 4. New Deal
63- Both the Sherman Antitrust Act and the
Clayton Antitrust Act were passed in response to
the problem of (1) companies refusing to hire
minority workers (2) businesses choosing to
hire illegal immigrants (3) unsafe working
conditions in factories (4) business
combinations limiting competition
64- U.S. at WAR (1900 - 1945) - 1800s -
Monroe Doctrine - Commodore William Perry
- Open Door Policy - early 1900s
- Spanish-American War - Roosevelt
Corollary - Dollar Diplomacy -
Good Neighbor Policy
65- The principle that the United States has
the right to act as the "policeman of the Western
Hemisphere" and intervene in the internal affairs
of Latin American nations was established by the - 1. Good Neighbor policy
- 2. Open Door policy
- 3. Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe
Doctrine - 4. Marshall Plan
66- Early in the 20th century, Presidents
William Taft and Woodrow Wilson used the concept
of "Dollar Diplomacy" to - 1. help European nations avoid war
- 2. expand United States influence in China
- 3. protect United States investments
in Latin America - 4. support welfare programs for
immigrants to the United States
67World War I (1914 - 1918)
- World War I - CAUSES Nationalism/Ethnic
Groups Alliances Imperialism Militarism
68World War I (1914 - 1918)
- U.S. Involvement - Zimmerman Note/Telegram
- Mexico Texas - sinking of Lusitania
69 World War I (1914 - 1918)
- World War I - EFFECTSTreaty of Versailles
Germany humiliated - - -gt World War II - Collapse of 3 Empires - Austria - Hungary -
Ottoman - Russian
70 World War II (1939 - 1945)
- World War II - CAUSES- Weimar Germany- world
depression- ? League of Nations ?- Rise of
Fascism - Hitler - Mussolini
71- A major reason for the isolationist trend
in the United States following World War I was - 1. a desire to continue the reforms of the
Progressives - 2. the publics desire to end most trade
with other nations - 3. the failure of the United States to
gain new territory - 4. the reality of the outcomes of the war
death, wounded, land destroyed
- Led by Hitler Nazi Germany
- Plan to exterminate ALL Jews - 6 million
Jews 4 million non-Jews - Nuremberg Laws 1935
- Rights deprived - citizenship, property,
movement, life - Death Camps (Concentration Camps - Auschwitz,
Dachau - Loss of Assets
73- U.S. involvement in World War II -
Lend-Lease Act - Pearl Harbor - Potsdam
Yalta Conferences - Manhattan Project
- Hiroshima Nagasaki
74- World War II the aftermath - Japanese
surrender - US occupation of Japan -
Nuremberg Trials hunt/search for Nazi
war criminals - Germany divided -
Berlin divided - United Nations created
- Security Council .. peace
- 5 Permanent members
75- In the years just after World War II, the
United States attempted to prevent the spread of
communism in Europe mainly by - 1. taking over the governments of several
Western European nations - 2. increasing opportunities for political
refugees to settle in the United States - 3. holding a series of summit meetings with
leaders of the Soviet Union - 4. establishing policies of economic and
military aid for European nations
76- Human Rights during Wartime - Schenk v.
United States - Korematsu v. United States
77- Which generalization is consistent with the
ruling of the United States Supreme Court in
Schenck v. United States? - 1. The freedoms guaranteed in the Bill of
Rights are virtually unlimited - 2. Government has the right to suspend any
rights at any time. - 3. Individual rights can be limited in the
national interest - 4. The balance between individual rights and
the general social welfare almost always favors
individual rights.
78- Prosperity Depression - Roaring 20s
(Society) - Coolidge Prosperity
business - GREAT DEPRESSION - buying
on margin - Stock Market Crash -
Bonus Army Hoovervilles
79- FDR NEW DEAL - Bank Reforms -
Jobs - Unemployment Insurance - court
packing Schechter v. Poultry too
much power
80- The Harlem Renaissance of the 1920s was a
period when African Americans - 1. left the United States in large numbers to
settle in Nigeria - 2. created noteworthy works of art and
literature - 3. migrated to the West in search of land and
jobs - 4. used civil disobedience to fight segregation
in the Armed Forces
81- The 1920s are sometimes called the "Roaring
Twenties" because - 1. foreign trade prospered after World War I
- 2. the United States assumed a leadership role
in world affairs - 3. political reforms made government more
democratic - 4. widespread social and economic change
82- In the 1920s, the Immigration Act of 1924 and
the Sacco-Vanzetti trial were typical of the - 1. rejection of traditional customs and beliefs
- 2. acceptance of cultural differences
- 3. increase in nativism and intolerance
- 4. support of humanitarian causes
83- In the 1930s, the enactment of New Deal
programs demonstrated a belief that - 1. corporations were best left to operate
without government interference - 2. state governments should give up control over
commerce inside their states - 3. the Federal Government must concern itself
with the peoples economic well-being - 4. the United States Constitution was not
relevant to 20th-century life
84- The main purpose of New Deal measures such as
the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and
the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC)
was to - 1. provide immediate employment opportunities
- 2. develop rules to limit speculation and
safeguard savings - 3. enable the Federal Government to take over
failing industries - 4. assure a guaranteed income for American
85- Lend Lease Act pre World War II
86The Lend-Lease Act and the Destroyers-for-Bases
deal were adopted prior to World War II primarily
because these actions would 1. help Allied
nations without the United States entering
the war 2. stop the spread of communism 3.
convince the American people that war was
necessary 4. create jobs to end the Great
87 World War II (1939 - 1945)
- World War II - EFFECTS- Decline of European
Imperialism - Independence Movements-
Cold War U.S. vs U.S.S.R.- Germany
divided- United Nations created
(Soviet Union) democracy vs
totalitarianism capitalism vs
communism/socialism NATO vs
Warsaw Pact - Arms
race - Nuclear race - Space race -
Nationalism - Olympics
89- COLD WAR / Post World War II - US
economic aid - Truman Doctrine
Eisenhower Doctrine prevent
communism Containment
- Marshall Plan (give aid )
90- As World War II was ending, the United
States decided to join the United Nations mainly
because the United States - 1. sought to meet the American publics
overwhelming demand for free-trade agreements - 2. wanted to continue to play the same role it
had in the League of Nations - 3. recognized that efforts to achieve world
peace required United States involvement - 4. wanted to stop the growing influence of newly
independent developing nations
91- A common purpose of the Truman Doctrine, the
Marshall Plan, and the Eisenhower Doctrine was
to - 1. carry out the United States policy of
preventing the spread of communism - 2. insure the survival of the newly independent
nations of Africa and Asia - 3. limit the proliferation of nuclear weapons
- 4. provide medical aid to Latin American nations
92- COLD WAR Limited Conflict -
Berlin Airlift - Korean War - Iron Curtain /
Berlin Wall - Cuban Missile Crisis - Bay of
Pigs Invasion - Vietnam War -
Afghanistan - Nicaragua
93- COLD WAR Negotiations - détente -
SALT ( Strategic Arms Limitations
Treaties) - Ping Pong Diplomacy
94- The primary purpose of the War Powers Act
(1973) is to - 1. limit Presidential power to send troops into
combat - 2. allow for a quicker response to a military
attack - 3. assure adequate defense of the Western
Hemisphere - 4. stop the use of troops for nonmilitary
95- Which foreign policy concept can be used to
describe the deliberate decrease in nuclear
weapons by both the United States and the Soviet
Union in the late 1970s and during the 1980s ?
(1) appeasement (2) peaceful
coexistence (3) détente (4)
domino theory
96- COLD WAR in US - 1920s Red Scare
- 1950s McCarthyism -
Black Lists / listing -
Alger Hiss - HUAC
(House UnAmerican Activities
97- A similarity between the Red Scare of the
1920s and McCarthyism in the 1950s was that
during each period - 1. thousands of American citizens were expelled
from the United States - 2. the Communist Party gained many members in
the United States - 3. many government employees were convicted of
giving secrets to the Soviet Union - 4. the civil liberties of American citizens were
98- Post World War II US society - US
troops come home - GI Bill - Role of
Women - Population Boom - Suburbia
- Highways across America / US -
Education - Public Schools K - 12
- College - Radio Television Black
White - Color
99- All of the following factors promoted the
growth of suburbs EXCEPT? - 1. low-cost government loans.2. expanded
road and highway construction.3. laws
forbidding residential segregation by
races.4. increased automobile production.
100- 1950s US Presidents Truman -
Fair Deal - public housing
- Workers - Union dues
- Strikes - Korea
101- 1950s US Presidents Eisenhower -
Containment Policy / Domino Theory -
John Foster Dulles - Brinkmanship
- Eisenhower Doctrine -
Middle East Israel Turkey
(missiles facing Soviet Union) - NASA
. Space - National Education Act
102- President Truman contributed to the
anti-Communist fear after the Second World War
by? - 1. recommending that "pro-Communist" books be
removed from the nation's libraries and
bookstores. - 2. ordering investigations into the loyalty of
federal employees. - 3. claiming that all liberal Democrats were
Communist sympathizers - 4. releasing classified information revealing
an international Communist conspiracy.
