Title: An Eye on Tianjin
1 2Tianjin New Locomotive of Chinas Economy
- 1980s Pearl River
- Delta Shenzhen
- 1990s Yangtze
- River Delta
- Shanghai Pudong
- 21st century Bohai
- Bay Rim Area
- Tianjin
3An Engine of Growth
GDP Growth Rate for China was over 9 in 2008
(2007 11.9).
Foreign Direct Investment in Tianjin 2006 to
2009 (forecast)
- Leader of Chinas future economy
4With the Capacity for Further Success
High Speed Railway connected to Chinas
capital 30 minutes with speed of 350 Km/h
Tianjin (population of 11.15 million)
Largest Air Cargo Hub in Northern China Tianjin
Binhai International Airport Annual throughput
10 million person-time
500,000 tons air cargo
- Tianjin has been honored as
- The city with the best improvement in its
- business environment
- The city with the most potential in China
- Source FORTUNE China Magazine Sept. 2008
6th Largest Harbor in the world Annual
throughput 300 million tons
5Recent Investment Highlights
Industries with major recent investments in
6Tianjin Binhai New Area (TBNA)
Area 2,270 square km Population 1.4
million Coastline 153 km
Seaport Industrial Zone
7TBNA On Chinas Cutting Edge
- Financial Innovation
- Foreign exchange reform
- First OTC market in China
- National experimental zone for insurance reforms
- Various kinds of funds
Modern Manufacture Base
- Land Reform Pilot Area
- Reform of land use
- approval system
- Reform of land use right
- transfer system
- Ecology City
- Energy efficient
- Emission reductions
- Lifestyle-oriented city
- Tianjin Dongjiang Free Trade Port Zone
- Will be the largest
- bonded port zone in
- China
- Area 30 sq. km
- To be completed in 2012
8Tianjin Promoting Sustainable Development
The Tianjin Government has adopted a Sustainable
Development strategy. One example of that
strategy in action
Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city Sino-Singapore
Tianjin Eco-city is a strategic cooperation
project between China and Singapore to improve
the living environment and build an eco-culture.
Total area 31.23 sq km Planned population
Development Goals of the Eco-city (1) Efficient
Economy (2) Ecological Environment (3) Harmonious
Society (4) Culture Building (5) Regional Balance
9Future Opportunities
RMB4 trillion (US586 billion) financial
stimulus package in China
- Key Transportation and Infrastructure Projects
- High speed railway to Shanghai and nearby cities
- Regional Highways
- Second Runway for the Tianjin Binhai
International Airport - Dongjiang Free Trade Port Zone
- Railway stations transportation system
- 5 Metro lines
- Eco-city development
- CBD development of TBNA
There are 863 projects on going and total
investment will reach 1.4 trillion RMB.
10Future Opportunities
- Aerospace
- Aviation
- Automotive
- IT
- Wind Power
- Solar Power
- Real Estate
- Financial Services
- Logistics
- Retail and Distribution
- Entertainment
- Tourism
11Polling Question 3
Which of the following industries in Tianjin is
most attractive and important for your business?
- Aerospace Aviation
- Electronics
- Petrochemicals
- Automotive
- Bio-Pharmaceutical
- New Energy and Environment Protection
- Don't know/not applicable
12Contact info
- Clarence Kwan
- clkwan_at_deloitte.com
- 1 212 436 5407
- Chris Lu
- 86 21 6141 1003
- chrislu_at_deloitte.com.cn
- Vice Mayor Ren Xue Feng
- 86 22 2332 7563
- renxf_at_tj.gov.cn
13A member firm of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu