Title: Library of Congress Subject Headings LCSH
1Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH)
- LCSH brief introduction
- Headings
- Syndetic structure
- Subdivisions
3Subject Heading lists
- Have three major components
- The terminology or the vocabulary
- The semantic structure, that is, the
interrelationships between individual terms - The principles, policies and techniques for
creating and assigning subject headings
- Is a list of terms authorized by the Library of
Congress for use in its own subject cataloguing - Originally developed by the Library of Congress
(first published in 1914) - Aimed to facilitate standardization and
consistency within and among American libraries - Is based on literary warrant
- Constantly updated
- Available
- Online (Classification Web)
- Print (5 vol. Annually)
- Weekly lists
- 27th edition has been published in 2004
- Using LCSH is part of subject cataloguing
61) Headings
- Topical
- Listed in LCSH
- Created e.g. events, places
- War of the Pacific, 1879-1884
- Grado Lagoon (Italy)
- Name or title see AACR2R
- Jimmy Carter, not James Earl Carter
- Scope notes define heading
- e.g. College musicals (May Subd Geog) Here are
entered musicals, reviews, etc., by college or
university students for production and
performance by students.
72) Syndetic structure
- UF used for
- BT broader term
- NT narrower term
- RT related term
- SA general see also
- e.g. Library science
8 Library science (May Subd Geog)
UF Librarianship Libraries--Administratio
n Libraries--Organization Library
economy BT Documentation Information
Science RT Bibliography NT ClassificationBooks
Library science Communication in library
science Comparative librarianship
International librarianship medical
librarianship Music librarianship
Serials librarianship
93) Subdivisions Sources
- Listed
- e.g. Libraries Taxation Law and legislation
- Free-floating
- e.g. Libraries
SA subdivision Library
under names of individual persons, families, and
corporate bodies
103) Subdivisions types
- Topical
- e.g. Libraries Accounting
- Form
- e.g. Libraries Book lists
- Chronological
- e.g. Libraries History To 400
- Geographic
- Publishers and publishing (May Subd Geog)
113) Subdivisions Geographic
- Libraries Canada
- Libraries Cultural programs Brazil
- Libraries Michigan Automation Directories
- Libraries Michigan Detroit
- Libraries Quebec (Province) Montreal
History - Libraries Scotland Glasgow
- Libraries United States Automation
12Order of subdivisions
- Main heading Topical subdivision Geographic
subdivision -- Chronologic subdivision Form
subdivision - Example Libraries Aims and objectives
Japan 19th century Congresses - There are variations to this pattern depending on
the designation (May Subd Geog) -
- Example Art Italy Naples Exhibitions
- If the designation follows the topical, period or
form subdivision, the geographic subdivision
follows the other subdivision, -
- Example Teachers Training of Canada
134) LCSH and MARC
- 600 ?0 personal name
- 610 ?0 corporate name
- 611 ?0 meeting name
- 650 0 topical heading
- 651 0 geographic heading
14LCSH headings in MARC
- 600 10 a Martin, Paul, d 1938-
- 610 20 a Canadian Association of Law Libraries
- 611 20 a Conference on how to capitalize on
research - 650 0 a Digital libraries
- 651 0 a France
154) LCSH and MARC
- Subdivisions
- v form
- x general/topical
- y chronological
- z geographic
16245 00 a Library history research in America
including a bibliography ... 610 20 a American
Library Association. b Library History Round
Table. 650 _0 a Library science x History.
650 _0 a Libraries x History y 20th century.
650 _0 a Libraries z United States. 650 _0 a
Libraries and society x History. 650 _0 a
Library science v Bibliography ...
17Subject Authority Record
- An authority record is a tool used by librarians
to establish forms of names (for persons, places,
meetings, and organizations), titles, and
subjects used on bibliographic records. - It is available on http//authorities.loc.gov
- Includes subject authority headings
18A subject authority record
19Some tips for assigning subject headings to works
- Analyze the title into subfacets
- Search for subfacets in LCSH
- Check different variations of a term e.g.
literary vs. literature - Remember to check free floating subdivisions
most titles have subfacets that can be
represented using free floating subdivisions
20LCSH assignment
- Up to 4 subject headings to be assigned to each
example - Most examples need one or two subject headings
- Ensure that you have covered the key facets of
the example
21(No Transcript)
22LCSH user interface
- Structured SHs
- Railroads--Zaire Railroads--Zambia R S
Railroads--Zimbabwe R S Railroads, Aerial
Railroads and earthquakes Railroads and state
(May Subd Geog) R S
- Unstructured SHs
- Railroads--Advertising Railroads, Aerial
Railroads--Africa, East Railroads--Africa,
Northeast Railroads--Air-brakes
Railroads--Airspace utilization Railroads and
earthquakes Railroads and state