103- AMERICAN Civil Rights - Warren Courts
- Jackie Robinson Brooklyn Dodgers -
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka -
Little Rock School Desegregation - Civil
Rights Act Poll Tax
104- AMERICAN Civil Rights - Rosa Parks -
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. - March on
Washington - I have a dream .
Gandhi .. Mandela . - Birmingham Protests
- Black Muslims - Malcolm X -
NAACP - Civil Unrest in Cities
rioting out of frustration ...
105- AMERICAN Civil Rights - Cesar Chavez
- NOW Betty Friedan Eleanor
Roosevelt Nancy Reagan Hillary
Clinton ERA - Roe v. Wade
Sandra Day OConnor Geraldine Ferraro
Female President ?
106- The major goal of the civil rights movement
of the 1960s was to - 1. establish a separate political state for
African Americans - 2. gain passage of an equal rights amendment to
the Constitution - 3. end segregation based on race
- 4. permit unlimited immigration to the United
107Under Chief Justice Earl Warren, the Supreme
Court was considered "activist" because of
its 1. reluctance to overturn state laws 2.
insistence on restricting freedom of speech
to spoken words 3. expansion of individual
rights in criminal cases 4. refusal to
reconsider the issues of the Plessy v.
Ferguson case
108Which generalization can most accurately be drawn
from a study of Supreme Court cases Plessy v.
Ferguson and Brown v. Board of Education? 1.
The Supreme Court has issued consistent decisions
in cases involving rights of the accused.
2. Supreme Court decisions are accepted
without public controversy. 3. The Justices
believe that social issues are best left
for state courts to decide. 4. The Supreme
Court has helped to determine public
109- AMERICAN Civil Rights - Equal Employment
Opportunity Act - Title IX -
Affirmative Action - American Indian
Movement - American Disability Act - US
Supreme Court - Clarence Thomas
110- AMERICAN Civil Rights - Escobedo v.
Illinois - Gideon v. Wainwright -
Miranda v. Arizona - Baake v. University of
California - Engle v. Vitale
111- The decisions of the United States Supreme
Court in Miranda v. Arizona, Gideon v.
Wainwright, and Escobedo v. Illinois all advanced
the - 1. voting rights of minorities
- 2. guarantees of free speech and press
- 3. principle of separation of church and state
- 4. rights of accused persons
112- 1960s JFK (John F. Kennedy) - Cuban
Missile Crisis - Bay of Pigs Invasion
- Vietnam - Gulf of Tonkin
- Space Launches - Peace Corps
Assassinations JFK
Dr. Martin Luther King, JR. Bobby
113- President John F. Kennedy supported the 1961
Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba as an effort to
(1) remove a communist dictator from power (2)
stop the flow of illegal drugs to the
United States (3) support Fidel Castro's efforts
for reform (4) rescue hostages held by
Cuban freedom fighters
114The Alliance for Progress, proposed by President
Kennedy in 1961, can be most accurately called an
added dimension of? 1. the Truman
Doctrine. 2. the League of Nations. 3.
the Point Four Program. 4. the Lend-Lease
Act. 5. the Good Neighbor policy.
115- 1960s LBJ (Lyndon Johnson) - Vietnam
Escalation - 500,000 troops -
drugs - draft - Agent Orange
Napalm - Vietnam Protests - Kent
State - 60s Hippie Culture -
Woodstock - Drugs - Pentagon Papers
New York Times v. United States
116- 1960s LBJ (Lyndon Johnson) - Great
Society - War on Poverty -
VISTA - Neighborhood Youth Corp.
- / Aid to Elderly -
Non-discrimination Housing - Voting Rights
Act of 1960s
117The Great Society programs of the 1960s used the
power of the Federal Government to bring
about 1. an all-volunteer military 2.
antipoverty reforms 3. deregulation of business
4. reduced defense spending
118- The Great Society of Lyndon Johnson is most
similar to which other Presidential program? - 1. Warren Hardings Return to Normalcy
- 2. Franklin D. Roosevelts New Deal
- 3. Ronald Reagans New Federalism
- 4. George Bushs Thousand Points of Light
119- The Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting
Rights Act, the Fair Housing Act, and the
Americans with Disabilities Act were government
efforts to (1) eliminate restrictions on
immigration (2) end discrimination against
various groups (3) provide federal aid for
children (4) require equal treatment of men
and woman
120- 1968 - 1973 Richard Nixon - War Powers
Act - Paris Peace Accords - détente
- Ping Pong Diplomacy - Inflation -
Wage Price Freeze - Man on the Moon -
Watergate - Impeachment - Nixon v.
