Title: The New Deal
1The New Deal
2The Old Deal
- President Hoovers reaction to the Great
President Herbert Hoover
3The Old Deal
What did he want to do?
- Let the business cycle take care of things
- Refused to create government programs until it
was too late
Children in one of the Bonus Army Camps
4The Bonus Army 1932
- Marched to Washington D.C. to get a bonus they
were supposed to get in 1945
5The Bonus Army 1932
What did Hoover do?
- Called out the troops and dispersed the army
6The Election of 1932
- Roosevelt offers a New Deal for America
- Roosevelt wins with 60 of the vote
7Thinking slide
Was Hoover a bad president or was he in the wrong
place at the wrong time?
8Roosevelts New Deal
- Programs meant to help the country by getting the
government involved in the economy
Meant to do 3 things
1. Relief - help people out in the short term 2.
Recovery - get the economy back on its feet 3.
Reform - keep this from everyhappening again
9Repealing of Prohibition
- 21st Amendment - repealed prohibition (18th
Amendment - Question Why repeal prohibition?
- What was wrong with the 18th Amendment? What
problems did it cause? What good did it do?
10Bank Holiday - First Step
- Many banks had failed, wiping out families
- People lost confidence in the banks
Depositors Congregate Outside Closed Bank
11Next Step - Alphabet Soup
Hundred Days
- In the first 100 days of his administration
Roosevelt passes tons of legislation
Alphabet Soup
- The agencies he creates (like AAA, CCC, TVA,
12Next Step - Alphabet Soup
FDIC - Federal Depositors Insurance Corp.
- Insurance for the you put in banks
- Protected peoples savings
Bank Employee Checks Depositor's Account
13His Greatest Mistake
Packing the Supreme Court
- Increase the of Supreme Court justices from 9
to 15
- Kept declaring his programs unconstitutional
(including NRA, AAA, SEC, etc.)
14His Greatest Mistake
Packing the Supreme Court
- Public grew angry (FDR taking too much power)
- FDR passed much less legislation after this
Supreme Court Exterior
15Other Critics
- Demagogues leaders who manipulate people with
half truths. - Father Charles Coughlin
- Radio Priest radio show reaching 10 million
- Originally supported FDR and New Deal
- 1934 - National Union for Social Justice
- Called FDR Franklin Double Crossing Roosevelt
and a betrayer and liar - Coughlins ideas were reckless
- 1942 ordered by Catholic Church to stop
broadcasting show.
16More Critics
- Huey Long
- US Senator from Louisiana
- Redistribution of Wealth
- Only could make up to 1 million dollars
- The rest would be collected by government and
redistributed to give every American family a
minimum household estate of 5000 dollars and
minimum income of 2500 dollars. - Also called for
- Shorter working hours, more vet benefits,
education payments and pensions for elderly.
17More Critics
- Dr. Francis Townsend
- Wanted more done for older Americans in the New
Deal. - Americans specifically 60 and over (pension
plans) -
18A Political Partnership
- Franklin Roosevelt
- Appealing blend of cheerfulness, optimism, and
confidence - An effective communicator (ex. fireside chats)
- A reform-minded Democrat
- Believed the government could solve economic and
social problems
- Eleanor Roosevelt
- Eyes and ears of her husband
- Directed efforts to solve several major social
issues (ex. lynching of African Americans) - Wrote her own newspaper column
- Had the trust and affection of many Americans
19The New Deal - Pros and Cons
- Restored optimism and hope to Americans
- Provided necessary relief to many
- Did not really fix the depression
- Left the nation with much debt
- Left people too dependent on government (?)
- Why was FDR's administration labeled the "New
Deal?" What were its three goals? - What sort of relationship did President Roosevelt
develop with the press and the public? - What role did the radio play in Depression-era
America? - What role did Mrs. Roosevelt play in her
husband's administration? - Why did FDR engage in a series of "Fireside
Chats" with the American people?