United States
121"President Nixon Plans Trip to China To Meet with
Chairman Mao""President Carter Signs New Panama
Canal Treaty""President Clinton Concludes Trade
Agreement with Japan"Each headline illustrates
an action of a President fulfilling his role
as 1. head of his political party 3.
chief diplomat 2. Commander in Chief 4.
chief legislator
122The main significance of the Watergate affair was
that it 1. led to the impeachment and
conviction of President Richard Nixon 2.
showed that the laws of the United States are
superior to the actions of a President 3. was
the first time a President had disagreed
with Congress 4. proved that Presidential
powers are unlimited
123 Which principle was most weakened as a result
of the Watergate controversy? 1.
congressional immunity 2. judicial
review 3. executive privilege 4.
States' Rights
124- 1970s Gerald Ford - not elected -
Nixon pardon - economic recession -
OPEC oil embargo
125- 1970s Jimmy Carter - Created -
Department of Education - Department of
Energy - set aside virgin lands in
Alaska -- recession - unemployment
- High Interest rates - oil shortage
-- Iran Ayatollah Khomeini - oil cut off
- 52 US hostages for 444 days
126Which factor contributed most to inflation in the
United States during the 1970s? (1) high
tariffs (2) oil embargoes (3) tax
increases (4) high unemployment
127- 1980s Ronald Reagan - Conservative Right
- Strong Foreign Policy build up US
military - Iran Hostage Crisis
-- Iran - Contra - Fall of Communism
- détente nuclear arms reductions -
Nicaragua - US involvement in Persian Gulf
beginning - reflaging Kuwait oil tankers
128- 1980s Ronald Reagan - Conservative Right
- Domestic Policy - supply economics
- trickle down economics -
tax cuts to rich, big business - US
land sold in West - New Federalism
- given to States - Federal
funding cut - education
- elderly
129- 1980s Ronald Reagan - Conservative Right
- Domestic Policy Part II
Economic Upswing
Employment Interest rates lowered
130- Ronald Reagans election win in the 1980
presidential race showed the power of 1.
liberal, Far Left, democrats2. conservative,
New Right, republicans3. federalists4.
131(No Transcript)
132The "supply side" economics of President Ronald
Reagan and President George Bush favored
133- 1980s/90s George Bush Sr. - Foreign
Policy - Operation Desert Storm 1990 -
91 5 weeks - Invasion of
Panama - Domestic Policy -
recession - unemployment -
poverty rate - Government bail out of
Savings Loans
134The Korean War and the Persian Gulf War were
similar in that both
135- 1990s Bill Clinton - Foreign Policy
- Somalia - Bosnia Kosovo - Haiti
- NAFTA - Domestic
Policy - economic upswing
employment Health Care
Family Leave Balanced Budget
136- 1990s Bill Clinton - Downfall / Pitfall
- Sex Scandal - Arkansas Land Deal
137- What general theme did Bill Clinton stress
most consistently in his 1992 presidential
campaign? 1. equal rights for all
minorities.2. an immediate freeze of military
spending.3. the economy.4. health care reform.
138- 2000 - 2002 George Bush Jr. - Terrorism
comes home - 9/11 . WTC Pentagon
- Homeland Defense - Afghanistan
- Iraq ? Foreign Policy (1st Strike
Pre emptive) get them before
they get you
139- 2000 - 2004 George W. Bush (II) Domestic
- Unemployment - Gas prices
- Society. general fear
anthrax - Growing Federal Budget
Deficit - School violence bomb
threats, physical attacks Election of 2004
November 2, 2004
140(No Transcript)
141(No Transcript)
142- Problems going into the 21st Century -
Education - raising standards -
cost - keeping pace with Technology -
Housing costs - People living longer
- Social Security - Medical costs
- Jobs as people can work more years
- Racial Harmony - Inner City Crime
- Pervasiveness among upper class
143- Problems going into the 21st Century -
Military costs - Global warming -
Fresh water supply - Alternative Energy
sources - Electricity - cost
- supply enough of it ? ? ? -
Farmers plight problems - costs
- to produce - taxes on
144- Problems going into the 21st Century -
Terrorism - stereotyping - fear
general panic - mass media (TV) overkill
145- The growth of modern technology has resulted
in1. a decrease in the population of the world
2. increasing interdependence among nations 3.
a growing need for unskilled labor 4. a sharp
decline in the need for oil and coal
QUESTIONS email me